How to glue American paper wallpaper with your own hands?


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  • Preparatory stage
  • Required tools
  • What should paper wallpaper begin to glue?
  • Pauls covered with your own hands
  • Paper wallpaper and how to glue them
  • A selection of wallpaper glue
  • Additional recommendations

Punching paper wallpapers is considered one of the most complex processes in repair work. Some experience is needed for high-quality salary. The thing is that such wallpapers are made visible all the shortcomings made in the preparation of walls, and lose strength in the wet form. In addition, wet paper does not hold its linear dimensions. For what premises paper wallpaper is most suitable? These are children's rooms, living rooms or bedrooms. Wallpaper canvas are divided into several types: modern, which are mainly made from natural material (bamboo, grass or cork); classic paper-based wallpapers; Chameleon canvas created for people with special requirements for interior design.

How to glue American paper wallpaper with your own hands?

Rules for labeling wallpapers indoors.

Before you start glueing American paper wallpapers, be prepared for the preparation of walls - an important stage in this matter. You will have to work seriously primarily above that the base is perfectly even - the result of all your work depends on this.

Preparatory stage

So, the preparation of the walls. Until early asked the main question of how to glue American paper wallpaper. You can not be lazy, you must perform each step specified in the instructions. To start, close all the doors, windows and windows, take care that there are no drafts in the room. Disconnect electricity and dismantle all switches and sockets. Then remove all sticking nails and fastenings from the walls, then you can proceed with the removal of the previous coating.

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Required tools

Necessary tools for sticking wallpaper.

Prepare tools stands before you begin to glue American paper wallpapers, because you agree, much faster and more convenient to work when everything is at hand.

It will take to purchase:

  • roller;
  • brush (for careful misfortunes of corners of cloths);
  • Special wallpaper brush;
  • scissors;
  • putty knife;
  • Sponge (or segment of cotton fabric);
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • blade (a sharp stationery knife is suitable);
  • bucket;
  • large-scale folding line;
  • roulette;
  • ladder.

The floor before starting work is made by polyethylene film or cardboard.

Get rid of old wallpaper (if their base consists of paper) is usually not difficult. In order to make it easier and faster, wet the walls with cold water, after which with a spatula remove the old wall covering. The next step is the purification of the base from the old putty. All uneven places need to be smoothed, applying a new layer of material, after which the surface is sliced ​​and ground.

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If your walls are saved by vinyl wallpaper, get rid of them with the help of water you, naturally, will not work, because this type of wallpaper is known as moisture-resistant. Such wallpapers have a durable base of polyvinyl chloride and practically do not rush when removing from the surface. This circumstance greatly facilitates the task (vinyl wallpaper can be removed with whole stripes.

How to glue American paper wallpaper with your own hands?

Removing old wallpaper: a - spatula; B - grinding machine.

It is much more difficult about the case with a painted surface. If the paint rests indefinitely (that you can check with a tape), the wall will have to be taken, after which it is necessary to handle the special finishing putty and open again. The wooden wall is primarily covered with a rough spacing, then it needs to be seized and primed. If you decide to glue American paper wallpapers for new walls, before sticking, it should be sharpened, and then it is imparted to the acrylic primer of deep penetration into two layers.

As you have already seen, depending on the type of coverage of your walls, an individual method of preparation and leveling of the surface is selected. It is very important that it does not have contaminated sites, mold and fat spots. If all these subtleties are taken into account, it remains to you to dry the wall and begin to stick American paper wallpapers.

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What should paper wallpaper begin to glue?

It is recommended to glue paper wallpaper on the wall, pre-coated specially intended painting phlizelin, or, as it is also called, "Ceatinka". Another option is "Lining Paper", which is translated as a "paper substrate". It is impossible that the jokes of the substrate and wallpaper coincide. Whatever way you choose, keep in mind that you need a whole day in order for the substrate to be completely dry. Next, the joints need to be sharpened, pollute and primed an acrylic primer of deep penetration, after which it should be waited for a complete drying of the base. Only after that you can begin glue American paper wallpaper.

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Pauls covered with your own hands

How to glue American paper wallpaper with your own hands?

Table of consumption of wallpaper rolls depending on the area of ​​the room with different ceilings heights.

Sut off the wallpapers, it is necessary to leave the allowances of 5-10 cm. You can count the desired amount of material in this way: Divide the total width of the room to the roll width (do not forget to deduct the width of the door and windows). The width of the roll is usually 53 cm.

The canvas with the pattern are cut off so that the joints coincide with each other. To do this, it is necessary to focus on the first cut-off tape (some types of wallpapers are glued by the oncoming sticker).

Each roll of wallpaper has its markup:

  • If on the liner you see the inscription "DROP MATCH", it means that customized canvas, you must move it up so that the drawing coincides;
  • The inscription "Half-Drop" suggests that during fitting the second web you need to move the drawing half relative to the first;
  • Random Match - This marking means that you can start on the wallpaper cutting, without configuring them;
  • Finally, Straight Match (Straight Across) indicates that focusing on the first canvas, the second should be moved up, and before starting to the cutting, it is necessary to turn it over.

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Paper wallpaper and how to glue them

Before buying wallpaper, you need to measure the area of ​​your room. When choosing a cloth, pay attention to some details, for example, all individual rolls must match the part number, make sure that the material does not have defects and marriage.

The wallpaper pattern should coincide as much as possible in the joints. Decide in advance with places where the pattern most will rush into the eyes. Places behind the curtains and corners are suitable for joints that you have not coincided.

Paper wallpaper is glued vertically, it will be convenient to work, if you will make markers on ready for sticking walls, on which you begin to glue one tape by another, focusing on the first cloth.

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A selection of wallpaper glue

It is important to glue American paper wallpapers only special, in advance of the glue, which is suitable precisely for your type of cloth. In order to stick paper wallpaper, the best variant will be adhesive based on cellulose. Strictly follow the supplied instructions, observing the proportion during the dilution and use of glue.

In applying glue, there are subtleties: for example, working with vinyl canvases, it is necessary to apply it both on the wall and the material itself. In your case, the glue is applied fine, smooth layer, strictly on paper wallpaper so that the edges are fully processed. After that, fold them twice (so that the side treated with the composition turned out to be inside). Now wait about 10-15 minutes so that the canvas are impregnated with glue.

But what about switches and sockets? As already mentioned earlier, electricity must be turned off, and all sockets and switches to dismantle. Wallpapers are glued on top of the holes after they are completely dried, they need to cut through with the help of a stationery knife. Crop the canvas need a very sharp blade, otherwise, if the material is wet, it can break.

It happens that the cloth is glued unevenly, but it can still be fixed. The main thing is not to hurry to finally do not spoil everything. Do not try to move the wallpaper, if she managed to lock on the wall - you need to remove it from the wall, then glue again.

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Additional recommendations

It is recommended to ventilate the room before sticking paper wallpaper. So you will provide a stable temperature that the beneficial will affect your work. Do not be afraid if dark spots or bubbles remained on the canvase, it is possible to estimate the result to fully the next day. All bubbles will be smoothed, and stains, drying, will disappear. Very often, after sticking wallpaper, extra segments or even whole rolls remain. Do not hurry to throw them out, they will use you in the future for sites that will require corrections.

As can be seen from the above, stick paper wallpaper, even if American, possibly without the participation of professionals. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and instructions. And if everything is done correctly, then the qualitatively glued wallpapers will delight you, your loved ones and friends not one year.

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