House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)


House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Digital information carriers are trying to push paper books into the second plan. But still, some people in their modern apartments try to equip a place for a home library. But what furniture is ideal for this, consider further.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Where to equip

It is believed that the library should be located in a separate room. Where the entire situation and the surrounding items will be soaked in peace and convenience. But it is not for everyone to have such a room, therefore, it is necessary to combine the library with other rooms in the house. Usually this:

  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • corridor;
  • Cabinet;
  • bathroom;
  • kitchen.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Bookcases in the interior: Library in the living room

Combining the library with the living room is an excellent option. Here you can arrange bookcases, racks and shelves, and they will look at the interior of this room, they will see in the photo themselves. It is convenient because there is the possibility of zoning the room:

  • rest zone;
  • reading zone;
  • Storage area of ​​books.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

As a rule, in any house it is the largest room in size, so it is possible to apply various design finds. If the common style of the living room is designed in a modern style, then shelves are suitable here from furniture for storing books. Selection is offered several options:

  • hinged;
  • embeddable;
  • outdoor;
  • Modular.

The last version of the shelves is considered one of the most original. Such bookshelves in the interior of the living room are less cumbersome. The overall composition of the furniture is separate blocks of the same size, which can be interconnected by anything. From such blocks, you can collect a whole wall, a partition or shelving for storing books.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Another good idea is invisible shelves, when they are completely filled with printing publications. There is a feeling of a guy of books in the air.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

If there is little space in the room, then you need to try to use any free space, for example, angle. In this case, you can use angular shelves, book racks or small walls for books.

Before you decide to choose the bookshelves, racks or cabinets for the interior of the living room, it is worth identifying the number of your books, and from it to repel.

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House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

If the literature is a bit, then it is quite possible to do with mounted or floor bookshelves. You can accommodate them as you like:

  • above the sofa;
  • on the side, bottom, top of the TV;
  • On any free wall.

Additionally, the shelves can be decorated with family photos, statuette and various souvenirs.

You can choose the shelves for books from any material:

  • MDF;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • metal.

The main thing, the entire interior of the room should be performed in a single style.

If there are many books in your library, then there must be the place. In this case, it is better to choose bookcases in the interior with shelves and glass doors. This will additionally protect the publication from dust, and from frequent cleaning.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Between the base of the cabinet and the doors should be a gap through which air will fall. It will help keep books.

As a material use:

  • Wooden array;
  • MDF;
  • LDSP.

If you want to make the interior stylish, then it is better to choose modular attachment bookcases with glossy outer decoration. Angular cabinets will look very stylish, around which a couple of chairs will be placed. It will make a corner cozy.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Place of reading in the library-living room

Each library should be equipped with a comfortable sofa, chairs or chairs for reading. They should be convenient. If you choose a soft chair, then it is necessary to supplement it to the feet.

Each point for reading should be equipped with lighting. It is best to place it from the side of the back, so that the straight light does not fall into the eyes. If you like torshera, choose models with lampshade.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Color decoration of the living-library

There are several recommendations that should be used in color design:

  • Shelves should not be bright;
  • Avoid the motley wallpaper with a large drawing.

The color composition should be all in bright colors. Shelves and open book racks in the interior will be better to watch if you choose their white shades. But closed cabinets for books are favorably looking in brown shades.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Organization of the library in the bedroom

If the library needs to be organized in the bedroom, then you need to remember that the room is usually a little less than the living room. Here you need to competently use each free corner.

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The home library in the bedroom is good as follows:

  • You can quickly choose a book and read before bedtime;
  • additional sound insulation of the room;
  • Filling empty space.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

To organize a library in the bedroom, you need to have zoning the room. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Split the room in half. In the first zone it is necessary to place the storage for books and a sleeping place. It is best to use hinged open bookshelves. So how to read it is harmful, it is better to purchase a bed that can change your geometry. At the headboard bed must be hinged lamps.
  2. If the bedroom is large, then it is better to make a soft corner. For storage of books, you can put small racks or hang shelves. Further and economically can accommodate corner furniture for printing publications. There is also a soft and comfortable chair with the Puffy. You can cut down the so-called reading room either with a screen or directly by the rack with books.
  3. It is advantageous to watch the shelves located above the headboard. In the store you can find options for finished sleeping heads with such shelves for storing books.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Library in the corridor: Book racks and shelves for small space

In the hallway, only necessary things, such as clothing, shoes and street accessories, are usually accepted. In the modern interior with the corridor, it is quite possible to combine the library. As an ideal storage room, books are suitable:

  • high and narrow racks that will occupy floor space to the ceiling;
  • hinged shelves;
  • Outdoor racks.

Do not forget about plasterboard. From it you can do everything that your soul is pleased. If there is little place in the hallway, then you can make a built-in open bookcase, which will replace part of the wall.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

So that the interior does not look boring it can be diluted with a suspended mirror, which should be accommodated on the opposite wall from books. This visually will expand the room and your library. Equip the special place to read is not necessary.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Registration of toilet library

Each person at least once in his life, but spent secluded time in the bathroom with a book in his hands. There are a number of people who need a library in such an unexpected place.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Toilet is the smallest room in the entire apartment or house. Places for storing books is not enough, so it is necessary to plan everything carefully. Furnished fit:

  • Shelf-console: It can accommodate several small books and magazines, made from metal, glass, plastic or wood;
  • Regiment module (suspended): This is a kind of mini-rack for books, which is attached to a special barbell;
  • Flat floor bookcase: For true biblophiles, you can make a library more, the appearance of such furniture is similar to the galoshnyt with hinged doors (you can make an open option);
  • Niche: There are niche in many bathrooms, it is a great way to save space and put books on the shelves that can be done under an individual size and design.

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If the bathroom is combined with the bathroom and at the same time the room has sufficient area, then you can make zoning with a narrow floor rack from the floor to the ceiling.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

In this room, you can not slip into the finish. To emphasize the presence of the library in such an unexpected location using:

  • colorful tile;
  • Wallpapers imitating printed books of books and newspapers.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Registration of the library in the kitchen

For lovers of culinary masterpieces, you can make a thematic library in the kitchen. In this interior, it is impossible to look for closed bookcases with glass doors in light shades. You can position them in the corner so as not to occupy the useful area.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

You can also consider open book racks in the interior (photo below), but it is recommended to put them away from the stove and wind cabinets. If the places are catastrophically lack, you can make the suspended shelves that will be under the ceiling itself.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Library in the office: large bookcases and walls in the interior

Perhaps the most common place to accommodate the library is the Cabinet. If there is an room in your apartment, then you are lucky. The first associations that occur when viewing the interior: massive furniture of dark shades, leather armchair and a sofa with a carriage tie. Accordingly, large bookcases in the interior of the cabinet will look very harmonious not only in the photo. This is a classic style that Moden is always. If you are a supporter of all modern, you can install the original form book racks in the form of various inscriptions and patterns.

House for books: home library arrangement in a modern housing (42 photos)

Armed with all the above recommendations on the design of the library in different parts of the apartment, you will receive the interior of your dreams. And his crown will be a collection of books collected by you for all the years.

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