Leather jacket will be like new


Leather things are comfortable and also looks beautiful. But such clothing requires a delicate circulation, because over time, the flooded sections and scuffs appear on the surface, and the leather thing can be broken with an inaccurate movement.

How to update the leather jacket at home and what to do if you, by chance, broke it? The main thing is not to panic and not hurry to throw away.

How to refresh a leather jacket

In order for the skin with time did not save and not covered with cracks, it is necessary to periodically refresh it and restore it. You can do this using different means.

Milk and Skipidar Mix

The components are mixed in an equal number and applied to clothing. After that, the jacket should be hung on the shoulders, replete folds and leave until complete drying. Then you will need to apply a special leather cream or a fatty hand.

Creamy oil and ammonia

To a liter of hot water, add 3 tablespoons of oil and wait until it melts. Then throw to the mixture to mitigate 15 drops of ammonia, thoroughly stir and cover the skin with this composition.

Fish fat, ammonia alcohol and economic soap

How to soften the leather jacket in this way? Heat the liter of water and dissolve 1/2 of the soap bar in it. Then add the ammonia alcohol (2 tablespoons) and fishe fat (1 teaspoon). Mix thoroughly to the recovery tool, and, smoeming a rag or a sponge in it, treat the skin.

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Tools apply on the skin, and then process it with glycerol. The main thing is not to use this method for lacquered materials, suede and nubuck.

Castor oil and chicken egg protein

The ingredients are mixed in the proportion of 50 ml of oil per protein. You must have a homogeneous mass. With the help of a sponge evenly apply the restoring composition on the old jacket and leave to dry, waving a thing on the shoulder.

These ways will help to make a thing soft, which will prevent the formation of scuffs, scratches, cracks and other damage, and also give skin shine.

Leather jacket will be like new

How to remove rubbing on a leather jacket

In the process of socks, the surface of the leather jacket is wiping and becomes lighter on these areas, and salted places appear. How to remove these damage?

If we are talking about light loss, you can process this place with a fat cream for hands or special wax for the skin. As well as for these purposes, fresh orange peels are used.

Sawdilled areas are processed as follows:

  • Problem places are degreasing with alcohol.
  • When the tool evaporates, the surface is processed by lemon juice.
  • After drying, glycerin is applied to the skin.

At the end, it would be nice to handle these places with cream or wax, and then graze a piece of soft tissue.

Leather jacket will be like new

How to give a glitter leather jacket

Sunlight contributes to the gradual loss of the original shine of the skin. How to restore the former view of the jacket and return the brilliance? Apply the following ways:
  • Lemon juice and alcohol. To a liter of water, add a citrus juice 1 and a teaspoon of alcohol. Apply the composition on the skin, having impregnated with a sponge of the foam rubber, and then wipe the thing dry.
  • Summer and soap. Add 5-7 drops of ammonia to a strong soap solution and process the thing. At the same time, make sure that the skin does not much soak, and the cleaning solution did not hit the product lining.
  • Coffee grounds. Put the remains of coffee in a bag of woolen or flannel fabric and gently wipe the entire surface of the jacket.
  • Glycerol. With it, we not only give shine, but also soften the material. Wipe the thing with this composition and dry on the shoulders.

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The listed methods will help not only return the material shine, but also remove pollution on the surface.

How to restore the color of the leather jacket

Leather jacket will be like new

If you wear a jacket for a long time, it leads to the fact that it wipes on cuffs, collar and elbow bends. The color becomes uneven and the thing looks unattractive. But it does not matter, you can paint your skin and clothing will become like new. To do this, you can apply paint in the form of an aerosol or powder, picking up the appropriate shade.

How to treat a leather jacket with powder composition? Observe such an order:

Remember that hang leather things, including for drying, follows only on the shoulders.

How to restore color with aerosol paint and remove scuffs? Make the following:

  • Wipe the thing with a damp cloth.
  • Color her on her shoulders, placing the collaps and races.
  • Spray the aerosol, holding the canister at a distance of 20 cm from the clothes.

If during painting you noticed the drums, immediately erase them with a foam sponge. After processing the jacket should dry at least an hour.

Leather jacket will be like new

How to make a leather jacket

No one is insured against the gaps and cuts of the delicate material, even if you handle the thing neatly. It is not possible to sew a leather jacket possible, but it can be repaired in a different way, namely, stick. How to do it right? Use one of these methods.

How to put a hole on a leather jacket liquid skin

This composition also makes it possible to disguise the problematic place and prevent further "sprawling" of the material. You will need a piece of bandage and a small spatula that you can make yourself, cutting off from an unnecessary plastic card striped with a width of 1 cm.

Products are repaired in this way:

  • Cut from the bandage a piece whose size will be slightly larger than damage.
  • Apply a liquid skin on the face with the front side of the product and attach the bandage, tightly pressed it.
  • Top to spread the bandage with adhesive composition, while pulling a thin fabric. It is necessary to do it carefully, otherwise it breaks.
  • Leave the glued product to dry for 10 minutes, and then apply liquid skin again.
  • After that, the thing should dry at least 3 hours.

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How to eliminate cut on a leather jacket with glue

This damage is least problematic and pulling the cut. It is possible that it will be completely unnoticed. But for this you need to choose the right glue. He must have such characteristics:

  • elasticity;
  • viscosity;
  • heat resistance;
  • Resistance to moisture and fat;
  • Ability to quickly stick.

As a rule, the "moment" or niphite glue is most often used. To do this, you will need to do the following:

After the glue is completely dry, tincture the edges of the "patch", and you also need to gently shake the spin lining.

The above methods will allow repair the product so that the damage will become completely invisible.

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