How to smoke curtains at home?


The window decor serves the final design of any room, without which the setting will not look harmonious. Many needlewomen are taken to sew it independently, and when working logical is the question: how to smoke the curtains?

How to smoke curtains at home?

Some subtleties of sewing curtains

Before you begin the sewing process, the purchased fabric should be joined so that when washing the finished curtains do not "sat down." For this you need:

  • Matter for curtains, lining to lower for a few minutes in warm water;
  • Carefully squeeze and spend in a vertical state;
  • dry to a semi-balance state;
  • stroke.


Such a procedure should not be subject to velvet, velor, plush. Natural silk should be only slightly pasted.

It is also desirable to enable the material of the curtains to drop on the cornily within 2-3 days. Only after that you can proceed to sewing curtains. It is important to remember that:

  • The lining is laid to the ready-made curtain;
  • The angles are better to connect along the diagonal line;
  • So that the window curtain looks beautifully and has not formed unnecessary horizontal folds, it is better to drag it with weights.

How to smoke curtains at home?

Ways to process seams

How to smoke the curtains? There are several ways:

  • manually - secret seam;
  • machine line;
  • With the help of the "Customs" - a special adhesive tape.

The first method is quite time consuming and requires a certain skill. The second is quite universal, but it will take a sewing machine and minimal skills to work on it. The third is not suitable for tissues that can be ironed only at low temperatures.

The processing of seams largely depends on the tissue density and the use of lining.

  • Simple thin curtains are better to flex.
  • Models made of dense tissue with lining is better to svew single bending so that it is too coarse, volumetric seams.

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You can use the curtains and edging (oblique baking) purchased in the store or made with your own hands. The ribbon bends in half, the edges of the curtains are placed inside, pinned with pins and are striking.

How to smoke curtains at home?

Adhesive tape for edge processing curtains

How to shorten the curtains, not stitching?

A very convenient way to shorten the curtains without a sewing machine is a bilateral duplex with a "paust". This follows:

  • Carefully subjected to the material at the required distance;
  • sow seam;
  • put between layers of tape tissue;
  • Clear with iron. Before working, you should try on a small segment to know in advance how much to keep the iron on the fabric, whether the retreating is needed. Also, you should not iron already cursed areas.


If the curtain uses a dense, heavy fabric or a fairly large odd, then it is better to use the adhesive tape in two rows.

This method has its own drawback - after several styrics, the edge can turn out, and the bottom curtains will look untidy. In this case, you should remove the curtain and take advantage of the ribbon again.

Another way to shorten the finished curtains is to use special clamps. With their help, you can simulate fold-waves that raise the material. But here also has its own minuses:

  • It is important to achieve symmetry if two curtains are used;
  • Such products do not withstand heavy loads, are not suitable for dense tissues.

How to smoke curtains at home?

Processing side seams

Suts on the sides of the curtains are often taken equal to 1.5-2 cm. With double bending (seam in a closed slice), a number of action must be performed.

  • Shoot the size of the pent. It is easier to do this with a simple pattern (a cardboard rectangle with sides equal to the size of the podium and the length of the sole of the iron). It should be put on the edge of the fabric, wrap and paste. Next, the strip moves, and the process is repeated.
  • The bend bend twice and secure often pins.
  • Optionally, perform an angular connection.
  • Start seam no more than 2 mm from the edge of the bend. It should be monitored so that the fabric does not move and not deformed.
  • Restore seam.


Many curtain fabrics are offered with embossed edges. Such material is not processed lateral seams.

How to smoke curtains at home?

How to strip the bottom curtains?

One of the components of the beauty curtains is a flat bottom. If it is necessary to shorten the material, you should sign a cut. To do this, it should be carefully pulling the thread as a guide and cut the canvas on it. Next, the bottom is processed as lateral seams.

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An important step of processing is the installation of weighting agents (cord or weights). The cord is inserted into the bending and fastened on the sides. It is used more often for transparent and lightweight materials. Separate shipers are first attached in the corners, and then the rest are evenly distributed over the entire length. Usually they are simply fixed with threads. So that the bottom of the model without lining looked neat, the weights are better to put in small pockets, stitched from the trimming of the curtain fabric.

How to smoke curtains at home?


In order for the corners of the curtains to be too thick and visually dupile, they often use the angular compounds of the bending. This follows:

  • Side and lower leggings;
  • Place their intersection to mark the pin;
  • Breast bend the corner inward, taking the marked point as the basis;
  • Tog and grind the pins diagonal SCOS;
  • stroke seams;
  • SCOS SHOE CEST stitches.

How to smoke curtains at home?

How to enhance organiza?

Curtains from organza look very impressive, but working with this material has its own characteristics. To shorten the fabric, you must first sign a cut, and then trim up with scissors or a hot knife. In the first case, it is necessary to process the edges so that they do not "flew". You can apply their small zigzag or with an overlock. The second option is to burn, gently putting the flame match or candles to the edge. This process is better to exercise together. One pulls the fabric, the second - processes the edge. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the fabric will be spoiled.

Next, sew on the sides oblique beyk. Processing the bottom of the tissue, be sure to fix the weighting agent.

Organza can be used in another way - to make a double bending. Usually, the progress takes equal to 0.5-1 cm. But in this case, it is necessary to be extremely neat so that the fabric does not slide and seam does not look somewhat rude.

How to smoke curtains at home?


Before starting sewing work, it is important to properly prepare the fabric. To do this, it must be joined, and also give to fall. After that, you can paint the cloth and sew curtains.

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Curtains are mounted manually or using a sewing machine. Seam can be with single or double bending. The method depends on the type of fabric, the presence of lining. Many craftsmen when processing edges of the curtains use oblique beyk or adhesive tape - "Cellius".

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