How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?


The wardrobe under the kitchen was so familiar element of the interior that he often did not notice. Not only the appearance of the kitchen depends on it, but also its functionality as a whole. Such a wardrobe can be purchased at any furniture and plumbing store, but much cheaper and more pleasant to collect this kitchen element with your own hands, especially since it consists of a small number of details and does not require skill.

How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?

Wardrobe under the sink became the usual element of the kitchen interior

Appearance and interior of a cabinet for washing

The main difference between the washing cabinet from other kitchen cabinets is the absence of inner shelves and drawers, since all the space is sink and the communication has been delivered to it. Some models of such cabinets are trying to equip with drawers, but the presence of a permanent source of moisture does not allow you to store many objects in them, especially dishes and substances that fear water.

How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?

Cabinet with retractable system

In the manufacture of a closet, with your own hands, it will be better to abandon the idea of ​​arranging the inner space by shelves or drawers, since they greatly complicate the design, and their practical value is very dubious.

The cabinet for washing standard design consists of two side walls, bottoms, rear walls, facades and countertops with a neckline. In the case of kitchen equipment, the countertop is not installed. Also, from the composition for kitchen sinks, the rear wall is often eliminated, as it prevents normal communications.

How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?

Design and standard size of the cabinet

The standard sizes of cabinets are 85 cm in height, 60 cm in width and 50 cm in depth. Of all the parameters it is recommended to change only the width, because only it does not affect the convenience of using the washing and depends primarily on the width of the shell.

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The optimal height of the sink is considered to be 84-87 cm, since with such parameters you can, not bend, use the sink during the washing of dishes. Even small deviations from such a height can cause discomfort and fast fatigue in people of medium height.

Materials for the production of cabinet for washing

The kitchen is a constant source of elevated temperature and humidity. Therefore, all materials for the production of kitchen furniture must have increased moisture resistance. Particularly given requirement concerns cabinets for mois, since the proximity of the water source quickly results in unusable wooden surfaces that do not have sufficient waterproofing.

How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?

Corner wardrobe under the sink of natural wood

Modern kitchen furniture produce from the following materials:

  1. Chipboard (wood chipboard). This is a traditional material from which most kitchens are produced in the lower price range. The main disadvantage is that if there are even minor coating defects (scratches, cracks), the stove quickly absorbs water and swells.
  2. MDF - stoves made of fine wood impregnated with a binder. Compared to the HDSP, much better restrains moisture, but requires no less reliable protection.
  3. Natural wood. It produces premium kitchen furniture and facades. After high-quality treatment with waterproof varnishes, such a material becomes hydrophobic, but the long-term exposure to high humidity in combination with elevated temperature still negatively affects the properties of wood.

For the manufacture of most cabinets for miles, chipboard or MDF are used, which is important to securely protect against moisture penetration, especially in the places of saws and holes. Basic methods of protecting furniture plates:

How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?

Cabinet made of laminated chipboard

  1. Lamination is the most common type of chipboard and MDF. Sheets for the production of furniture when exposed to high temperatures and pressure are covered with a special film, after which the protective varnish is applied.
  2. Polymer materials coating are used mainly to protect MDF plates. For this purpose, acrylic, plastic, enamel are used. All these materials allow not only to protect furniture from moisture and physical influences, but also give the kitchen a beautiful and bright look.

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Making a wardrobe under the sink with their own hands

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a cabinet for washing, you should select the material from which it will be made, determine the appearance and dimensions. Since the facades of the cabinets are not easy to manufacture, it is recommended to buy them separately and focus only on the build of the cabinet box. This will give you the opportunity to make a product that almost will not be in appearance and characteristics differ from the shop analogues.

How to make a wardrobe under the kitchen sink?

Cabinet assembly scheme for sink

The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Purchase of materials. The main components that you need are: SLP plates or MDF (16-18 mm thick) for the walls of the cabinet, the stove (22-25 mm thick) for the manufacture of the table top (if the washing is a mortise or substall).
  2. Marking and sawing materials. In the absence of sawing skills, the chipboard and MDF is best to entrust this responsible process of specialized firms that take a relatively small payment for cutting and edging furniture plates.
  3. Assembling components of elements. At this stage, you can use the standard instruction for assembling the cabinet for washing, but there is nothing particularly difficult at this stage, since the components of the elements are a bit, almost all of them are different and have a clearly defined purpose.
  4. Installing washing and connecting communications. At this stage, it is important to accurately determine the position of the throat of the drain and connect the siphon, the drain pipe, and if there is a washing machine in the kitchen, additional plums for them. A reliable waterproofing of all connections is also very important, which will prevent the wetting of the washing cabinet further.

The choice and assembly of a wardrobe for washing is a responsible process that will allow for a long time to preserve the beautiful appearance of your kitchen and provide comfortable conditions for using this integral element of the kitchen headset.

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