Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]


Luxurious penthouses of Hollywood stars have always attracted the attention of fans and the house very famous on the media field of the singer, Lady Gaga, is not an exception.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]


The singer's house has integer five bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, and is located in one of the most prestigious cities of California - Malibu.

What do you think, how much did this mansion cost her? For his house, the singer gave any or a little - 20 million dollars, fortunately the multi-million star fees allow to acquire such dwellings.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Interesting! The singer itself reports media that when buying housing has never thought and fell in love with the mansion from the very first seconds.

Also to the property Lady Gaga refers to the beach adjacent to the Pacific. Before the celebrity house there is a bulk pool with crystal clear water. A jacuzzi is attached in one of the corners of the pool.

Right in front of the pool are sun beds and sun protecting umbrellas.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

There are in the mansion and places for entertainment, one of which is bowling. Near the bowling there are sofas in gray colors that are around the coffee table. Behind the curtains separating entertainment room on the zone is an interesting basketball gaming machine.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Opposite the coffee table with sofas is a home theater, allowing to enjoy the masterpieces of the film industry on a chic screen, which occupies almost the entire wall.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

At the site of the singer, there are still many coffee tables with sofas, some of them stand on the street. For complete comfort and feelings of comfort on chairs and sofas always lie pillows.

Interesting facts about the house

The singer's house has a playpen designed for horse riding. Yes, yes, you did not hear, Lady Gaga has its own horse on which she can ride right at home.

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The horse is not the only animal living in this mansion, besides her singer holds two more dogs named Ronnie and Granp, which is translated into Russian as "grandfather."

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

The singer herself calls his penthouse "Gypsy Palace". According to her, the estate personifies calm and idyll due to the complete rose of the garden and a gorgeous ocean view.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]
Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Room for clothes - far from novelty and present in houses of many celebrities, so in the house of the gaga simply could not not be . There is nothing in this room, except for the singer's dresses on a wide variety of cases and events. By the way, there is a raincoat in the house, created individually for the singer, a very famous fashion designer named after Alexander McQueen.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

To the question "Why is there so much pink in the house?" The singer replies that this color is one of her beloved. This color seems to her soothing and pleasant, but confirms her words presence in the house of a huge pink carpet and sofa.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Also in the Gaga mansion you can see the letter inserted into the frame. Who should be the author of the letter so that the singer inserted him into the frame and hung on the wall? Well, for example, David Bowie. The celebrity itself has repeatedly argued that he is a fan of his creativity and is even inspired by him. In the note, the singer thanks Lady Gaga for a cake and apologizes for a long absence during the couple of future months.

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Bowie is far from the only person, whose creativity is interested in Gaga. The singer also likes one of the modern American artists named George Condo, whose picture she hung on the wall of her mansion. Lady claims that the heroine depicted in the picture reminds her of itself. The artist painted a lady with a lubricated face, dressed in a ball gown.

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Lady Gaga House (1 video)

House Lady Gaga in Malibu (11 photos)

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

Lady Gaga House for $ 20000000 [Overview]

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