Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture


Registration of any room is usually started with the definition of the functions that it must perform. Not in all apartments, the hall is a front room for receiving guests. Much often so called just the largest of the rooms, in which most often collected in front of the TV. And it can also be used as an office, dining room or bedroom. In any case, the interior of the hall in the apartment needs to be developed taking into account all types of its use.


If the hall has several functions, it is logical in some way to divide it into zones. Moreover, it does not have to be a wall or something that is replaced. Different areas are rather separated visually than physically, and it is easy to achieve this with the help of a two-level stream, gender and a different design of walls. We are not talking about contrasts, although it is possible to beat them, but rather about different colors or textures in one gamma.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Zones in the hall are highlighted in the color of the walls and floor

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Separation only with furniture

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

On this photo captured the interior of the spacious hall, divided into the living room and dining area

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Another embodiment of different zones in the hall in the apartment

Of course, the zoning can also help partitions. It is more often necessary if the hall was combined with a kitchen, or used as a bedroom. In this case, the physical, albeit transparent or translucent barrier create a more chamber room. But the full partitions in small rooms are better not to do: too, they "eat" the space.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Separation of the hall and dining room symbolic partition

Registration of walls

Painted walls have long returned to fashion, only in another capacity: perfectly even and nasty, without the slightest flaw they serve as an excellent background for beautiful textiles and furniture. If your walls are an ideal smooth surface can not boast, minor defects will hide the wallpaper. Their choice today is very wide - different basics, textures, all sorts of colors and shades. Moreover, one of the latest trends in design is the combination of two or more types of wallpaper. There are even special collections: one-day smooth species, and three or four drawings, they are all combined with each other. So combine easier - professional designers who took into account many nuances are working on collections. The only negative: they are roads and are often delivered under the order.

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How to glue the wallpaper right here, but about how to paint the walls of the wall is written here.

There are several ways to combine wallpaper in the hall. If the streams are low, you can visually increase the height, placing several vertical lanes of the wallpaper of another pattern or color on the walls.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Several stripes, and even with a vertical pattern, "raise" a visually ceiling

If the room is long and narrow - the so-called "trams" - then the long wall on one side can be in the middle to stick the wallpaper of another color or drawing, and opposite to hang a large mirror. This visually expands the room - it looks almost like a square.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Such a wide strip on the long wall will make it shorter

The hall looks quite well, if only one wall is saved by wallpaper. In this case, the large drawing is predominantly chosen. Then the attention is paid to the most this zone.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

On one wall, the wallpaper with a large pattern - the rest are painted

And generally combine two, and even three shades. You can add more fragments of finishing stone or decorative plaster. The main thing is that all combinations are organic. The interior of the hall in the apartment using combined wallpapers can be issued in different style: classic, something in ethnic style, high-tech. In any of these styles this technique is applicable. See the gallery several photos.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Combination: painted walls, wallpaper and decoration

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Interior of a classic classic style with combined wallpaper

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

One wall is saved by wallpaper

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Hall with fireplace. In the apartment if it will be, then only in new buildings

Read about popular design styles here.

Furniture for the Hall

In the modern setting, the central element of the hall is a TV or home cinema. All modern walls proceed from this: the center remains usually free to accommodate a large flat screen. There is a modern furniture furniture that easily fit into the style of minimalism or high-tech, there are more classic options for more traditional design. In any case, the furniture is not as cumbersome as it was before. Sometimes it's just a set of several different shelves. If functionality is needed, look for walls with cabinets. There are even a slide, but they put in them no longer crystal, but some interesting things ... collections, for example.

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Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

The center in the modern wall in the hall is usually empty - for a TV or home theater

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

In some cases, the wall is a set of different shelves.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Modern cabinet furniture in the hall is still not so cumbersome ...

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

There are hills in which designer things or collections can be set

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Another option of the modern wall

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Furniture in the hall for the classic interior

Upholstered furniture for the hall

Often there is a sleeping place in the hall - permanent or guest. Because most often choose folding sofas that quickly turn into a completely comfortable bed. Industry produces many transformers that look attractive and comfortable. And there may be not only the familiar folding sofa, and the bed that the day rises on the rotary mechanism and looks like a wardrobe.

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

And even the shelf is ...

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

What day was the cabinet in the evening turns into bed

If we talk about traditional upholstered furniture for the hall - sofas and chairs - they usually set them out, given that sitting on it will watch TV. Accordingly, on the contrary, at a distance of at least 2-3 meters, they are placed. For convenience, you can install a coffee table.

After the places for the main group are defined, the decision is made - you need or not any other furniture items. If there is no need for them, it is better not to clutch the room. Modern design trends have one common line - they are getting closer to reasonable minimalism. Moreover, it often dictates a small area of ​​premises. Few of those who live in a typical apartment, boasting the hall, more than 16 squares. This is already considered a chic room. Therefore, the interior of the hall in the apartment must contain only the most needed: the more free space of topics, expressive design.

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Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Wall, TV and sofa - such classic elements are usually present in the hall in the apartment

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Much light, inhabitant tones - this interior of the hall in the apartment "Easy!

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Color Accent - Sofa Upholstery

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Classic style decoration

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Visitiously increase a small room can a glossy stretch ceiling

Living Room Design Ideas: Zoning, Wallpaper, Furniture

Registration of the passing room An even more difficult task is most of the area is considered to be "dead" for design - this is the locations of the passages. And the premises are not very small, the partition is made glass

In general, before buying furniture, draw a plan on a scale on a millimeter paper. Cut on the same scale and climbed furniture. Try to put it as planned. Rate it "stand" or not, but to evaluate how much the designed design will look, in one of the designer programs that allow you to create 3D drawings. If everything arranged for you, at least in size it turned out what was planned, you can buy furniture. If not, look for other options.

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