How to choose the right curtains in the living room?



The selection of curtains in the living room is a difficult task that requires accounting for many factors, among which the style of the room, its color solution, area and location with the South or Northern side are especially important. Curtains in the living room must be combined with decor objects, wall-coated and furniture.

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

Curtains for the living room are usually sewn from different fabrics, but the most popular are silk, atlas, velor, plush and satin.

Influence of curtain color on human psychological health

A lot of books were written and seminars on the effect of the color on the well-being of a person. Various shades, brightness, harmonicity of the combination of colors are able to change not only the living room, but also the behavior of the person himself after staying in it.

How to choose curtains to make the room found a cozy, relaxing atmosphere? Give preference to warm shades, look at the range of red, which fitted between purple and yellow colors on the Otten circle.

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

By composing the composition of the curtains of several monochrome tones should be used: one color, differing in shades; Close to each other color or contrasting colors.

Pick the curtains of cream and brown shades - it means to make a living room calm and comfortable. In addition, such a color solution is appropriate in small rooms. Do not forget when making a small window and about green color - symbol of pacification and nature.

Pure white color, despite its neutrality, brings coolness to the room. Similar impacts have shades of blue. Select the curtains under the wallpaper in this color scheme follows whose interior is made in a laconic, strict style, and the windows of the room go to the south.

Yellow color is well combined with wallpaper of warm shades and is appropriate in small living rooms. In an amazing way, he combines weightlessness, lightness and energy. Not the last place is the texture of the fabric: it can be a lightweight stem canvas in the style of country or a heavy curtain from silk, which will complement the interior in the classic style or modern style.

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If you do not want to make a window with a protruding element, give preference to the curtains of clean light shades. Choose a suitable shade will help well-known designer rule: the more red in the shade, the stronger the object will be "extended". That is how a person perceives various nuances and shades, so the "warm" interior always looks more compact than his "cold" fellow.

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

Choosing the curtains you need to know that the color is able to influence the subconscious of a person, for example, bright colors can cause excessive excitation, headache and optic voltage.

Red, even if it is combined with wallpaper, dangerous tool in the hands of the amateur. In two accounts, you can get a heavy and alarming atmosphere in your living room: it is enough to choose a dark red curtains with extensive drapery. If you can not deny yourself the pleasure and by all means you want to use this color gamut, choose Austrian or Roman curtains.

The owners of a small living room should pay attention to the clarified red. Many fantasy will not need to imagine a blurred pink, creating a romantic mood and gives a certain ease of room. He is absolutely not similar to his aggressive red progenitor. If you do not want to combine textiles with wallpaper, make a focus on contrast: combine light green wallpaper in a harmonious group and a gentle-rose window design.

Despite its brightness blue passive. In too much quantity it creates a feeling of longing and winter cold. For bold natur, a combination of blue with orange or brown will fit. If the walls of the room are sealed with light wallpaper, saturated blue curtains will be advanced, thereby occupying the foreground.

Style as the main selection vector

The color of the curtain and geometry of the room is not the only requirements that should be considered, answering the question: how to choose curtains? Not the last place occupies the style in which the room is performed. In classic living rooms having enough squares, curtains consisting of several canvases are appropriate, as well as structures from stinging fabric with a large pattern.

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How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

The style of curtains for the living room is usually chosen in the same style that the interior of the room or close to him.

Structurally, it can be French, Austrian or Italian curtains created from silk, velvet and brocade. The use of embossing, embroidery, wide lambrequins, decorative elements in the form of fringe and brushes is not yet rebiring.

If your living room is performed in the style of High-tech, pay attention to the rolled and Roman curtains. Since it is not easy to choose the curtains in this style, it is recommended to immediately consider the color solution of the entire room, the decorative elements used. Only such an approach will help preserve the functionality and simplicity, which underlie the style of High-tech.

Easy and ease of rustic style emphasize curtains from natural materials. The most suitable for this role will be flax and cotton monotonous color or with a small pattern. The eastern interior will complement Japanese translucent curtains, to create which it is worth choosing an organza, chiffon or tulle.

How to choose curtains for a small living room?

The most suitable for living rooms of a small square will be the curtains of light tones. This rule does not mean that you are limited to pastel shades: Curtains can be bright enough and saturated.

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

For a small living room, the curtains are better to choose in the tone of the walls to visually expand the space.

The main rule that helps to choose the curtains in the living room, it sounds like this: the curtains should not become an obstacle penetration of sunlight. Full dimming for the living room is not required, so you can safely choose the whites of white, cream, pink and blue colors.

If you can not deny yourself the pleasure of using curtains with a complex design and a large number of decorative elements, give preference to light translucent tissues. Designers advise in this case to choose white curtains that will be combined with the curtains of complimentary shades.

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If your choice fell on the curtain in the classic style, which will be sinking from the ceiling to the floor and delight the brightness of the colors, remember that such a window design will be dominant in the entire room. All other elements of a small living room will go to the background.

The resulting effect can be compared with staining one wall of paint contrasting color. If your living room lacks brightness, create it using lifting curtains that can be combined with wallpaper or possess contrast color.

Large living room and window design

If your living room has a spacious area and large window openings, you must adhere to completely different rules. The main goal that requires implementation, creating comfort and comfort in a large room. For these purposes, long and magnificent curtains are used, various experiments with such elements as drapery, bows and multi-layeredness.

With extreme caution it is worth approaching the choice of shape and size of the lambrequin, if the room has a high ceiling. The effect of the window acquires only if the curtain is performed from a sufficient amount of tissue. The width of the canvas should be greater than the width of the cornice 2.5-3 times.

The comfort in a large room will help create warm shades, at the peak of popularity there are terracotta and saturated yellow colors.

When using curtains, which completely coincide with the color of the walls, a monochrome interior is formed, even more expanding space.

Therefore, give preference to a shade, which is a few tones lighter or darker than wallpaper or texture plaster. What to do if you failed to accurately get into the color? Sweep a few decorative pillows on the sofa from the cordial fabric or napkins and tablecloth on the table.

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

How to choose the right curtains in the living room?

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