How to eliminate noise in a mixer?


Almost anyone faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon when when the crane in the bathroom is turned on or a strong, unpleasant noise is distributed in the kitchen. It is believed that this is defective the crane itself, which should be simply changed, but how much is this statement right? Why make noise faucet any design?

How to eliminate noise in a mixer?

Circuit diagram of the kitchen mixer.

The reason for this is pretty simple: when the mixer turns on, the water flow passes through the cartridge installed inside. When the flow passes, there is a sharp drop in the pressure level inside, while there is a sharp noise. Such a phenomenon is also called cavitation. The answer to the questioned question is simple, but the nerves do not soothes. Such noise appearing with each use of the tap in the bathroom is strongly annoying, especially if there are small children in the house, which can wake up from noise. But this problem is not so complicated, it is solved easily, it is only necessary to deal with the type of mixer, which is installed in your bathroom or in the kitchen, as the repair depends on it.

It is necessary to determine, when you turn on what kind of crane, a hum is cold or hot. This will help disassemble the faucet not entirely, but only that part of it, when the problem occurs and there is a problem.

We are looking for a problem in the design

How to eliminate noise in a mixer?

Repair the mixer with your own hands.

Before you figure out why the crane is noise, it is necessary to understand what it represents and what kind of varieties are. Today, the market offers mixers of a wide variety of structures, including those popular:

  • conventional valve mixer;
  • lever mixer;
  • Combined mixer;
  • Mixer for installing a hygienic soul.

Consider these types of water supply designs in more detail.

The valve faucets are devices that have a water flow gate. In this case, the supply, volume, water temperature is adjustable when the valve is rotated. A special device is installed under a decorative handle, the so-called crane-tan, which can be ceramic or traditional with rubber gasket. In this case, when the tap is noise, the problem is precisely in the crane-reception. Rubber gaskets of the usual device wear out with time, require replacement. In addition to noise, they can cause the crane begins to leak, that is, the gasket is required to be replaced. For the ceramic cartridge, the reason for noise becomes a special silicone liner, which adjusts the rings from ceramics. In this case, it is impossible to take and replace and replace the liner, it is necessary to dismiss the entire crane.

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What is the case with other faucet designs?

Mixer assembly scheme.

A more modern is a lever mixer that has no valves. For water supply, pressure adjustment, its temperature is used by a special lever. It can be rotated in different directions: up / down, right / left depending on which result is necessary. When you move this lever up / down, the water is turned on / off, when moving left / right, the cold and hot mode switching is switched. The mixers used today can be divided into two groups:

  1. Ball valve, where water supply is regulated by a special sphere with three holes. Through two of them, hot and cold water comes, and the third ensures the flow of the jet of the already necessary temperature. The lever adjusts the position of the sphere, that is, and temperatures, pressure supplied through the vulgarity of water.
  2. With a ceramic cartridge. Such cranes are similar to the ball, but they are more vulnerable. Adjusting the pressure and temperature is carried out due to the combination of ceramic rings.

When the tap is noise when turned on, it means that the lever mixers means that the fault itself is not faulty, but it is simply necessary to adjust the pressure in the feed pipe. This is a positive property of mixers of this type, which are not only convenient and economical to use, but also more reliable.

How to eliminate noise in the mixer?

Installation of the kitchen mixer (useful tips).

Combined mixers are structures that can be valve, but at the same time equipped with lever control.

In addition, the mixers for the hygienic shower are separated separately. Here the noise means not that the tap is not working, but the fact that the installation of equipment for controlling pressure in the water pipes themselves is necessary.

As you can see, the conditions for the occurrence of noise in mixers of different types may differ, therefore the repair performed to eliminate the problem will also be different.

Solving noise troubleshooting

The reasons why the mixer noise is varied, but they all converge in one - the malfunction of the equipment. Most often, the tap is noise due to the faulty crane, then there is a special assembly assembly. They are common with rubber gasket and ceramic. How to determine which type of crane-ink worth you? Everything is quite simple:
  • If, when opening the water, the mixer valve turns only half the turnover, then you have a ceramic element;
  • If it is necessary to ensure several valve turns to turn on the water, then your mixer accurately has a regular tank with rubber gasket.

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One of the most common myths is that the mixer with a ceramic element cannot make noise, whereas ordinary cranes are often becoming a source of strong and unpleasant noise. But this statement is rooted incorrectly.

Both ceramic, and ordinary letters are noisy equally strongly due to malfunction.

What if you are buzzing a crane with ordinary buxy? It is necessary to repair, observing this procedure:

  1. The first thing you want to do is completely overlapping the water supply that enters the mixer.
  2. After that, it is necessary to disassemble the design, remove the valve with the letters. To do this, it is enough to unscrew a special bolt that holds the valve (or lever).
  3. After the valve is removed, you must carefully unscrew the crane-tap, and then remove the gasket from rubber and inspect, in what condition it is.
  4. If the state of the gasket is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to simply replace it with a new one by cutting the edge of about one mm. When performing such preparation, it is necessary to watch the corner of the cutting was not less than 45 °. Next to seal the gasket turns the fum-ribbon and is installed on the intended place.
  5. After that, the crane is returned to the place, the valve is fastened back, the performance is checked. If everything is done correctly, then the mixer is no longer no cozy.

And if the insert from ceramics?

But if you started a faucet with a ceramic liner, the most likely cause of the malfunction is the silicone washer, which is seated during operation. This washer in the crane is used to join the rings of ceramics in the correct position. When combining the rings, the supply of water jet is adjusted through the blender of the mixer. If your crane with ceramic buxes begins to make a lot, then it is best to replace the entire ceramic liner to a new one that suits specifically for your model of the mixer. To select the correct diameter of such a liner, you can take the old to the store.

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If your lever mixer begins to make noise, then the problem can be concluded at all in the equipment. Typically, such models of cranes are not noisy even if there are states. But if you can hear the buzz or other noise, then the problem is the plumbing. As a rule, such unpleasant noise effects arise due to the fact that it is necessary to normalize the pressure in the pipes. Before mounting the mixer, you need to install a special gearbox on the plumbing, which will control the pressure level. It limits it at the level of 2.5 atmospheres, after which noise in the pipes is completely stopped.

Similar noise problems may occur when using the hygienic soul in the bathroom. While installing it, it is recommended to immediately install a gearbox that will control the pressure level. The valve mixer is rarely installed, most often these are modern thermostatic cranes. So problems with gaskets and cartridges can not be. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately take prophylactic measures against the occurrence of noise.

Almost everyone came across such an unpleasant phenomenon when the crane when opening begins to noise. It is believed that only ordinary simple mixers who have rubber gaskets suffer such a problem, but in fact it is not so. Problems may occur with any type of crane installed, but the causes of the noise are different. Repair work to eliminate such sound effects are specific, but they do not occupy a lot of time, the masters also do not need to be needed, you can do everything with your own hands.

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