Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]


Make a typical chair comfortable for the seat will help the pillow. A sufficient number of ways are known as their own hands, with a minimum of time and money costs to make a pillow for the chair.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

We present the top -5 of the most popular techniques for creating sewers.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidness from Pomponov

Original, soft, fluffy cape from pumps will decorate any furniture.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Make your own hand sidewa from pumps just:

  1. We prepare materials. You will need threads for knitting (the thread thread, the better), perforated grid (sold at any store for needlework), scissors.
  2. Strip the basis. To do this, you need to measure the settings of the chair seating (you can with the back together), move the measurements to the grid and cut the base.
  3. We make pumps. Four fingers wound a thread for knitting (the more turns will be done, the pompon will be fluffy). The resulting ring from the threads is bonded in the middle thread for knitting. Pompon edges are cut and fluffy.

Attention: threads, bonding pompon, are not trimmed.

  1. Create a seat. Each pompon is separately tied to the base. The more pumps will be recorded, the softer and the volume will be sidewged on the chair.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidushka in the technique of Crazy-Patchwork

Soft sidushka-pillow, made in the technique of Pachvok - this is not only a good way to make a chair convenient, but also utilize the various remains of the fabrics accumulated in the house.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cooking materials: bright flaps of fabrics, filler (a good version of holofiber or sintepon), braid. Accelerate the process of assembling the cushion sewing machine.
  2. We make the pattern. To do this, in the stool seat measurements, draw a paper layout of the future sidew. On the paper pattern, flaps of fabric flaps are laid out (chess, in a circle, sections). Additionally cuts back side of the pillow of solid canvas.
  3. We sew a pillow. According to the pre-made layout of the flaps of the fabric are sewn. Folded faceted inside the patchwork canvas and the solid side of the pillow are compared together.

IMPORTANT: When assembling, leave an unimposed one angle of the pillow.

  1. Fill the pillow. Through the hole in the corner of the seat is filled with syntheps or holofiber.
  2. The final stage. The hole is neatly sewn manually. In the corners, taped tapes are sewn.

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Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidushka in the style of "Biscuit"

The case made in the "Biscuit" style will turn the oldest stool in the original piece of furniture.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sew pillow just:

  1. We are preparing the necessary tool and materials: a cotton fabric (a variety of flaps looks like a variety of drawing), filler (synthetone, holofiber), scissors, centimeter, threads, iron, sewing machine.
  2. Crow base. Pillow "Biscuit" - this is a variety of small pads collected in a single coating . Having measured the sidewal parameters of the chair, one central square and a set of smaller squares for pads framing the seat around the perimeter are cut.
  3. We collect a pillow. Crawled squares are sewn, filled with syntheps or holofiber . Then, each pad decomposition in the desired sequence is stitched with each other. The final barcode is an edging around the perimeter of the seat that combines all pillows together.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidushka from textile stigis

Stigis is a special type of textile, treated with the wrong side of the thermal . Such material allows you to create an interesting stylish pillow without much difficulty, with a minimum of time spending.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Action algorithm is simple: the desired drawing is translated into stigis textiles, cut out. Then the picture is applied to the already finished pillow and stroke the hot iron.

Thermocles melted and the picture is firmly glued to the base of the pillow.

Knitted sidew

For those who ever held the knitting needles in their hands and can bind the front and hopping loop will not be a lot of work to tie the seat on the chair. To work, it is better to take a thick thread (the pillow will turn out more dense, and the work will pass faster). Alternating every four rows of four outcomes and four facial loops, a chephics pattern fit.

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

The size of the canvas is determined by the measurements of the seat seat. After the web required sizes are connected to the hinges. The opposite direction can be carved from the tissue, you can connect the second web, in size corresponding to the first one. Two sides are stitched together, inside the synthesis, holofiber or pieces of foam rubber are laid. Pillow for stool is ready.

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Having attached a little effort and manifesting the fantasy you can turn the usual chair in a comfortable, beautiful piece of furniture.

DIY: Patchwork Sedushka Pillow Disposal Loskutki Sewing without costs (1 video)

Beautiful sidedies on chairs (10 photos)

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

Sidews on the chairs with their own hands [5 ideas how to make furniture comfortable]

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