When installing doors when repairing: before finishing and after it is completed


During repair in the apartment, you have to fulfill a lot of work and spend a lot of time and money for it. The end of the repair work can be considered the installation of input and interior doors. They give the dwelling the finished look and create a certain comfort in the apartment. At what stage it is best to put the doors when repairing when you should do it?

When installing doors when repairing: before finishing and after it is completed

Installation of doors consists of the following steps: assembly and installation of the door frame, installation of the door leaf, installation of platbands.

Selection of interroom doors

The choice of doors should be related to full responsibility. What should pay special attention to? High-quality door leaf is usually sold complete with a box and with platbands. Serious firms are supplied in a set and elements for fasteners of the box. It will be left to choose loops, locks and handles for them.

Measurements of interroom doors before installation.

With the winter-enabled heating, it usually slightly increases the gap between the door web and the box elements. It is best to choose the door block in terms of the size of the opening, so as not to perform an extra work on the disclosure of the walls for its expansion, do not cut off the extra centimeters from the door canvase.

In typical apartments, the openings have a width of 60-70 cm. Think well, is it sufficiently sufficient size. After all, through the open door will have to carry furniture, which may simply not fit into the room without disassembling. The same applies to the height, which should be the same for all interior doors.

It should be remembered that:

  • Doors can be made any configuration and color on request:
  • Sometimes you have to wait for the supply of the right product for several days, and even a month;
  • non-standard products require additional time for their manufacture;
  • Wooden doors or MDF should be seen and acclimatized in the house for about 3 days.

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What time is the installation of door blocks?

An independent installation of interroom and entrance doors is a rather difficult task. Its execution requires some skills, much attention. Work does not tolerate errors. When to install doors? The room must be specially prepared:

When installing doors when repairing: before finishing and after it is completed

The installation order of the door block.

  1. Walls in rooms must be plastered, covered and prepared for finishing finish.
  2. Must be fully equipped with a draft floor.
  3. All wet areas in the room must be completed, otherwise the installed doors will be sworn away from dampness.
  4. It is necessary to accurately perform all the necessary measurements. Errors in measurements will result in extensive time and money costs, as you have to increase or decrease the doorway.
  5. Door opening should be aligned vertically, otherwise the doors will be installed incorrectly and do not fit into the interior.
  6. Installation can be engaged in both in summer and in winter. The main thing is that the room was warm and dry. In a private house, it is recommended to perform this work in the summer when the temperature and humidity in the room is permanent.

Some wizards set the doors to the final finish of the floors and walls, but do it without platforms. The platbands are fixed in their places after the finishing finish. Other experts perform the installation of doors after finishing finishing works, explaining this by the fact that when completing the facing, you can damage the door canvas.

When installing doors when repairing: before finishing and after it is completed

Installing the door frame.

A compromise option is to mount the door frame before starting the finish finish, and put the canvas later. This makes it possible to install the box more accurately and not damage the facing material on the walls and on the floor. In this case, the surface of the box is recommended after it is installed to make a painted scotch, which will protect it from possible damage during the finishing work. At the end of the finish, the door canvas and platbands are installed.

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Installation of doors in the bathroom is produced in the latter queue. In other rooms, which are prepared for wake-up, doors can be installed both before and after decoration of the walls. In each case there are its pros and cons. If the installation is carried out before sticking, the plus it will be that dust, inevitable when installing the door frame, will not fall on the wallpaper. The minus of this method will spend time on the trimming of wallpaper and refueling them for the installed door.

When installing doors when repairing: before finishing and after it is completed

The process of installing the input metal door.

If the doors are mounted after pasting walls with wallpaper, you can hide behind the elements of the box and for the platbands, some marriage allowed by plasterers and painters. This is a plus. The minus may be incorrectly cropped wallpaper at the doorway, which cannot be closed with a platband.

What needs to be done earlier: put on the floor laminate or install the door? There is no big difference. If you correctly take into account the height of the floor surface after laying the laminate, you can install the box and the cloth to the laminate flooring. It is only important to think about the direction in which the door should open.

Before completing all the finishing works, it is recommended to install door blocks in the case when you have to reduce or increase door openings in width or height. This work is associated with the advent of a large amount of dirt and dust. All this can spoil the wall cladding, ceiling and floor.

Errors when installing doors

Errors per calculation can lead to the fact that after the placement of all furniture and household appliances, the door simply will not open and have to redo, changing the direction of its opening. As a result, the extra holes will be inevitably, which need to sharpen and paint. To avoid such errors, you can perform on a specific scale on paper the arrangement scheme of all items in the room. It will show the opportunity to open door flaps in one direction or another.

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When installing doors when repairing: before finishing and after it is completed

Clearance between the door and floor when installing the door.

The correctly installed door canvas easily opens to any angle and remains fixed in this position. If the door block is installed with a deviation from the vertical, the canvas will be spontaneously open or closed. In the worst case, the bottom of the door will touch the floor surface.

It is necessary to leave a gap of about 4 mm between the edge of the canvas from the castle and the stand of the box. If this is not done, with the slightest movement of the vertical rack as a result of the boxing of the box, the door will no longer function properly. The gap between the floor and the lower horizontal edge of the door is the ventilating hole. This is especially important for bathrooms and bathrooms. A fairly large gap allows you to freely open the door if there is all sorts of rugs under it.

New interior doors in the apartment, combined in color and design with furniture, give the interior of the finished look and certain comfort. Choose them - half of the case. You still need to fix them correctly. You can do it with your own hands. In a private house it is better to do in the summer. In the apartment with normal heating, the time of year does not have much importance.

Installing new doors are recommended after the end of all finishing finishing works.

This is done in order not to damage them. In some cases, this work is recommended to carry out the walls and gender.

The option is very convenient when the door block is installed before finishing work in the apartment. Then the canvas is removed, the details of the box are rushed with painting scotch, work is carried out on the finishing finish of all surfaces. Lastly, blocks are installed in the bathroom, the canvas are placed in the rest of the boxes. Repair completed.

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