Rodeve curtains do it yourself: making


One of the elements serving the decoration of the dwelling are curtains. Currently, there is a huge number of models of tissue curtains of a variety of colors and shades, so even a picky mistress may pick up for your home what is suitable for him best. In addition to all familiar satin, jacquard and tapestry fabrics, rope curtains won great popularity.

Rodeve curtains do it yourself: making

It should be remembered that the rope curtains are created from a large amount of threads.

These decor elements are perfectly suitable for living rooms, children's and bedrooms, and for kitchens. Such curtains are happy to hang out not only in apartments and houses, but also in offices, entertainment facilities. They can be decorated with window and doorways, with the help of a curtain of this species zona space, use them for the manufacture of bed bouquets. Although the rope curtains can be without any problems in the store, many hostesses prefer to create them with their own hands. What are these decor items and how to do them at home?

A few words about rope curtains

Fashionable rope curtains are a curtain created from a large amount of threads, not connected one on the other, fastened from above on the cornices and freely hanging down.

Rodeve curtains do it yourself: making

It should be remembered that the main element of the rope curtain is shiny viscose threads.

In a different way, this curtain is called a deniotic curtains, or kise. The weightless paddle from the threads creates an easy blackout indoors, protects it from strangers and does not interfere with air masses to circulate in space. Even during the time of caliphs and haremov, Kieza decorated the eastern palaces, now, thanks to its qualities, she loved the inhabitants of Europe and Russia. The main element of the rope curtains are smooth and brilliant viscose threads, but if desired, you can decorate the curtains with pompons, beads, sequins or glass. Kiese can close the door or window opening completely or only to ½ of its length. Curtains can be given any shape, cutting them by the edge by a wave, semicircle, macash. Combining the threads of several shades with color gamut of walls and furniture, creative hostesses will achieve an excellent result.

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How many threads need to create a curtain?

Before proceeding with the manufacture of curtains, you need to decide on their appearance and color. Depending on what they are, long or short, with densely located next to each other with a friendship of threads or translucent, it will take different amounts of basic material - viscose. How to correctly calculate the Metty Metage? If the hostess plans to create with their own hands the simplest long curtains, then it must perform small calculations. To begin with, it will need to measure the length of the window eaves or the doorway and height from their top point to the floor itself. Next, you will need to estimate the distance between the viscose threads. It usually is about 0.5 cm. Then you can make calculation in centimeters.

Rodeve curtains do it yourself: making

Chains from flat knots.

Initially, the length of the eaves is divided into the distance between the threads. It turns out the number of threads that need to form a curtain. After that, the resulting figure is multiplied by the length of the eaves to the floor and find out how many centimeters will be required for the entire product. The amount is translated into meters. Further, you should pay attention to the Method of Togo Skiscose, which will serve as a material, and buy so many motors to have enough for the manufacture of the entire product. For example, the width of the carnis is 200 cm, the distance to the floor is 250 cm, the distance between the threads is 0.5 cm. After the work of the calculations, it turns out that 400 yarns are 2.5 m long. The total filament Metage will be 1000 m. If on sale 250 m, then for the curtains will need to be purchased 4 such maps.

Making simple filament curtains

For work on the manufacture of uncomplicated rope curtains, the following materials and tools will be used:

  • viscose threads of several colors (calculated metrahy);
  • scissors;
  • flexible m or ruler;
  • double sided tape;
  • curtain braid;
  • cloth for decorating thread threads;
  • sewing machine.

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Rodeve curtains do it yourself: making

The threads for the curtains are cut into 5m.

When all the necessary things are ready for the workflow, you can proceed to the longest operation: the measurement of the threads and cutting them into pieces of the same length. It is not necessary to cut all the threads at once, it is possible to alternate this operation with another step of work: sticking the viscose on the braid. To do this, take a curtain braid and glue one side of the tape bilateral on it, then the top of the threads are placed on another adhesive side of this tape, while placing them at the same distance one from the other. After all the upper bikes of the viscose are glued to the tape, take a piece of fabric, equal to the length and width of the braid and similar to it in color, and the typewriter attach this fabric to the side that the filaments are glued.

Thus, the viscose will be securely secured between the braid and tissue ribbon. It remains only to tighten the curtain braid on the cornice and to give scissors to the bottom of the curtain the desired shape and the same length. Sometimes silky threads are attached not to the braid, but to a wooden bar, especially when the rope curtains are manufactured for the doorway. For this method, you will need:

  • line;
  • scissors;
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • Flat wooden plank equal to the width of the opening;
  • Motion threads.

For curtains, the threads are cut into lengths not 2.5 long, and 5 m so that one end of the thread can be transferred through the bar and tie it from below the node. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the length of the 2nd threads (they must match each other at the bottom of the curtain). When all the curtain elements are fixed on the bar, it is nailed to the door jamb with nails. The pre-bar can be painted in such a way that its color harmonize either with threads or with the color shock color, wallpaper.

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Decoration of threaded curtains

Rodeve curtains do it yourself: making

It should be remembered that the filament curtains do not close access to the light.

To the rope curtains look original, you can decorate their paper figures, large beads, sequins. For this creative process, in addition to these things, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • Colored foil.

First you need to come up with what order will be located on the curtains to decorate to determine their number. Next, from duplex colored paper cut the desired figures: flowers, mugs, hearts, butterflies, etc. Caution with a thick needle, the holes are made in them and they make the thread of the viscose from the bottom. In the same way come with beads or sequins. To make the decorations do not slip on the threads down, you need to cut thin strips from the foil. They are wrapped around the threads under the decoration, and it, thanks to such a fastener, remains on the spot, and the foil is beautifully glittered with artificial light or in the sun.

How to care for curtains?

Beautiful and unusual translucent curtains, like ordinary curtains, after some time will have to be wrapped. Each hostess should be aware that natural threads can give a shrinkage and become shorter. So that this does not happen, they are advised before the manufacture of curtains well wet the viscose motility in cold water and give it time to dry. After that, the threads can be chopped into pieces.

Wash the curtains better manually. They are soaked in a basin with warm water and add powder or soap there. After 30 minutes, the curtains can be simply rinsed from soap. That's all laundry! Wash the washed rope curtains on the cornice is better in a wet state. They are not confused when washing and beautifully straightened when dried. And again the room looks stylish and original, thanks to unusual viscose curtains.

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