How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?


The appearance of the baby is an important event in the life of the family. During the first months of the baby's life, the location of a crib in the parent bedroom can be the most convenient option. Young mother does not have to get up in the middle of the night for breastfeeding. And with artificial feeding in care of the baby, the father will be able to help.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

What changes should be added to the interior of the bedroom before the kid appears? Consider in the article.

We divide the bedroom on clear zones

The interior of the bedroom of young parents will acquire the correctness and harmony, if you visually divide the room on the zones. It will serve good service and parents, and baby. The baby will be able to be in his protected place, and mom and dad will be able to leave a personal space.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

For the separation of the bedroom there are two budget options. If the size of the room is large enough, then special partitions can be placed in the bedroom. Plus this decision is obvious - the child will not be influenced by too many external stimuli, which will make his sleep calmer. The disadvantage is that the partitions will visually reduce the space of the room.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

The second option is to use small lockers and racks for zoning. On the shelves it is convenient to place the items you need, for example, toys and diapers. The main thing is that open racks do not stand very close to the baby's bed - to avoid the danger of injury by randomly fallen things.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

On a note. In the first month of the child's life above the bed, it is useful to hammer a mobile with black and white, contrasting toys without small details. This contributes to the development of the visual perception of the kid.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

Get rid of unnecessary dust drives and facilitate cleaning

After the birth of a child, young parents will have little free time. Therefore, it is wise to do everything to make cleaning in the bedroom as easy as possible. It is best to apply lacquer to the floor or paint paint (so it's easier to wash it), and the walls are covered with "children's", washing paint pastel tones. It is also necessary to think about the dense curtains on the windows - so that the kid will not be too early to the bright rays of the morning sun.

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How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

If the kid becomes sleeping in the parents' bedroom, then it is advisable to remove the items that have the property of the dust. The strongest dust collectors are considered carpets with a thick pile - without proper cleaning, they are able to accumulate microbes and dirt particles for months.

If there is no other place for storage not used every day, except for the cabinet in the parent bedroom, you should cover them with a polyethylene film.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

In addition, it is advisable to place items so that almost all surfaces have become available for wet cleaning.

On a note. Arrange the furniture so that it is convenient to walk - let it stand next to the walls. It will help when you need to get up at night to meet the needs of the baby.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

We care about security

  1. Before the birth of the baby, it is desirable to think that there are no sharp corners in the bedroom. First, it will create additional comfort to parents, and secondly, in the future, will create a safe space for a child.
  2. The scattered light in the bedroom benefits the bridge of the baby.
    How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?
  3. When the room is arranged, it is worth thinking about buying a special changing table - it will make a change of diapers more convenient and allow parents to keep the health of the back.
  4. A good solution will be located next to it a small cabinet for the baby's things. Thus, at the right moment everything will be at hand.

On a note. If you plan to give the baby a separate bed, cholect the models with wheels so that it is convenient to move it from place to place.

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

Room for parents and child! How to organize space? (1 video)

Preparation of the parent bedroom for the birth of a child (10 photos)

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

How to change the parent bedroom to the appearance of the kid?

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