Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips


Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

Absolutely new invention of construction technology is plastic floor, manufactured using modern equipment.

It has some advantages over wooden, especially if its use falls on places with high humidity, so the other names are deck board or deck.

Advantages of plastic boards

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

High-quality plastic non-toxic

Some experts argue that wood is more environmentally friendly than plastic.

But you do not need to forget about all sorts of volatile varnishes and impregnations applied to the tree.

High-quality polymers are not poisonous. The material that simulates the floor covering has become the most popular thanks to the following properties:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • relatively inexpensive price;
  • the presence of various colors and the ability to copy any breeds of trees;
  • ease of care;
  • considerable density and low weight;
  • the ability to change color;
  • fire safety;
  • Simple installation.

There are several types of material that differ in a specific composition and production technology.

Today, there are representatives of plastic boards in the construction market:

A typeProperties
oneDPK (wood-polymer composite)Two-component. As part of:

• Wood flour - 30-80 percent;

• Monomers - providing polymerization of material

In this case, wood particles are mixed with plastic. The fortress of the material is not inferior to the tree, plastic is adapted to transfer large loads.

2.DPT (wood-polymer composite thermoplastic)The composition of this product includes the following components:

• polystyrene;

• polypropylene;

• Polyvinyl chloride.

The composition added in a small amount of a chemical modifier that improves the properties of the material.

3.PlasticIn structure strictly plastic, most often - PVC. The strength of the material is less, the cost is lower than that of the others.

It is most often used in places with a small load: for the fence, arbor.

Specificity application

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

Plastic floors can be operated for a long time both indoors and outdoors.

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Although the material presented and is called a deck board, it still finds his use on the earth's surface.

It is often used as an outdoor coating for the terrace and veranda due to a solid life.

Often, the deck board is equipped with the paths in the garden, adjacent to the player's pool, are used as a submission of the site, as the finishing material, as well as as a trim.

The novelty is the fact that on the surface of the panels from the DPK there is a small rifer, similar to the velveteen, which gives the anti-slip effect of the area, exposed to a large cluster of water.

Types of plastic floor

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

Plastic panels are usually equipped with locks for reliable fastening

As already mentioned, the basis of a plastic board used for sex, there are various polymers: PVC, polycarbonate and polystyrene.

When connecting these components, a plastic board of a unique quality is obtained, which allows it to apply it in rooms subject to significant mechanical loads. A special kind of such a coating can be a polymer tile.

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

This is the components of the collection floor, which are part of the components. They are assembled on a kind of scheme with the help of grooves and protruding parts of the method of snatching.

As a result, the design is obtained strong having a solid surface. With it, you can perform various design solutions using tiles of different colors.

Preliminary work

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

Ceramzite sand covered with concrete tie

The surface that plastic flooring will cover must be prepared. If it is a closed room, then on the basis, you must first lay waterproofing to protect against humidity.

Further, for thermal insulation, claymzite sand is used, which is covered with cement screed. After all, a substrate is placed on the surface, which may consist of durable gypsum-fiber sheets.

The substrate should be a pretty close to the floor and become a completely straight line. Subsequently, plastic floors are stacked on the treated surface.

Paul on terrace

Polymer tile will suit this goal, it will look great and will serve for a long time.

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Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

Paul on the veranda

Here will be most appropriate flooring for a floor containing wood chips and plastic. This flooring is similar to a wooden, but has a fortress and stamina of plastic, although it is inferior to a water tree. For details on the surface of the terrace, see this video:

Assembling plastic floor

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

Lags are well suited for mounting plastic boards

In most cases, plastic boards are put on concrete, lags or soil. If this happens on an open site, it is best to make a small slope for water drain.

In this case, the floor will always remain dry and clean. Installation of plastic flooring looks like this:

  1. The laying of the elements begins on the wall, the distance between the material is 1 cm, wedges are installed in the openings.
  2. The first line is placed along the wall, every 30 cm insert wedges.
  3. Then the parts are inserted into the grooves of the following elements and fasten the hammer blow.
  4. After that, plinning is installed. This is a completely simple job, it will not require special skills.

The first row is of great importance. Its accurate styling will serve as a guarantee of further work.

Fastener of a terraced board on the base of the floor

Plastic floor on the street for the terrace: installation tips

At first, the installation of DPT lag. If this happens on an open area, then you must first pour sand and gravel, and then put the lags.

Cut the panel of the desired length and attach them using self-tapping screws or special mounting elements that are installed between the panels. For details on the installation of a terrace board on piles, see this video:

Plastic floor is an excellent Wooden replacement, especially for outdoor use. It is durable, unpretentious in care, although it is necessary to wash it periodically using conventional detergents.

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