Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor


What beauty just do not meet in needlework art. Pictures of dried colors look especially elegantly. Such a kind of floristics is called "Oshiban", i.e. Pressed floristics. Art arose about six centuries ago, but over time it was forgotten. And only recently plane floristics survived the second birth and continues to be popular.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

What is the essence of technology

Oshiban is considered an environmentally friendly art. Therefore, natural materials are needed to create paintings, which can be found in the forest, field or other similar places.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

If you do not have the opportunity to walk in the forest, look at your windowsill. Surely you will find there the motley flowers, lace leaves or slender stalks.

The material must be dried first and prepare, then attach to a tissue or paper basis and use to create a composition.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor


All sorts of flowers or their petals, multicolored autumn leaves, graceful stems or miniature seeds of plants are suitable for the ishib. However, extruded floristics is not limited to a gentle view of the material.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

The plentaglians are boldly using the bark of trees, Beresto, or Solla. In the pictures you can also meet the compositions of the dried bakes of citrus, grapefruit lifes or banana skins.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

How to collect and harvest plants

Preparing materials for the Oshiban, should take into account many different nuances. Each master who professionally engaged in this art, has its secrets. When drying the material it is important to maintain its shape, natural color and texture.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

It is necessary to collect natural materials only in dry weather so that the mold does not arise. All of them must be clean, without mud and any insects.

Plants need to be keen in a special armored folder under the press. So they will become flat. In order for the vegetation to acquire the desired shade, it is thermally treated.

Article on the topic: Harvesting: Vegetables and fruits on decoration items

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

It is known that autumn flowers longer retain their color than spring, which will be pale very quickly . The faster you dry fresh flowers, the better the color will continue. Dried material should be stored in closed containers. Tightness will protect it from burnout, humidity and moth, which is not averse to encompass vegetation. Finished paintings should also be protected with a frame with glass, away from sunlight.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

The process of creating a picture

Before starting work, prepare the background for the future picture. If you use the light material, then select a dark background, and vice versa. You need to know that the white background is able to emphasize the finest shades of the material used. For background usually take white and colored paper, cardboard or fabric. Cardboard and fabric can be smooth or velvety texture. White paper can be sketched with watercolor paints, giving the background the desired shade.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

The material is glued with an ordinary PVA, which is applied using a brush.

For the Oshiban, you need to stock up tools in the form of scissors, tweezers, pieces of fabric and other similar items. Oshiban is a very painstaking and time consuming technique, but interesting and fascinating.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Despite the fact that the Oshiban breathes simplicity, it can create unusual paintings . With the help of colors and leaves, the masters are able to transmit the beauty of mountain landscapes, the silence of the forest lake or the freshness of the aromatic still life.

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Art Oshiban (1 video)

Art of Oshiban (11 photos)

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

Arts Oshiban: Stylish Interior Decor

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