How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey


Curtains in the room create comfort and are an important detail of the room. Fabrics from Turkey have always been highlighted among the rest of the quality and durability, and the stitched curtains are always more beautiful than others. No wonder in the scarce times, the craftsmen tried to find Turkish cloths, and the curtains and curtains were sewn. Until now, Turkish curtains look in a single interior or beautifully, and the traditional appearance did not leave fashion despite changing trends. Turkey offers admirers skillful variants of the porter of the excellent quality of any style, shape and shade.

How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

Color solving option for curtains

Quality tested

Turkish cloths for curtains are so universal that having bought ten meters of fabric with one drawing on the house - they will fit into each room, no matter how seriously among themselves they did not distinguish between them. And only such options can create aestheticism even an exquisite room.

How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

Fabric for curtains Turkish is offered in various versions:

  • Dense, a few millimeters thick;
  • Easy, almost transparent.

Also with such curtains, a light veil is perfectly combined, which is an addition to them. Surprisingly, much here it is thought out.

The choice of textiles depends only on person's personal wishes, but such a fabric emphasizes the furniture, the walls of the room. Oriental drawings are suitable for a modest living room and for a more secluded bedroom. In the children's Turkish drawing combines with the fun mood of the child. Almost in any combination of decor you can find a place for oriental motives and materials. And the assortment of the proposed fabrics will not leave behind the indifference, everyone will be able to pick up.

How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

Natural motifs

Turkish fashion curtains for the bedroom and the hall are often chosen in natural style, with a pattern in the form of plants and animals. Often the same motifs are used for wallpaper, furniture, which in general gives oriental style. Curtains with floral patterns fit well into many designs and look at the place. Turkish cucumbers are famous for the whole world, from the fabric they are sewing shirts and clothes, so it's not strange to see on the window canvase.

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How to choose

Before making the final choice, you need to take into account several factors in advance, based on which it is easier to decide. First of all, the texture of the fabric and tint should be harmoniously combined with the interior of the rest of the room. If it must be considered:

  • Illumination;
  • Room dimensions;
  • Registration of furniture and walls.

How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

Salon curtains

If you do not properly choose a drawing or position of lines, you can visually do more from a small room. In another unsuccessful case, it may turn out that the curtains will not fit into the interior and the room will turn out to be spoiled. In the complex rooms it is recommended to use the Turkish porter fabrics of a monochrome color. This option neatly fit into almost any exterior.

Also when choosing a fabric, the size of the pattern and the focus should be considered to combine the furniture with the curtains. If the drawing is big or on pronounced topics, it attracts attention, distracting visitors from the rest. In small rooms it is better not to experiment and do not try to combine several types of fabric immediately, it will only harm.

How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

Thread curtains

Curtains from Turkey with protruding threads fit perfectly into a colorful and easy interior. There is a certain emphasis in use:

  1. The curtains of this type look good when fabrics for curtains from Turkey are selected with the inclusion of Lurex. Such brilliant threads immediately attract the views of people;
  2. The original curtain turns out if the tissue material is decorated in advance with rhinestones. In the sun, such a curtain reflects on the room Million glare.

At the same time, it does not matter which room is hanging such canvases. In the nursery or in the kitchen, Turkish Shenille for the curtain looks great and organically fits everywhere. The only thing you need to do is choose the texture and colors.

How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

Advantages of oriental fabrics

Turkey production curtains are often used for the visual separation of the room on the zone, in the form of partitions. When you need, you can have such a canvases and the door or window, the arch between the rooms. At the same time, air circulation will remain at the same level, but it is impossible to consider. In addition, Turkish curtains for curtains are endowed with several more powerful advantages:

  • Such a fabric appeared in the East, where people in the sun are soworn like in a skillet. There are impertons of ages with light fabrics that would delay the sun and ultraviolet, but the wind would be passed so that there was always drafts in the room. In any hot climate, you will not think about anything better;

    How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

  • Turkish drawing is presented in a wide range, which allows you to choose the color and pattern according to the individual taste;
  • Light and durable fabric to decorate independently, adding rhinestones and new lines on top of the main material;
  • The Turkish material is so easy that it is allowed to fix on the eaves of any type and carrying capacity. The top of the fabric is made thicker, so that the luberers can be sold through it;
  • Packing drawing can be changed independently, it is enough to simply carry the threads and see how the pattern changes;

    How to choose a material for curtains: the best curtain fabrics from Turkey

  • Vuali from threads fit perfectly in the composition and with other types of curtains - Roman and rolled curtains will be only better, and the interior will continue;
  • Textiles from Turkey does not need care. The only thing you need to do with it is to wash in an automatic typewriter once a year. Before washing the fabric you need to tie and twist so that the threads do not dismiss during washing. Dry only in limbo.

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In conclusion, we can say that the curtains from Turkey can give the room that comfort that could not be obtained in any other style. Turkish tissue manufacturers for curtains offer a lot of options for decorating with a variety of materials, the main thing is to have a fantasy and the desire to do.

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