What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia



What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

Fabric stretch ceiling

Progress is not on the spot and therefore we all have already become forgotten how our loggias and balconies looked like. The material market is so great that everyone can give their loggia impeccable appearance. During repair on the balcony, special attention is paid to the ceiling. You need to try to choose the optimal option that you will serve not one year.


What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

Pre-insulation loggia

It is very important to make the ceiling on the balcony, but its preparation is equally important. Before finishing the ceiling should be inspired. Many refuse this venture, but in vain. If you do not insulate the loggia, the heat will go away the neighbors. And in some cases, the correct preparation of the balcony for repair is important for the use of ceiling overlap materials. For example, when using drywall, be sure to insulate the ceiling. But if you decide to paint it, then without aligning the ceiling can not do.

Finishing options

What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

Ceiling on the balcony

Before buying materials from which you gathered to make a ceiling on a loggia, it is better to familiarize yourself with all possible options and find out their positive and negative qualities. Now there are such versions of the ceilings:

  • Colored
  • Suspended or stitched
  • From the ceiling tile
  • Tension

Each option has its pros and cons. Consider separately each finish option. What materials to use to make the ceiling - to solve only you.


What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

Finishing the ceiling of loggia

For those who do not want to warm the ceiling, the option with painting will fit perfectly. To make such a ceiling, you will need a facade paint. It is not afraid of temperature drops that are susceptible to all laptile loggias. And the choice of colors is large enough, and it is easy to pick up the most suitable option. In addition, over time, the ceiling can be tangled.

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However, this option requires preliminary preparation. The ceiling before painting should be aligned - it will make it more aesthetic. The primer needs to use the appropriate.

Suspended or stitched

Such systems are very economical and easy to install. Make such a ceiling with your own hands will not be difficult. Of course, you can use suspended ceilings on the balcony, but you are perfectly fit. Their difference in the method of fastening and altitude, to which they can be omitted.

There are types of stitched systems:

  1. Metal rails
  2. Plastic panels
  3. Wooden lining
  4. Plasterboard

If the repair on the loggia occurs with unfavorable weather, then The option with metal slats will be perfect . Although it is possible to use it even with insulated balconies, because such a type of finish looks very impressive. To all, you can make a ceiling of any shape and style.

What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

Ceiling on balconies and loggias do it yourself

Plastic panels are resistant to sharp weather drops and are not afraid of wet air. Mount the panels are needed on a wooden or aluminum profile clamp. They are practical for cleaning - it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth, durable in service and very simple in installation.

Another option is a wooden lining . This type of finishing is used for a long time. Wooden ceiling looks spectacular and harmonious, it is environmentally friendly and easily mounted. It has sound insulation properties. And the appearance creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Often during repair on loggias are used drywall ceilings. Such material is durable, and even the beginners even begin with its installation. However, it should be remembered that, despite its declared moisture resistance, he may not cope with weather conditions. Make a ceiling with such materials can be confident that the loggia is reliably protected from atmospheric influences. You need to close all existing cracks and remove the dirt. Everything after installing such overlapping requires finishing finish. If you have a fairly spacious and glazed balcony, then the painted drywall ceiling will perfectly fit into your apartment's design.

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Ceiling tile

What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

The trim of the ceiling of the loggia do it yourself

Of course, the answer to the question is from what to do the ceiling depends on the further use of the loggia and the host preferences. One of the simplest types can be called the ceiling tiles. She hides the shortcomings of concrete slabs and it is very easy and quickly glued. It looks aesthetically and sometimes even plays the role of insulation.

Tip! Do not neglect the preparation of the ceilings before finishing. Often the insulation plays an important role in long-term use of ceiling materials.


What is better to make a ceiling on the loggia

Pad and finishing ceilings on balconies and loggias

Recently, more and more often people use stretch ceilings during the arrangement of their loggias. They are installed quickly, have a large color gamut, it is possible to even order with photo printing. This option hides all the flaws of the ceiling space, the main thing is very easy to care. Before installing such ceilings, you must definitely put a layer of insulation. With such a design, the loggia will look very attractive. When choosing such a finish option, it is better to trust professionals or attract assistants.


To give your loggia a cozy look and make it attractive, it will not take as much time and costs. And for finishing the ceiling space, there are many materials that suit you both externally and according to the characteristics. Each of them has its pros and cons, and also requires preliminary preparation of the ceiling. Some materials require it aligning, and the use of others is possible only after the insulation of the entire space. Some species can be repainted and updated when you want - this is a big plus. Before buying, it is necessary to calculate how the amount of materials it will be needed. Definitely, when choosing the desired option, you should pay attention to the possibilities of your balcony, its characteristics, and most importantly, to your desires.

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