How to transfer sink?


Repair in the kitchen is always connected not only with the replacement of finishing materials, but also with the installation of special kitchen furniture, accommodation of the necessary equipment. Depending on what kind of repair option is selected, it may be necessary to transfer the sink, embedding it into the working surface of the furniture.

How to transfer sink?

The scheme of the transfer of the shell in the kitchen with their own hands.

Previously, the sinks were traditionally placed in the corner of the kitchen, but for a number of reasons it is inconvenient. Modern kitchen furniture offers ergonomic solutions, but for them it is necessary to transfer the sink from the corner to another place. Today you can find in the stores of mortise and appropriate sinks that will be convenient and practical for any mistress.

Transfer and installation of mortise sink

The transfer of the mortise washing today is quite popular, as you can install the equipment built in the worktop with any thickness. The appearance of the working surface becomes stylish and attractive, such a sink is very convenient to use in the kitchen, despite the fact that on the table top it is necessary to cut a hole for the sink, strictly corresponding to it with sizes and forms.

The transfer of the shell involves such a procedure:

How to transfer sink?

Kitchen-hall plan scheme.

  • Determination of the place for the location of the new shell, the purchase requires the number of pipes for water supply and sewage;
  • dismantling of old equipment in the kitchen;
  • Installing a frame, on the table top with a template, a hole is cut into the sink;
  • The edges of the hole are lubricated with silicone, after which she was put into it;
  • Ends the transfer of the washing of the installation of the siphon, pipe supply, installation of mixers.

Installation of overlaid washing

The kitchen is a complex system where the installation of each element obeys strict rules. It is impossible to put the sink anywhere, it is necessary to take into account that the supply of water and sewage requires a careful attitude, compliance with compulsory sealing of compounds.

Unlike mortise shell, the invoice is mounted much easier, when executing the installation there is no need to cut the worktop, as a special cabinet is applied with side doors, which does not have up.

Often this option is recommended for newcomers, as it does not differ in difficulty. Installation work is carried out in several stages.

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For a start, a number of preparatory measures are needed, which include choosing a place to mount washing, calculation and purchase of a siphon and mixers. It is necessary to do this before the cabin will be put under the sink, because after mounting, the pipe measurements and their installation will be much harder. It is recommended to treat the ends of the pipe with silicone sealant to make a chipboard of chipboard insensitive to high humidity. So, the first stage is the calculation, the purchase of a siphon, cranes and layout of the place of installation of the coupling.

Kitchen transfer circuit.

Next, the queue is over the choice of the method of fastening the washing. The sink dimensions are also taken into account, their ratio with the upper hole of the couch. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of options for such furniture, you can buy a ready-made set, where the choice of fasteners disappears by itself. But in some cases, the cabinets and shells are purchased separately, it means that it is necessary to focus on the shape of the shell for the kitchen and the touches itself coincide. As for the attachment, you can choose one option of three basic: this is a fixation with the help of glue, fastening corners and wood bars. In the first case, the installation of the sink in the kitchen is the easiest. Silests are simply glued to the ribs of the cabinet, that is, a special adhesive composition is pre-applied, after which the sink is tightly pressed until the glue is dry.

Using mounting angles and screws

Scheme of the recommended height of the water supply and sewage pipes.

The second option using fasteners is more complex, but all items for this are included in the kit, manufacturers offer phased instructions, which simplifies the assembly process. The procedure itself is not difficult, it is necessary to fix the fastener plate with the help of screws to the places specified in the instructions, they are twisted by about 5-6 mm. After that, it is necessary to check the reliability of fasteners, the density of the sink of the sink to the end.

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Fixation of washing using wooden bars is used when there are some defects at the couch or it is impossible to secure the sink brackets. In this case, it is necessary to make a substole from the bars, after which it is necessary to fix it with metal corners to the carcass of the couches. The sink is mounted on top, its position, the evenness of the location is adjustable with the help of bars that are put under the edges. There is another option that is used if there is a need to transfer the sink close to the wall. Then the screws are mounted into the surface of the wall through special holes on the back of the washing.

The last stage of work on the transfer and installation of a kitchen sink is a connection. The siphon is connected to the sink and sewage, the mixers are assembled, their installation to the water supply. Before first inclusion, it is desirable to unscrew the mixer aerator so that all the dirt from the system came out, after which it is placed in place.

Features of the transfer of washing

Transfer of kitchen washing at a convenient place - this is not a rapid process, as it may seem. The fact is that it is due to the need for additional pipe gasket for water supply and sewage. Several useful tips that will help perform work faster and better:

Scheme planning the working surface of the kitchen.

  1. Installation of the washing is carried out in the so-called wet zone, that is, parts of an increased risk. It will be necessary to provide for the use of construction and finishing materials, which are resistant to elevated moisture concerns such a condition and pipes themselves, compliance with the tightness conditions of all compounds. If the transfer is planned for a significant distance, in another angle of the room, then it is necessary to obtain a preliminary permission to turn off the water in the riser. According to the standards adopted today, such work can be carried out at a certain period of time: from 10 am and up to 15 hours of the day on weekdays.
  2. With significant redevelopments, when the washing is required, you must first compile a special sketch-project, and then get the approval of the relevant services. In order not to have conflicts with neighbors, it is recommended to notify them about the time of work, that is, the time turning off the water.
  3. All redevelopment is possible only within the location of the kitchen, that is, to make the living room kitchen will be problematic.
  4. If the redevelopment is insignificant, that is, the sink simply moves to another place, then you can not carry out large-scale work with water pipe and sewage, it is enough to use corrugated siphons and special flexible hoses for water supply to the cranes. But it must be remembered that the corrugation is difficult to clean, although its installation is quite simple, no knowledge and experience is required.
  5. When the car wash is transferred to a new place, it must be remembered that the sewer plums should be lifted by 3-5 cm for each M transfer. This is done in order to avoid problems with the drain.
  6. When transferring shells and other elements of kitchen equipment, it is recommended to arrange a special podium in the working part of the kitchen. This allows you to neatly hide under the surface of the floor all communications, not engaged in numerous complex construction work that require financial costs.

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What else to prefer?

Washing options in the kitchen today is a great set. Not for all, its traditional location in the far corner is convenient, as the level of lighting and access in this case is difficult. An excellent option is to transfer the sink to the window, which allows the use of natural lighting. If the kitchen is spacious, it is possible to create in the center of the room of the so-called working island, that is, the sink, a working table, the stove will be placed near the walls, but in the middle of the kitchen. It is not only convenient, but also allows the most use of the kitchen space.

Plan the transfer of kitchen sinks may be required for a variety of reasons. Most often it is a repair work, during which the work area is fully converted, a new furniture is established, where the washing will be embedded. This work is simultaneously pretty simple, but at the same time complicated. There are many nuances that need to be envisaged when conducting pipes for supplying water to cranes, extension of a pipe for sewer plum.

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