Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet


Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet

Corner kitchen cabinet is an excellent solution for the room. Such furniture has a number of advantages, most importantly of which is compactness and capacity.

Kitchen with corner cabinets

Installation of corner cabinets in the kitchen allows you to use space with maximum efficiency. If a g-shaped headset layout is selected, then the cabinet in the corner is the most capacious. And at the same time he takes a minimum of space.

Corner cabinets have a number of benefits:

  • Furniture allows you to most effectively use room angles, which have always been considered so useless;
  • Despite its capacity, they have compact dimensions;
  • It can be placed in the corner of open shelves, decoring them with decorative elements, beautiful dishes, etc.

Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet

Outdoor cabinet

The corner cabinet to the kitchen may be the following types:

  • Mounted, mounted on the wall;
  • Floor, installed on the floor;
  • Soldier, an excellent solution for placing a large number of kitchen utensils.

Furniture can be with doors or open shelves. Options, in fact, a lot.

It is very convenient to use an angular cabinet under the sink. In rare cases, a cooking surface is installed on the countertop. Then, instead of a mounted locker, you can hang an extract.

Materials and sizes

Kitchen corner cabinets can be manufactured from various materials.

The most commonly used LDSP for the manufacture of the housing, and the sash can be made of MDF, wood, or the same LDSP. This furniture is distinguished by a low price, a variety of colors. In addition, you can create an excellent imitation of a natural tree. However, structures from such materials can swell and get out of elevated temperatures and humidity.

Magnificently looking headsets from natural wood. Such angular cabinets for the kitchen look luxuriously, have a unique view. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material, completely safe for humans. The main drawback of wooden furniture is the high cost. Therefore, not everyone can afford such headsets.

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Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet

Construction of angular headset

Currently, plastic is often used for the production of kitchen cabinets. He has a number of advantages. The furniture is inexpensive, the variety of colors and the ability to create structures of various forms allows you to embody even completely unusual fantasies. In addition, plastic racks to temperatures and humidity, to various chemical compositions.

It is worth choosing the corner cabinets and size. In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the following conditions. It is important to take into account the design of the entire kitchen, as well as the capacity, the area of ​​the room. It should be decisled with the functions of angular cabinets. For example, if there is a wardrobe under the sink, the upper part should not interfere with the normal operation in the sink.

Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet

Practical kitchen

When determining the size and amount of shelves, it is recommended to consider the following recommendations:

  • The thickness of the internal shelves is chosen on the basis of what will be stored on them;
  • The depth of the suspension cabinets should not be taken more than 40 cm. Otherwise, they look cumbersome, interfere with movement and work;
  • When developing a kitchen headset, the location of engineering communications should be taken into account: ventilation, water supply and sewer pipes and risers;
  • If the kitchen stove is located at thenime, then the corner mounted closet must be placed higher. Especially if the design is made of plastic;
  • It is necessary to take into account the growth of the hostess, which will constantly spin in the kitchen.

Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet


Given all these tips, it will be possible to design the most convenient and roomy headset, including there are corner cabinets. To get acquainted with the design you can see photos of kitchen furniture.

Installation of angular cabinets

If the installation of angular cabinets is decided to spend their own hands, you should use the following rules:

  • Headset, in a set of which there are angular cabinets, it is necessary to start installing from them;
  • Mounted structures are attached, as a rule, on a dowel. It is important to choose the choice of fastener diameter. It must withstand all loads, the weight of both the cabinet itself and internal objects;
  • When drilling walls, you need to be careful. Some porous materials can give a crack. In addition, on some walls, hanging cabinets are dangerous (drywall, plywood, etc.), it is necessary to provide strengthening structures;
  • In some cases, you can use the "Butterfly" fastening. These recommendations are given directly by the furniture manufacturer;
  • When drilling holes under fasteners, you need to constantly check the evenness of their location. Otherwise, the species will be very spoiled.

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Outdoor and hinged corner kitchen cabinet

Mounting scheme

Floor cabinets are installed without difficulty. The main thing is to adjust the height of the legs so that the furniture stood smoothly, and all the doors and retractable boxes function normally. If an angular cabinet is used for the sink, it is also necessary to install the sink and connect the mixer and draining into the sewer.

A few words at the end

It is worth saying that angular cabinets are a really great solution for the kitchen. With its compactness, they differ in the capacity. In addition, the useless angle becomes very functional. And it is possible to accommodate here a sink, a cooking surface, etc.

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