All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony


If we are tired of our ugly brick wall, then the most affordable and easy way to improve is painting. This is the fastest way to update the wall with your own hands, to embody bold solutions in life - to paint with multi-colored paints each brick. But there are many subtleties, consider them.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Brick wall on the balcony can be made non-pie and attractive

Preparation for work

We need the following tool: narrow soft brushes, roller, containers for stirring liquids, solvent, protective film or unnecessary paper on the floor, grinder machine with a metal pump for cleaning bricks or a metal brush, paint, primer, a hydrophobizer. For problem areas near the windows, scotch is used.

If there is no confidence in your own accuracy - the glass can be sealed, rub onions, remove the spots with a solvent, or wait until they dried on the glass, then carefully remove them with a blade (this method, despite the overall bewilderment, is widely popular with the plasters when the dried solution is needed Remove from glass).

The blade does not leave marks on the glass, if it is carried out on the glass parallel to the surface, without changing the angle, so that the sharp ends do not leave scratches.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

To protect the window from pollution, you can close it with a stretch film, which is easily easily removed

The glass is best not to stick with scotch, and if there is a need to stick to the glass tape, then you need to be glued at the minimum site. Traces from the tape is much worse extruded from the glass than the paint itself. It is better to glue the scotch of the Narama or the wall.

Surface preparation

Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the brick surface from defects - roughness, irregularities, traces of the solution on the brick. To walk the grinding machine, metal brush on the seams between bricks, remove the web, rinse the surface from dirt and dust. When working, the machine should pay attention to the machine, so that the flap of the balcony frame was closed, otherwise people can be injured from a small random fragment.

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All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Defects of an old brick wall need to delete ruthlessly

If we have a brick partition with mold in the corners - it is necessary to remove it by clicking, lime or by a household bleach, to use the antibacterial primer in this place, or the paint of this type. It is quite acceptable to use the facade cleaner, to remove various contaminants in the form of spots from lime, etc.

If there are rigging bricks in the wall, a pouring solution from the slits - it is necessary to ruthlessly break everything that is climbing, to the maximum clean from the solution and the bricks are all unreliable, and to re-close the solution in proportion 1: 3, where 1 part of cement 3 - sand.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

It is necessary to remove salt deposits and other pollution from masonry

You should carefully close the defect, because we know that the surface will be painted. The front side of the brick after laying should be wiped from the solution and wait at least 2-3 days, while the solution is good to grab, so as not to break the wall at further work.

If we do not want to make sweeping with your own hands, then there are companies that purify the brick with a special device similar to the sandblasting machine, returning the brick wall to the primordial appearance, removing the old film, dust. On the surface of the composites will hold much better.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Before priming brickwork, it is necessary to clean it from dust using a brush or broom

It is desirable to wash the wall in front of the wall so clean with water or speakers, so that the remnants of bricks, dust and other elements remaining from the grinding machine did not interfere with further work.

Then we need:

  • Progress the shrouded wall.
  • Shaw the problem areas.

Processing the surface is necessary for better clutch with paint. Problem places in the form of cracks, chips and irregularities on a brick wall preferably sharpen, they will rush into the paint.

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All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Primer prepared brickwork

It is necessary to rejuvenate a mixture with fine-grained sand, for facade (external) work on a cement basis, the rest of the mixture is better not to use, experiments in such a zone, as a balcony is inappropriate, it is fraught with alteration of work.

Before putting down, it is necessary to predict the surface! Otherwise, when the temperature drops are quite likely to retrace the putty from the base.

Use putty and paint is also necessary for external work and on a cement basis. Save putty about 2 days, it should be considered when painting and further finish.

After two days, it is worth thinking if our tools allow the hydrophobizer? This is a special moisture-repellent mixture that will allow you to preserve our wall much longer. Both lacquer for wooden surfaces and our solution for the wall. Absolutely colorless, unlike varnishes for wood, which still on a few tones make a tree darker.

Painting surface

Many people do not think about how to paint the balcony right, and in vain, because this is a very important question, the choice of paint should be approaches responsibly and carefully - it will be possible to remove it only with a layer of walls in 1 mm. Standard Universal Oil Paint has a number of significant drawbacks:

  1. Bad vapor permeability.
  2. Slowly dries.
  3. Low durability.

Among the advantages can only be noted. Basically, this paint is designed for wood, the use of it on a brick wall is not the most suitable option. It can be attributed to organic facade paints, but also allocate separately for disadvantages that are not characteristic of the rest. They need to be painted outside the building on a dry wall, they have good vapor permeability even when applying several layers.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Paint paint brush

Among the advantages, the following can be distinguished: water is not allowed, resistant to low temperatures and damage, characterized by high quality color. The main disadvantages are flammability, toxicity.

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Inorganic facade paints should be applied with a thin ball in 2 layers, carefully wagging the surface before and after applying paint on the wall, you also need to close the paint from direct sunlight. The main disadvantage of atmospheric influences.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Brick wall design with staining of seams of masonry contrasting color

When choosing inorganic lime paint, it is necessary to protect your hands from the ingress, ignoring the rules are fraught with burns on the skin. But such paints are often used for lime plastering layers, for better adhesion with material. And among the disadvantages, you can mark a small color gamut, it has light shades due to the color of lime, and instability to atmospheric phenomena.

It is not necessary to hurry when painting in a new building, the building is usually seated after 1-2 years, as a result of which defects may appear, which will be clearly visible on the paint, and the wall will have to be repainted.

The paint is applied with a roller or a wide brush horizontally, along the main line of bricks. After drying the first layer, the second is applied. The room must be well ventilated for better drying to dry and remove harmful evaporation, the frames of the frame to keep open, all the time - before and after work.

All stages of painting brick walls on the balcony

Old brickwork, painted in one tone gives the design of romanticity

Finally, it is important to choose a color gamut, so that the balcony not only pleased the eyes and raised the mood at each visit, but also harmonized with the next room. Ideally chosen color decision can even reconcile quarrels!

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