How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself


It is permissible to bring a lot of benefit arguments regarding the need and functionality of the door thresholds. Many refuse to install the door with the threshold, but the recommendations of the specialists are convinced of the dignity of the door design details. The degree of functionality of the thresholds largely depends on how to make a threshold and establish it, what we will talk about.

The arguments of the use of the thresholds in the structure

The door threshold, in fact, is the bottom composite part of the block of the opening block of the opening, which closes the contour of the product, which contributes to the dense cover of the door sash.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Density of covering door leaf with threshold

Thus, the guaranteed isolation of the adjacent room is provided by the door product throughout the perimeter of the box.

Modern masters argue that the installation of the thresholds is not a mandatory arrangement of the doorplace of interior. By refusing the installation of the impression during the installation of interroom, and even worse, the entrance doors, due to the affordable use of the product and at the urgency, homeowners may face a number of unpleasant surprises:

  • From an entrance or street, if it is an entrance or balcony door, extraneous noises will be coming;
  • When changing the season, which is acceptable to the climate of our country, drafts will be revealed;
  • Foreign smells, dust precipitation and other phenomena of the negative nature of the atmosphere will become guests in a residential premises.

Of all we think, it is clear that the door is in defective form of the configuration, that is, without a clamping, is not able to withstand outsiders. Save comfortable pastime in your own home, as well as strengthen the functional characteristics of the installed door design, is permissible after installing the door threshold. And if you have to face a master who dissuade the use of thresholds for the floor, then you should know that a person just faced a little with the arrangement of input and interior doors.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Smoothed threshold for ease of use of disabled

As an elimination of failure to use the door with the threshold, it is permissible to take the following facts:

  • The house has a disabled person moving on a wheelchair. Naturally, the profiles on the floor will become the most important obstacle for independent movement of a person with disabilities in the structure.
  • Interior doors are equipped with a complete set of hidden. Such structures are known as the "Threshing Guillotine". The floor from the clad, as such, is released, and from the door of the door, when closing the opening, an additional element, insulating room, leaves. The functionality of the door design with a similar package is practically no different from the classic arrangement, which uses the door with the threshold.

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How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Hidden threshold system

Unfortunately, because of the unjustified refusal of the thresholds, following the fashion, or because of the savings of materials for the production of door structures, the box stopped supplying in factory conditions as a useful element. It is precisely because when replacing the door overlap, and after laying a flooring, the need to set the thresholds with their own hands is detected.

Interroom Rights: Nuances Selection

Each of the adjacent rooms requires separate attention to its own arrangement, as for the stylistic design or appointment of use. For this reason, the thresholds around the structure are required completely different types relative to the material, the method of installation and size. Install, how to make thresholds with your own hands it is not at all difficult that we are in this publication and prove. But before, you need to decide on the selection among a wide range.

Thresholds for floors are stacked as the final structural element, that is, after complete installation of the door overlap and flooring of the flooring.

You can buy thresholds in any specialized building store, which presents a wide variety of products, both domestic producer and known foreign brands.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Assortment series of constructive and color solutions for thresholds

But some tips will help choose suitable door thresholds:

  • To pick up durable and sturdes for laying in places of big passability, pay attention to the metal profiles from brass or stainless steel.
  • Aluminum thresholds are also endowed with high wear resistance. Plus, these products lies in the variety of coating, textured trim and colors.
  • To overlap the resulting gap between floor coatings, the profile should be chosen after final work. Measure the width and length of the defective gap, and select the best option.
  • Plastic profiles are short-lived products, so use them, as a last resort, in places of low passability.

    How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

    Wooden lights for the floor: hidden and multi-level mounting

  • Wooden boards themselves are good and monumental, but lay such details if you are sure that they are ready for excessive costs and complex care for the product.
  • We recommend using a special cork compensator for docking a single-level horizontal coating in rooms where the drops of moisture and temperature are a normal phenomenon. So in the baths, saunas, winter gardens and pools it is worth using a cork bar, which is endowed with the property, expand and shrink almost twice.
  • You can reunite the multi-level joints using special splashes that compensate for its design of the dropper levels. Such products compensate for the difference from several millimeters to 2-3 centimeters.

