How to repair the Roman Stern - Repair of Roman Curtains On Alone at home


Thanks to unusual appearance and unpretentiousness in the care, Roman curtains have become quite popular lately.

How to repair the Roman Stern - Repair of Roman Curtains On Alone at home

Mounting scheme roll curtains.

Basically, they are hanging on the kitchen windows, since the design of such curtains fits perfectly into the kitchen interior.

Since this is not exactly ordinary curtains, but a constructive product that has a specific mechanism, as any design, Roman curtains can break.

Do not rush to immediately put emotion into the course in this case and throw out the roman curtains. Better to repair them. Moreover, it is necessary to do this in a timely manner, if you do not want to stay for a long time without your favorite curtains in the apartment.

So, if the repair required, you can do this: either to give the curtains to the workshop and the master quickly replete the curtains without any problems, or learn how to do it yourself, in order not to overpay the money every time. In addition, if you know how they are arranged, do it will not be much difficult.

How faster understanding how the Roman curtains are arranged? Of course, try at least once to make them with your own hands. Or at least to present all the described technology mentally. Let's try to figure out how they do and from what.

Sewing and assembly process of Roman curtains

What are used for sewing?

How to repair the Roman Stern - Repair of Roman Curtains On Alone at home

Scheme of species of Roman curtains.

  • dense fabric;
  • Lining material;
  • Wooden rods;
  • Small plastic rings (2 rings for each row);
  • Nylon cord.

What are used for assembly and hanging?

  • Wooden bar, the length of which is equal to the length of the curtain;
  • Hooks with screw legs;
  • Fasteners, screws.

Please note that the width of the curtains made in this style is not wider than 220 centimeters, otherwise the twrenches in the folds will be fed. Additional elements that are used for the manufacture of the product are prepared in advance. It is a round durable cord, velcro, thin metal or wooden rods (twigs), a rake for fixing the curtains, rings with a diameter in a centimeter and clamp to the cord.

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First, the size of the fabric according to the rules is calculated: it is pretty measured by the length and width of the existing window. 10 centimeters add to the width of the future, and 20 centimeters are planned. After that, we get to sewing. To the front side in the upper part of the canvas, stick with loops across the entire length.

The entire length of the canvas mark places where twigs will be placed. They are inserted around every 20 centimeters of the length of the curtains. Leave 4 centimeters to twist twisters. From the bottom, the stock of the bend does not leave.

Then the fabric fold the front side inside. Along the collapse. Increase three rings from the wrong side on each fold. Do so that three rows with rings are located along the length of the product in parallel relative to each other.

How to repair the Roman Stern - Repair of Roman Curtains On Alone at home

Roman curtain diagram with his own hands.

The second part of the velcro is neatly small cloves towards the rail.

Instead of carnations, the construction stapler sometimes use. The product is applied to the mount. Take the cord through the clamp and rings. Then insert the rods into the folds.

Using screws, screw the mount for the curtains. It is hanging on it by the most independently Roman corter.

So that the curtains do not fall:

  1. Take a triple cord through the ring at the bottom of the curtain, which is sewn specifically for these purposes. With the help of clothing locks, the cord is fixed. Click on the retainer, raising the chart. They let go when they bring to the desired height. The curtain is thus obtained reliably fixed.
  2. For reliable fixation, sometimes the curtain hooks are used, which wind the remaining ends of the cord are wound.

What fabric advise to choose for Roman curtains?

For sewing, absolutely any fabric is suitable: and thin, and more dense. However, the material is much easier to work with the material of the focus.

The material with a large ornament is not advised to purchase for Roman curtains, since the deformed pattern on the assembled product will look ugly.

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Fabric with stripes for such a curtain is suitable as it is impossible. In the disclosed state, the formed folds on the curtains will not create any deformation.

How to repair?

So, knowing how they sew and collect curtains, repairing them will not cause panic fear.

Not so often breaking the design of the adjustable mechanism in such a product, because it is simple in itself.

Much more often requires moving elements that make up the descent-lifting system and on which the curtain cloth is attached - these are twisted rods or cable. If only cords are damaged, then it is easy to replace such a system. What should be done? Buy in the store requiring replacement item is pre-changed and change. Filed fixing elements - lace or chain can also be replaced with their own hands.

Please note that the details of unreliable plastic break more often and repair will require much more, so immediately buy more long-term samples if there is such an opportunity.

Sometimes more serious repairs are required when breakdowns are different. If there is no absolute confidence that it will be possible to fix them at home, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Repair will be made high quality and much faster: your favorite curtains for the kitchen can be hung back to where they hung, in a very short time, as if they were not broken at all.

And finally: if something is wrong with Roman Curtains, do not despair. Try to figure out how they are arranged. Explore all the information on this issue. Try to repair yourself. To do this, you will have to buy in the store broken details. On the spare parts do not save, better choose durable and reliable. If something does not work, you can always resort to the service of the wizard. And pleasant repair!

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