How to return a pleasant appearance to the towel dryer?


The heated towel rail is a very useful fitting in the bathroom. Thanks to him, it is possible not only to dry some underwear, but also heating the extra room. Therefore, many establish it in their home. Despite the fact that the heated towel rail fulfills useful functions, it also plays a aesthetic role. Therefore, it is so important to support such a product in perfect condition.

How to return a pleasant appearance to the towel dryer?

In order for the heated towel rail to serve longer, as well as perfectly fit into the bathroom interior, it can be painted in any color you need.

But what to do, if the heated towel rail has lost an attractive appearance, but it works properly and there is no desire to replace it? Output one - make it painting. You can do it with your own hands. It is only necessary to pre-prepare all the necessary materials and tools. In addition, it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with the sequence of painting work.

What will required for painting?

In order for the process of painting such a device to be promptly and without additional trouble, it is necessary to purchase in advance and prepare the following:

Scheme of towel rail.

  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • a brush with a natural pile;
  • screwdriver;
  • gloves;
  • Clean cotton rag;
  • detergent;
  • putty knife.

In addition, paint material will be required. Here you need to use a special, since you should not forget that the heated towel rail is a device that heats up to high temperatures. Therefore, the usual paint is not suitable for its finishing. It is better to take a silk-glossy alkyd enamel, intended for coating heating radiators. It has perfectly withstand temperatures up to 180 ° C. So, the completed finish will delight the eyes over the years. If you take the usual enamel, then in a short time it cracks. As a result, the re-painting will be required, but already using another finishing material.

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As for what color to choose paint, then everything will be dependent on your preferences and interior, which is present in the bathroom. So, if you wish to bring in the existing decoration of a note of chic, then you can finish the heated towel rail "under the bronze" or "under gold". She looks luxurious and attracts attention.

How to return a pleasant appearance to the towel dryer?

Required materials: brush, screwdriver, primer, gloves, spatula and sandpaper.

By producing such an painting, you transform the interior of the bathroom, the heated towel rail will become its key part. Therefore, atten, pay attention to the finish "under gold" or "under the bronze". She will definitely disappoint you.

You can also buy paint of other colors, for example, beige, pinkish, bluish, greenish or some other. It is ultimately not recommended to choose white enamel. She, at least first and looks beautiful, then loses its high aesthetic properties. As a result, the heated towel rail acquires a yellowish tint, which spoils its appearance very much. To bring it in some way, for example, the use of cleaning agents will not be possible. Therefore, this option of painting a heated towel rail is not the best.

Step 1: Preparation of heated towel rail

Before painting this device, you need to hold a number of preparatory work. It is absolutely clear that if it is immediately covered with enamel, then the surface will be far from perfect. Therefore, you need to arm yourself with sandpaper and it is carefully walking through the entire heated towel. Here special attention must be paid to those places where the old coating will be distinguished either covered by cracks. Here you need to perform more thorough sweeps to align the surface.

Ideally, it is necessary to remove the entire protective layer. After all, then the new coating will be laid smoothly and will last over the years.

How to return a pleasant appearance to the towel dryer?

First of all, before painting from a heated towel rail, you must remove the protective layer using the sandpaper.

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Of course, such a work is quite time-consuming. However, all this with more than paying off, therefore it is recommended to do it. It is especially important to implement it if the towel rail in the bathroom has a chrome coating, since enamel lies very badly.

When the heated towel rail will be prepared, it must be carefully flushed with a cloth with a cleaning agent. This will allow to degrease its surface and remove all the large and small particles that stayed on it during stripping.

Next is the priming of the heated towel rail. Here you need to be very attentive. Use only that primer that can withstand high temperatures. Excellent alkyd German production. It is necessary to apply it a thin and uniform layer. After that, you will need to leave it.

Stage 2: Painting of the heated towel rail

Now you can paint this device. Take a brush that is made of a natural pile. Then open the can with paint. It will be necessary to mix thoroughly. It is important that a homogeneous consistency is. To do this, you can use a conventional long screwdriver, which, after completing the stirring, it will only be necessary to wipe with a rag moistened in the solvent, and then rinse with water.

How to return a pleasant appearance to the towel dryer?

For the highest quality painting of the heated towel rail, enamel should be applied in 2-3 layers, and each next layer must be applied only after drying the previous one.

It should be noted that the silk-glossy alkyd enamel may not become homogeneous from the first time. Therefore, its stirring will be required in several approaches..

When the paint is ready for use, it can be applied to the surface of the heated towel rail. It is necessary to distribute it with a thin layer, avoid the occurrence of sublishes and irregularities. After all, it will be possible to achieve perfect coverage. Starting to make painting better from the top of the device. Then even if the drops will fall onto its lower parts, as you cover the surface, you will see them and can paint.

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Apply enamel is necessary in 2-3 layers. Each next can only be done after the previous one will dry a little. At the same time wait long you do not have to. Usually, the alkyd paint collapsing for several hours. After that, it remains to leave the heated towel rail in the bathroom for 4-5 days, and it is better for a week to completely dry its surface.

Useful tips on painting heated towel rail

In order for you to paint such a device in a bathroom with high quality and without hassle, you should use useful recommendations. They are as follows:

  1. You can apply paint to the surface of a towel rail not only with a brush, but also a special pulverizer. This device is very efficient and useful. With the help of it, it will be possible to ensure uniform applying enamel, which will prevent its overrun. At the same time, you can paint the device very quickly. Therefore, save a lot of time.
  2. It is possible to carry out the painting of the heated towel rail only when it is completely cooled. It is impossible to include it until enamel dry. It is better to carry out such works during the completion of the heating season and disconnect hot water. Then it will be possible to complete them on time and perform as much as possible.
  3. If the purchased enamel turns out to be thick, then be sure to spread it. To do this, it is necessary to use a special solvent, which can be purchased in any construction store.

Following the step-by-step instructions shown and taking into account the above tips, you can paint the heated towel rail and without difficulty. In this case, the result will pleasantly surprise you, because the device will have a perfectly smooth and beautiful surface. So, his high aesthetic characteristics will return to him again, and it will not spoil the interior of the bathroom, on the contrary, transforms it and will make it even more attractive.

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