Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories


Garters for curtains - a universal decor element capable of transforming even curtains from the Babushkin Chest. Little detail - great opportunities. So you can characterize the appointment of garters.

Agree that most of the population is deprived of the opportunity to create or create anything with your own hands. In no case should this be born with individual human abilities. Rather, it is the cost of progress and production structures. Indeed, everything you need to create a comfortable life can be without much difficulty buying in the store. All: from furniture to accessories, not passing and the simplest decorating elements, offers trade. The only thing that stops is the lack of individuality and its own "I" in each purchased product. What is manufactured "on the conveyor" will not initially be considered special and individual.

Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories

Unique and individually

Sometimes the requirements for the product are so high that it is simply impossible to find the desired. Very often it concerns garters for the porter. Why? Manufacturers are trying to create pickups for curtains, relying on frequently used materials from which curtains sew. All goods are set, but finding a suitable is a rather complicated and long process.

It is not worth going along the path of the least resistance and immediately go to the store or atelier to acquire pickups. Think, weigh your strength and try to make garters with your own hands, filling it with creative spirit, uniqueness, reflecting your own personality. In addition, the elements of the decor in the style of Hendmade are greatly popular, and there is such a job at all is not cheap. If there is a share of creative, you can easily create a product of art with your own hands.

Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories

No limit of creativity

Make garters-bones for the curtains can be from various materials, but most often they are complemented by the following decorative details:

  • artificial colors;
  • Beads, beads and glass;
  • wicker and knitted elements.

By creating garters with your own hands, you should consider everything: both color and texture, and even the design of the curtains themselves.

Remember: If the interior of the room combines two main tones or shade, then the garters can be made of the tissue of the opposite color. In other words, you can play in contrast.

Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories

Types of pickups for curtains

The most original and exclusive types of homemade garters are considered:

  • knitted or wicker garters;
  • tissue garters;
  • Garters from beads.

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Consider more detailed each of the species and try to make them yourself.

Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories

Garter "Spit"

This type of garter is practically perfect because it looks beautiful and perfectly complements any interior design. It is enough to choose a tone tone to your curtains, buy batting (it is desirable that the density of it was 100 g per square meter). Also need a contrasting fabric and brass rings that will help hang curtains or buckles.

You can pre-try to imagine the final product. To do this, it is enough to twist 2-3 pieces of wattin (printed cloth) of a small size, after wrapped each of the twisted pieces with cloth, and then braid into the braid. The resulting "braid" appear to the curtains, and then at your discretion: do the roller, then threatening until you see the harmony between the curtains and the decor element. Like? Handsomely? Then proceed to action.


For the manufacture of garters, use exceptionally soft and not curved matter. This will easily give it the necessary shape.


  1. Cut the cloth on the bands of the required length. The width of each band should be 1-2 cm (ideally 1.5 cm).
  2. Tightly twist strips, making them tight rollers.
  3. Secure the roller in a certain position. To do this, grab threads from the edge.
  4. For each garter, make three rollers.
  5. Measure the length and width of the tissue strip in order to cover each roller. Remember that on each side it is necessary to add 2 additional centimeters to 2 additional centimeters.
  6. Take out three stripes from the selected fabric. Two stripes of one color, the third - contrast. The length of each strip must be 1.5 cm.
  7. For each share section, a width of 1 cm make a bending (once).
  8. Each roller cover the resulting fabric strip. Leave the battery with a narrow side with a length of 1.5 cm.
  9. Tap the fabric from above. Next, tighten the edges of textiles and secure them with stitches. Do the procedure three times.
  10. The resulting rollers can be built with each other for the upper ends so that the roller of the contrasting color was in the middle between the two are the same.
  11. Severe a rectangular piece of 5 x 8 cm in size for each end of pickup.
  12. Secure the strip to the terminations of the rollers interconnected so that the front side is outside. After dry the strip, retreating 1.5 cm in advance from the edge.
  13. The edges of the rectangle that go out, seal and scroll. Generate the upper edge of the rectangle, closing them the top of the roller.
  14. By the end of the inside of the strip, tosing a roller, a trigger ring, yarn or other elements in such a way that only a semiring was visible.
  15. Element used (Ring, Yarn) Put on the hook, fixed in the wall.
  16. After the rollers are fixed, stick them into the braid. Seams should be inside.
  17. If the spit turned out to be much longer expected, cut off extra centimeters.
  18. The end of the garter is separated by a tissue rectangle as well as the first.
  19. And finally, enter the ring, yarn or something else.

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Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories

Crescent fabric garters

This type of garter has a very attractive appearance and easily created. For the manufacture of garters in the form of a crescent, the fabric will need (in tone the curtains and contrast), lining fabric, inserting material (if desired, it can be replaced with fliesline), paper is dense, intended for pattern, and a pair of brass rings for each of the pickups.

Consider the manufacturing process technology

  1. Measure the curtain girth length. This is the length and will be the size that is needed to create a garter.
  2. Make a garter pattern on finished pattern.
  3. The sealer should be carved without additional points.
  4. Facial fabric Bend to the edge of the seal. If there is extra centimeters, cut. Sentify the seal used on the adhesive basis.
  5. From the fabric of the contrast color, make the pattern of oblique bey.
  6. Roll it twice, shut down.
  7. On the edge of the garter, place the place, sewing with hidden seams to the adjacent edge.
  8. For the manufacture of garters, spread 4 tissue strips taking into account points. Roll along twice. Throw on the edge and one of the ends.
  9. Remove them and reveal each garter.
  10. The end that is not processed must be used after having previously exposed.
  11. Each of the bands must be folded twice, after sewing to the garter.
  12. Squeeze the lining fabric from the inside. It should also be adjusted for each edge. Come on the iron. Secret stitches attach the lining to the garter.
  13. Ready! Secure the curtains obtained by garters.

Garters for curtains with their own hands: Create original accessories

Garters from Beads.

Pickups for curtains from beads look beautiful and elegantly. To create a unique image of your curtains, it is necessary to prepare glass beads (it is desirable that the size and color of from was diverse), cord, well-bent metal wire (length 2.5 meters and diameter 1-2 mm).

Adhere to the sequence of actions, and soon your curtains will decorate unusual garters from beads that play so beautifully in the sun.

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Action 1. Find the biggest bead and secure it in the center of the wire. So that the design is reliable in the process of creative activity, the wires of the wire are desirable to climb among themselves.

Action 2. The remaining beads we ride on the free ends so that the amount is the same, but their sequence can be different. In order for the proportion after all the same, we recommend to ride fine-sized beads at the end of the wire.

Action 3. The resulting suspension from beads to inhale into the cord. Divide the cord in the center and skip one of the ends of the wire to the resulting hole. Return 0.5 cm and shake the second end of the wire. Next, combine the ends and twist each other several times.

Action 4. The ends of the wire that remained, very carefully to customs in the cord. In the event that they are long, you can cut them

Action 5. The more pendants from the beads, the richer looks like a gap. Make them somewhat and fix on the cord identically the previous one.

Action 6. Again a ring holding a garter, tie the speed and inhale the remaining ends into the ring.

What could be more pleasant than the feeling of admiration from the result of his own creativity? Ideas for creativity mass - and you, and in additional sources of information. The necessary advice and recommendations will help make garters with their own hands much more beautiful and better.

The beauty of the elements of the decor for the curtains is not only in the grace and splendor, but also in what to make them is possible. By creating garters with your own hands, you combine three useful things: save a family budget, enjoy a great holiday for the soul and, of course, using design tricks, create your own - unique and unique.

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