Create a threshold from concrete

There are platforms that are forced raised relative to the design.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Concrete bridges in the transition from the balcony

Often these sites are located in front of the balcony doorways, if we talk about the apartment. In a private building, raised sites can be located at the entrance inside or outside, bathrooms and other rooms, such as storing inventory, pumping and so on. Compensate the sharp discharge of the opening with the floor level is permissible to the concrete threshold.

Setting the thresholds from concrete involves small, but construction work. So, before installing the threshold from concrete, you will need to stock the following materials:

  • formwork boards;
  • Cement mortar with special additives for the elasticity of the product;
  • primer;
  • Any type of material for finishing the thoring: laminate, tile, paints and other.

The process itself is simple, but requires care and patience:

  • cleared space under the concrete stage;
  • manifested cracks after installing the door system, it is recommended to smell with a solution;
  • The velocity area is processed by primer;
  • the formwork is assembled, but height at the level of door fit;
  • A concrete mixture is prepared, after which it is immediately poured into the formwork, it is thoroughly tamped and smoothed;
  • After drying the site, you can be taken for the finish by any liked material suitable for the design of the room design.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Creating a concrete threshold

Drying time of concrete fill may vary from several hours, and up to several days. All this time, the playground must be made with water so that it does not give cracks and acquire sufficient structural strength.

Create a threshold from a tree

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Installation of a wooden threshold in the groove of the bar

Despite the rapid wear and much attention to myself regarding care, wooden thresholds are still leading in consumer demand. This may be due to the fact that there are often door structures from a natural array of wood, or because you can always upgrade wooden thresholds with your own hands.

How to make a threshold from wood. We will not tell, because not everyone has special devices for wood processing in a home source. Moreover, it is not a problem to buy thresholds from a natural tree now, besides, they are presented for the consumer in a variety of configurations to choose from.

How to install threshold from wood, read below:

  • First you need to buy thresholds;
  • The place of installation is cleared of dust and other garbage, then wipped with a damp cloth;
  • It is placed and the desired length of the product is placed;
  • The item is fastened with the help of a nail battle, but under fasteners, we recommend drilled holes in advance, so that the tree did not burst;
  • Before the final fastening of the skin, put it in place and try closing / open the door leaf, making sure that it fits tightly to the eagle, and moves freely.

It is worth noting that the masters are recommended to freeze the product in length of a little more installation space in the lumen between the lutti racks. Next, remove the lower corners of the box racks, equal to the height of the threshold itself, and insert it into the grooves done. Installed threshold in this way is better held and more harmoniously looks.

Installation of bellows with hidden fastening

Wooden boards, like many metal products and plastic, are often installed in the open method of consolidation. The entire process of installation of open fasteners products is reduced to cutting the plank to the desired dimensions, drumming the holes for fasteners and directly, installation with fixing. The main thing is that the fasteners were located at the same distance from each other and from the edges of the profile.

Modern consumer sizes require more and more aesthetics in the design of the room, therefore, the hidden method of fasteners are increasingly used. Undoubtedly, such profiles look more attractive and neatly, but also the installation of the thresholds of such a configuration is somewhat different from the classical installation:

  • At an equal distance from each other in the floor, holes for fasteners with a diameter of at least 5 mm are drilled;
  • The set of products under consideration should include a dowel-nail, which are hardened in the groove on the reverse side of the threshold, with an equal distribution in length;
  • We apply a bar with the fastener to the well-done holes, gently enter them in the grooves, and through the rubber gasket you feed the bar on the place.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Installing a hole with a hidden mounting system

There is no difficult in the type of installation of products with a hidden way of installation, but visual aesthetics is guaranteed.

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself

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How to make a threshold in the doorway do it yourself


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