
Designer solutions in the design of the base sometimes lead the owners in a dead end. Two different flooring materials are found in the most unexpected places and can take a winding form. In other cases, for practical purposes, tile laying in the kitchen must be smoothly taken to the laminate of the next room.

Stop one type of floor covering in all rooms is impractical. In the kitchen preferably tile, and in the hall - laminate. In order for the joints between the materials not noticeable, laid special threshings. They are intended for these purposes - shelting tiles and laminate docking.

In some cases, designers are planning very attractive drawings by mixing outdoor materials - bends, snakes, paths. These thresholds hide harder, however, the flexibility of the thresholds allows you to close the winding joints and comply with the design solutions.


Types of thresholds and their destination

Depending on the purpose and "drawing" of the gap between the tile and laminate, the threshings are divided into the following types:

  • Flexible PVC profile. Designed for all types of docking both straight and winding;
  • Flexible metallic profile. Designed for winding and straight junctions. The material is treated with special components to give it such qualities as wear resistance;
  • Aluminum thresholds. It is used mainly for classic junctions - the processing of the seam between the door frame and the floor. Well hides the difference in heights, it is preferable to install this type of spawning on straight corners and lines. This type of product has different attachment methods. These include: self-tapping screws, hidden connection and attachment on self-adhesive tape. The aluminum threshold is considered the most widely used material due to simple installation and democratic pricing policy;
  • Boxing threshold. It is established in order to hide the joints, improve the quality of sound insulation. Often, such anglers are installed in the revelation places of the tile from the bathroom, as the design allows you to keep water flows in the event of a breakthrough of the pipe. The height of the product is quite high - 3 cm. However, this advantage of the product can turn into a disadvantage. It is very easy to stumble about the threshold and fall, this inconvenience significantly affects the choice of the product, especially if there are small children.

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  • The threshings from the array in the form of the letter "T". Designed to hide straight junctions. Very often there is a hand in hand with a seam between the parquet board and tiles. A rich appearance of the product not only performs its functions, but also improves the aesthetic qualities of the outdoor coating. Installation of the product is quite simple, attached with a special glue. The base of the letter "T" is inserted into the gap and sits on the glue.
  • PVC transition profile It serves to hide seams with large coatings. The material is designed to cover straight and winding seams. Installation of the product is quite complicated, since the design of the fasteners is initially installed. After that, the main panel is set. The seams are smooth, and the transition becomes invisible. If the differences are large, there is a danger of stubbing, even with a competent installation of the clad. When planning the laying of an outdoor base, it is necessary to take into account the docks of materials in order to avoid further stubbing of households.

As an alternative to the threshings, you can highlight the cork compensator. It fills the seam space and smoothes the transition. However, from aesthetic point of view, this option is not suitable, as the seam looks unattractive. Moreover, over time, the material will take place, dust and dirt will start to accumulate in the resulting hole. We will have to constantly clean the seams, the contact with water will not make the docking as a painsh. The material will lose color and start rushing into the eyes.

Installation of products


Railings between tiles and laminate are easy. It all depends on the type and purpose of the product. However, with winding joints will have to tinker. There are two rules when installing the clad:

  1. Laying tiles and laminate, always consider the size of the gap between the materials. The fastening of the product should be included in it. Additional 5 mm are added to this gap to expand the laminate. Laminating coating should not be resting in anything, as it is a floating design. When heated, for example, a warm floor, the material is diverged or compressed depending on the environment. Laminate clearance is needed.
  2. Try to avoid the appearance of seams and drops of floor coverings in the presence of a warm floor. Installation of the thoring on the self-tapping screw in such cases is impossible. A warm-half laying system may be damaged. Installation of self-adhesive thoring will not save the situation, since the product and its adhesive component are not intended for permanent warming. The bridges will go away as soon as possible.

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Installation of flexible PVC profile


This threshold does not take much time to install. Its installation is simple and does not have special conditions in the attachment of the components. Depending on the "Figure" of the seam measured and cuts profile.

Mounting markers are made, at the base of the seam, holes for fasteners are drilled with self-tapping screws. If the profile is decorative, it is necessary to heat it through warm water. The product is then inserted into the seams, the profile is pressed to the characteristic click - the input of the mounting in the groove. Installing this melode is the simplest.

This type of product is accompanied by special branching on one side of the profile. They are intended for their entry under the tile. Accordingly, it is recommended to install the material at the stage of laying tiles and laminate.

An important point when installing a metal profile is the calculation of the height of the coatings, taking into account the substrate of the laminate. They must completely coincide. If the threshings are not fitted at the construction stage, it is necessary to remove the glue tiles on the edge.

Then this space is filled with tiled glue, the branches of the threshold are inserted into it. Laminate is simply summed up to the product. The profile form should be given manually. The material begins well and easily succumbed even with steep seams.

Installation of aluminum


Of particular interest is the aluminum threshold with a hidden fastening. The design is a panel under which there is a longitudinal groove. Self-tapping screws are mounted. Hat is inserted into the groove. Dowels are installed at the base of the seam. Then the design with self-drawers is neatly inserted into the holes of the dowels. The products are nailed with the help of a rubber hammer or ordinary together with a wooden bar. The design is securely attached and serves for a long time.

Installation of products does not represent special hassle. The most tricky moments are bends of seams. The main thing is to measure the thresholds and bend in the right place. Molding methods are nothing complicated. Among reliable mounts on the self-tapping screw, there are less simple methods of laying.

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These products are accompanied by self-adhesive ribbon. It is only necessary to cut the desired size and glue the threshold. When planning a flooring laying, try to avoid the presence of thresholds, as they often serve as a place of stubbing and clustering dirt.

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