Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description


There are situations when you go to the sea, and the weather is warm there during the day, and in the evening it is cold. You can independently make a hook sweater, which will greatly warm the summer evening. It can also be used in a daily sock and not only. Such a blouse can be worn on your own, but in the form of add-ons to sundress, dress, top.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Just and tastefully

The process of phased manufacturing sweaters in crochet can be traced on the example of the master class for beginners.

To work, we needed: nine cotton yarn motals, hook and needles, markers for knitting. We will need the knitting needles only to bind the product of the product, the number of the spokes is 3, and the hook is 2.5. Experienced craftswomen can replace the pattern or complicate it with some kind of element, but beginners best knit exactly as described in this master class.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Mesh sweaters pattern circuit:

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Knit stands with a thread folded twice. We recruit about 90 loops (this for 44 sizes), and then knit the next twenty rows of elastic two to two. An elastic band will also need to link the sleeves, so we recruit 38 (42) loops and knit twenty-rows with two facial and two hinges. Now the neck. We are also starting with elastic bands two for two, tissing 10 rows. For the neck for the knitting needles, it will be necessary to dial about 170 loops. After all of us are connected, close the loops.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Then the edges of the rubber band are sewn among themselves.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Markers for knitting Delim a gum for twenty identical parts.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Then every part divide in proportion 1 to three. We recruit two air lifting loops, then three VP, make a column without a nakid, then pick up 13 air loops and insert a column without Nakid to the point that we initially marked the marker. Thus, we carry out the product to the end of the row.

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Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

The Rapport of the second row is: We recruit two air loops of lifting from the middle of a small arch, then they are tied by six columns with an attachment. After that, we recruit the three air loops and knit the column without a nakid in the middle loop of the big argy, the field again three air loops, secured them with a column without Nakid and accumulated six columns with Nakud. Rapport ends with a column without Nakid under a small arch.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Knit the third row as the first.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

And the fourth, as the second. About 15 such combinations should be turned out to be height.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

During the connection of the threads, it is best to leave long tails.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Then in the big needle inwards these tails.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

And stretch it through the columns with Nakud.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Pull them all.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

And then cut.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Thus, we have already turned back and in front of the sweatshirts.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

To make the sleeves, celebrate the marker of six identical parts - rapports.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Knit exactly in such a way as the back, sleeves. The photo shows the first pair of rows.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

All make fifteen pairs of rows.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

The last row of sleeves must be attached to the back of the semi-brass.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

We bind the top of the product to arrange the shoulder belt. In places of connection will be formed clearance, some think this is a problem.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

To solve a knit chain of 13 air loops, connect it to the necessary part of the jigsides with a semi-solitary and taking the columns with Nakud.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

This is how this problem is solved. We completely filled the clearance and returned to the starting point.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

The second solution to this problem.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Then knit the first row.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

This is what our product looks like after we accumulated a couple of rows of the main pattern and completely filled all the lumens. Again, we make three combinations of twenty arches in one row.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

On the neck we allocate twenty identical segments. They bind to them in two points from each arch in the last row.

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Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

This is how the finished product looks like. Look at what it is beautiful, and on how easy it is to knit. We hope this Description of the master class has helped you deal with the scheme.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

But the option is the same blouse in another color. It is best to wear this work on T-shirt.

Mesh Mesh Crochet for Beginners with Schemes and Description

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