Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video


Orchids relatively recently occupied the honorable place in decorating the premises. This bright exotic flower excites the imagination and amazes with its exquisite simplicity. Flowers plant long enough, but not all year round. In addition, it is very demanding for the care and sunshine. But I really want to admire unusual colors at any time of the year. Therefore, handicrafts are trying to reproduce it in various materials: polymer clay, multi-colored bead, velvety, foamirane, ordinary paper. We offer a master class that allows you to link orchids with a crochet with schemes and descriptions.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Thanks to the manual for the description of the process, you can easily make unusual decorations for the house. In addition, it will be quite good to captivate with knitting a better girlfriend or mom. This will allow you to communicate enough during work, because in the modern rhythm of life, the lack of time for simple joys is acute.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

The history of this flower is very fascinating and excites the minds of people with their mysteriousness, so you can tell her your loved ones during work.

Legend of flower

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

His beauty orchid is obliged to gods. So says one of the legends, which tells about the origin of this flower. The wonderful god of Adonis, being a hunter, somehow saw Aphrodite. Gorgeous girl he never met. This is not surprising, because she was the goddess of beauty. The young man conquered the charming person so much that he fell in love with her. Fortunately, the goddess answered his feelings to the same flame love. Every minute spent by each other was for Adonis and Aphrodites of real torture.

Only this circumstance was overshadowed by the happiness of lovers - Aphrodite everyone loved and respected, and Adonis neither people nor the gods loved. Therefore, they had to meet secretly. One day, Zeus saw them together and so imported that he began to throw thunder and lightning, having wrapped on young people a squall of rain. Lovers were hidden from the shower in the cave. The situation was so romantic that the gods were betrayed by frantic love. During the passionate proximity of Aphrodite dropped her shoe, which slipped from her legs. At the place where she was lost, the flower of divine beauty - orchid. Since then, this plant is considered a symbol of real passionate love.

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Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

There are still many amazing stories about orchids. That is why this flower is so popular.

The description of the knitting process will also help create this gentle miracle with their own hands.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting

For work you will need:

  1. Acrylic threads of white and pink colors. Pink yarn needs to take three different shades, from darker to light;
  2. Wire;
  3. Fishing line;
  4. Hook;
  5. Scissors.

We will start work.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

We start knitting from the petal shown in the diagram at number one, white yarn. Legend:

O - air loop;

X - column without Nakid;

T - semi-solitary;

T - a column with one nakid;

T - a column with two nakidami;

- - Wire or fishing line.

We recruit the required amount of loops, we make aircard and move to further knitting as shown in the diagram.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

We encourage three such petals. Edge decoration with pink color. Next, go to the manufacture of the next item.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

According to this scheme, two details of large semicircular petals of milk color are fed.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

In the edges of the petal to give the future orchid stiffness by doing the line. With its help, the product will keep the form and not deform.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

We bind it according to the scheme.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

We proceed to the execution of the bottom of the flower.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

This petal will be tricolor. For the first extreme part of the petal it will take the darkest shade of pink threads. Then you should change the yarn and link the department for several tones lighter. The work of the shiny of the bright shade is ends. Following the scheme, we begin knitting from the set of the lower row of the loops.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Bring part of the turn to the middle of the extreme department.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

We decorate the petals with the brightest threads.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

The bottom dark part of the petal is sewn as shown in the illustration.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

These actions will help to give the ground volume and similarity with a real plant.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

We collect the composition, gently stitching all the elements among themselves in turn.

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Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

Ready orchid can be decorated with beads.

Hook orchids with schemes and descriptions: Master class with video

From several such flowers, you can make a whole branch and decorate the windowsill.

Also, this orchid will look at the rim or hairpin, or as a stylish brooch on the dress belt. It is suitable for decoking the evening clutch.

Video on the topic

With the help of a conventional hook and threads, you can connect not only a single orchid flower, but also a whole composition. How to do it, tell a selection of video. It presents both the simplest lessons for beginners and specialized orchid knitting techniques for advanced needlewomen. In addition, in the selection you will find the secrets of professional masters and answers to questions that may arise during knitting colors.

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