How to clean the seams between the tiles: "rejuvenate" the tile for several years


The seams of tiles, being in an atmosphere of high humidity, are affected by mold and mud, such stains are hard to launder. But folk, inexpensive means easily laundered spots that did not dare.

Means and recipes

There is an ancient recipe, even with pre-revolutionary times, containing simple, most affordable substances:

  • 1 tablespoon of food soda;
  • 1/1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 1/3 lemon.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

All this is dissolved in a liter of water, there will be a lot of foam, stir the solution is needed with great care. It is necessary to work in protective gloves, process seams need toothbrush . The applied composition must be kept on the seams of half an hour, then washed away.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:


There is a simpler recipe based on an excellent antiseptic, which is characteristic of ordinary food soda. It is necessary to apply a lot of soda on the wet seams, after 5 minutes of excerpts, it is vigorously to lose its with a toothbrush, and then wash off with water.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:


You can use for cleaning the seams of hydrogen peroxide. This is a more careful method than cleaning vinegar and is suitable for expensive types of tiles. . True, this method copes only with recently appeared spots. Old black stains of hydrogen peroxide does not take. The liquid acquired in the pharmacy is diluted with a double amount of water and the seams obtained are treated, without flushing the processing after the completion of the process.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

Tea tree oil

There is a more expensive method of cleaning seams - oil purification of tea tree. It is necessary to prepare a solution from:
  • 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil,
  • 1 cup of water room temperature.

Spray it with a pulverizer and leave for the night.

Mechanical method

If it is impossible to clean the throat seams by chemical methods, it is necessary to erase the black layer of the grout, after which the seams of the anti-GRIBIC means can be bought in any building materials store. Then it is better to apply a new layer of grout.

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How to clean the seams between the tiles:

You can use the furacilin medication. The tablet needs to crush the teaspoon and shake it in half a glass of water, tightened to the seams and not to wash over the day. After such processing, the fungus rarely appears.

In the most launched cases, the old grout is removed by grinding machine . The resulting gaps are treated with a disinfecting solution, then ground and fill the seams with a new grout. It is necessary after drying new seams to treat them with liquid sealant. This processing guarantees protection against re-infection with fungus.

Ceramic tile refers to durable facing materials. Long service life leads to the fact that a good still tile is bored and requires updating. The easiest way to clean the aged cladding with neutral household cleaners is easily. Claphes are available with a mixture made on the basis of epoxy resin.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

If you wish, you can paint the tile with water-emulsioned paints. It is necessary to apply two layers of paint. You can use acrylic paint, it is necessary to apply it in three layers.

Before the colorful tile is cleaned and crushed with emery paper. After that, processed by the primer, only after that they are applied to paint.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

Stickers, painting

There is a way to significantly update the tile with stickers. Any film is superimposed only on a well-depleted surface and well-dried. There are colored self-adhesive films Oracale, there are special vinyl stickers on the tile, there are transparent silicone stickers. All kinds of such stickers are well kept on a tile and easily wash with a sponge.

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

Possible painting tiles. It is done on a template from cardboard acrylic paint for ceramics.

Brilliant way to get rid of dirt and mold (1 video)

Cleaning of intercutric seams (9 photos)

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

How to clean the seams between the tiles:

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