Laminate for the room: how to choose in each room


Laminate for room, corridor or kitchen: how to choose the best offer from all presented in stores? Knowledge of several basic characteristics will help determine the choice. Laminate is one of the most popular outdoor coatings in modern apartments. This material is characterized by a good value for money, and therefore allows you to give the floor a beautiful view without unnecessary costs.

Laminate for the room how to choose

In addition to the availability of laminate has close to other advantages:

  • long service time;
  • resistance to moisture and direct sunlight;
  • ease of installation;
  • Ease of care;
  • Ecology.

It should also be noted that the laminate is presented in the modern market in a rich assortment of colors and execution options.

Laminate for the room how to choose


Owners of many rooms, apartments and private houses often prefer laminate to other outdoor coatings. And that is, their reasons. First of all, high-quality laminate is often simply impossible to distinguish from natural wood: the same texture, the same drawing, the same density. Is the price of several orders of magnitude lower. At the same time, this material is absolutely safe from an ecological point of view, does not smell and does not emit any evaporation of harmful substances into the air.


In addition, the laminate is characterized by ease of care and unpretentiousness. This coating is not terrible humidity, it is simple to wash and quite difficult to scratch.

Unlike carpeting or parquet board, the floor of the laminate is very easy to maintain clean.

Laminate for the room how to choose


Before choosing a laminate, you should decide on the class of this material.

They are as follows ::

  • Classes 31 and 32. Such floor coverings are designed for residential premises. The average service life is 12 and 15 years for the 31st of the 32nd class, respectively;
  • Classes 33 and 34. Laminate of these classes is designed for premises with high patency. Such an outdoor coating is installed in shopping centers, hospitals, cafes, hotels, cinemas and other institutions. The life of the laminate of these classes is 20-25 years.

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Laminate for the room how to choose

Before choosing a laminate for a room, a number of nuances should be taken into account. Including the thickness of the coating. It can be 5, 8, 10 or 12 millimeters. The thicker coating, the stronger, and therefore will last longer. Thick laminate should be chosen for rooms, where the quality of the base coating leaves much to be desired. But it is advisable from an economic point of view to prepare a good basis and choose a more subtle coating, it will save a very tangible amount of money.

If there are warm floors, the fact that the laminate is very quickly heated.

Laminate for the room how to choose

Subtleties of choice

Depending on the functional purpose of the room, you should choose a laminate with the corresponding characteristics. In some rooms, it should be focused on resistance to moisture, in others - for strength, thirdly - on resistance to high or low temperatures. At the same time, attention should be paid to the color execution of the coating. The floor must harmoniously combine with the rest of the room interior.

Features of laminate laying technology allows you to combine several types of coating in one room.

Laminate for the room how to choose

They may differ characteristics, color, texture and thickness. It should be remembered that different manufacturers have a hint of the coating and its thickness can vary slightly. It is for this reason that it is recommended to choose coatings from one, not several manufacturers.

Laminate for the room how to choose


Laminate is perfect for the kitchen. This is inexpensive, practical and simple in terms of cleaning the coating will save from problems with stains and will help give the floor with a neat and attractive look. Before choosing a laminate for the kitchen, you should pay special attention to moisture-resistant coatings, since the floor in the kitchen, as practice shows, you have to wash most often.

To increase the reliability of the coating, it is recommended to treat his joints with mastic or special chemical composition.

Laminate for the room how to choose

Avoiding the appearance of spots on the floor will help the factory laminate, especially since its non-slip surface will prevent unpleasant incidents associated with drops and bruises on the wet floor. At the same time, it is preferable to use class 33 laminate, since a fair load accounts for a kitchen floor.

Laminate for the room how to choose


Waterproof types of laminate are perfect for the floor in the bathroom. Such a coating is not afraid of moisture, does not lose the appearance when the temperatures drops and does not pass through itself when the installation technology is observed.

It is important not to confuse waterproof laminate and moisture resistant.

Laminate for the room how to choose

The waterproof coating is based on PVC plates that do not absorb water, unlike coatings from the pressed wood. The density of such a material can be compared with ceramic tiles. Moreover, some modern producers offer everyone the opportunity to gain laminate with a special rubber sealing strip, which will protect the joints of the floor elements from the flow.

Laminate for the room how to choose

Living spaces

In the bedroom, children's, living room and any other residential room, in addition to the design and class of floor coverings, attention should be paid to other characteristics. Including noise absorption. The level of absorbed sounds is determined by the quality of the resin, which is saturated with a laminate board, as well as the availability and quality of a special substrate.

The noise insulating layer is needed in order for the flooring with the time the floorboard did not begin to creak.

Laminate for the room how to choose

Moreover, this additional layer is well affected by the thermal insulation qualities of the floor. For residential rooms, it will be better to choose the coverage of the 31st and 32nd classes.

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Laminate for the room how to choose

Corridor and parishion

Such rooms like an entrance hall and the corridor are characterized by high passability. Yes, and the floor is polluted in them quite quickly due to dust and dirt, brought from the street on the shoes. For these premises, it will be advisable to choose a wear-resistant laminate of the 33rd or even 34th grade. At the same time, it is recommended to prefer moisture-resistant coatings.

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose laminate

The modern market shows the widest range of flooring for every taste, color and wallet. And for each suitable option, you can select several dozen version options. As for prices, the cheapest laminate is produced in China, but such coatings rarely leave the owners of apartments and houses are satisfied. The quality and safety of handicraft manufacturing materials are not withstanding no criticism.

Laminate for the room how to choose

Preference should be given to the floor coverings of domestic and European production.

When choosing a laminate, you should navigate the following points:

  • moisture resistance. High-quality laminate, this indicator can reach 100%;
  • noise suppression. The disadvantage of this indicator can be easily compensated for an additional substrate;
  • Guaranteed service life. Depending on the class of the Faucet, it can be from 15 to 25 years;
  • The possibility of sharing with a heap floor system, if there is something necessary. Some laminate models are designed specifically for laying over the heating elements and ensure safety and uniform heating.

Laminate for the room how to choose

Form, texture and color execution remain at the discretion of the owners. It is important to remember that the floor is an integral part of the interior of the room, an apartment or a private house.

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

Laminate for the room how to choose

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

How to choose a laminate in each room

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