We understand how much squares in the pack of laminate


The correct calculation of the required amount of material for finishing the floor, for example, laminated boards is the key to creating a flawless flooring. In addition, the neat calculation will help to save when the laminate is purchased, as unnecessary boards will not be purchased, which will then be completely unnecessary. Well, to run to the store the second time you do not have to.

In order not to be mistaken, you need not only to calculate how much square meters of boards for a particular floor, but also find out how much the chosen laminated board in one package. Knowing the total area and the amount of material in the pack, it is easy to calculate the required amount of packages.

The correct calculation of the required amount of material, carried out by means of the co-foundation of the floor with the parameters of the parquet, will significantly save due to decline in waste when laying.

Counting the required material

First you need to calculate the area of ​​the room, the floor in which will be separated. For this, it is difficult to multiply the length and width of the surface, you need to still take into account the design features of the future floor covering: indents from doors, radiators and heating pipes, architectural elements like columns and arches and so on. To make it easily read, you can make a room drawing with all these parts.

To the resulting number of squares, it is necessary to add a certain amount on trimming, the scale of which depends on the diagram on which the laminate will be laid. So, when installing at a right angle or parallel, about 7% of the material will be lost, and with diagonal laying - at least 10%. If an original patterned scheme is planned, it is impossible to predict how much material will be superfluous.

We understand how much squares in the pack of laminate

Losses in this case should be calculated individually, but certainly drops at least 30% of the waste.

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In addition to the type of installation scheme, the following losses should be subtracted from the area:

  • on the junctions between parquet boards;
  • gaps between the coating and walls;
  • cutting boards in the rows of walls - trimmed parquet both along and across due to the displacement of the joints;
  • Rounding the total material.

Packing size

We understand how much squares in the pack of laminate

The structure, mass and dimensions of the elements of the coating determine how many laminate will be in one pack. Different manufacturers have linear dimensions of individual boards differ, and, accordingly, various panels in the packaging are different. Therefore, to determine the desired amount of material, it is necessary to know not only the floor area, but also the volume of the panels in one pack of the selected manufacturer.

This table shows the parameters of the boards from some collections of popular manufacturers of laminate:


The conditions for future operation of the coating determine how many millimeters should be the blackboard in thickness. This laminate parameter varies within 6-12 mm borders. According to many specialists, the best option for most sexes is 8 mm. Such a thickness of the laminate can be found among the products of any manufacturer of floor coverings.

We understand how much squares in the pack of laminate

The choice of such boards is optimal for the following reasons:

  • dimensions are less distorted;
  • Stacking process is simpler;
  • The best thermal insulation indicators;
  • Higher strength and wear resistance.


This parameter is mainly located within the boundaries of 122-139 cm, which is the standard for laminate. In rare cases, a panel can be found in a pack and up to 180 cm, and even more than 2 m long. Work with such boards is significantly complicated, especially with their own hands.

In addition, very long parquets are more sensitive to the irregularities of the foundation, so the floor for their laying will have to prepare more carefully.


Narrow boards, a width of about 10 cm, the appearance is very similar to natural parquet. 30 cm wide laminate can be very believable to imitate ceramics.

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But the most common is the material width of 18 to 20 cm, it usually simulates solid wood. Such a size will make the appearance of the floor most natural.


How much does the total volume of laminate in one package weigh? This indicator also varies from different manufacturers. The standard packaging mass is 15-17 kg in a pack, in which there are about 2 square meters of material, which is 8 boards. Parketin length in this case a little more than a meter, and width - 16-19 cm.

We understand how much squares in the pack of laminate

There are also a square laminate - for example, Quick-Steparte and Quick-Stepquadra, the dimensions of which are 624x624 mm and 394x394 mm, respectively. All sizes each model are brought with rounding to a smaller side. Usually these nuances are neglecting, because they buy the same sets of boards, but if you have to combine different parts, it is worth considering this moment.

For convenience, manufacturers often indicate the packaging not only linear dimensions and the number of parquetin, but also the total area of ​​the material in the package. If this information is not, you can ask the Certificate in the store, in which all specifications and specifications should be indicated.

Example of calculation

We understand how much squares in the pack of laminate

Knowing the floor area and the parameters of the selected coating, it is easy to calculate how much the packages need. Suppose the area of ​​the separated floor is equal to 100 m2. In a pack with selected laminate, there are 8 boards with a total area of ​​2.005 square meters.

Sharing these numbers to each other, we get 50 packs, or 400 laminated boards. Depending on the laying scheme, add a certain percentage, for example, in this example, the laminate will be laid in direct method. In this case, you need to add about 7% - these are 4 more packs.

It is worth adding a certain amount for a possible factory marriage and replacing the coverage elements in the future - we also render a couple of packages.

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Thus, for the coating of the floor with an area of ​​100 square meters, about 56 packaging of the laminated parquet should be prepared. Of course, this number will be different if a different coating model is selected or another way of laying a laminate.

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