How to sew a curtain tape: step-by-step instruction


Window opening, tastefully decorated with curtains, involuntarily attracts his eyes. To create a stylish composition, it is not enough to choose a material suitable for color and texture - it must be carefully processed and dupodized. Many hostesses still remember those times when they had to pull out numerous loops to hang the curtain to the eaves. Today, this work can be done much easier and faster, if you know how to sew a curtain tape, with which it is easy to make the desired form.

How to sew a curtain tape: step-by-step instruction

Appointment of tape braid

Curtain tape - special accessories used when sewing curtains, is a textile braid, along the entire length of which the cords for tightening the material are passed. In addition, depending on the purpose of the ribbon on its surface at equal distances, pockets for hooks, loops or adaptations for the brows are located needed to attach the curtains to the eaves.

Seving a curtain braid to the top edge of the curtain and pulling the cords, you can create a very beautiful drapery with the folds of the same depth, located at equal distances from each other. Moreover, the pomp and the volume of the curtain is easily adjusted using a curtain tape.

Disassemble such structures easier than simple. If the porters need to be wrapped or removed on storage, cords are unleashed, and we can crack the cloth.

How to sew a curtain tape: step-by-step instruction

Braid varieties for curtains

Today there are many types of curtain braid. Accessories differ in the composition of the material and sizes, the number of rows of fasteners, the form of the formed folds.

The most popular is a braid that creates a fold 1: 2, called a direct column. In addition, there are types of curtain ribbons that form drapets in the form of butterflies, glasses, buffers and other figures. With the help of such drapets, you can turn ordinary tulle into the masterpiece of designer skills.

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The ribbon for the curtains is transparent and dense. The transparent braid is made of polyester threads and is used to treat thin tissues: tulle, organza, veil. Tight tape is better sewed to porters from heavy materials.

The curtain braid is produced in different sizes, its width can be from two to ten centimeters. A thin tape with one row of hooks will fit when it is necessary to simply hang a light curtain. If you want to create a more intricate composition, and even close the top of the curtain cornice, you will have to purchase a wide ribbon with two or three rows of hook pockets and several tightening cords.

In order not to get lost in the diversity of fittings for sewing curtains, you must navigate in the factory labeling:

  • T - a curtain braid is intended for organza;
  • / Z - for transparent fabrics;
  • F - for lightweight materials;
  • Z - for dense heavy curtains;
  • U is a universal braid, suitable for any type of curtains.

Each curtain tape has its own assembly coefficient, denoted by the letter "K". He reports to the buyer, how many times the width of the source material after the drapery is reduced. For example, K = 2 suggests that after the formation of folds, the width of the canvas will become less than twice. This indicator must be considered when buying fabric for curtains.

How to sew a curtain tape: step-by-step instruction

How many braids to buy

Before going to the store behind cloth and accessories, it is necessary to correctly calculate the required amount of material.

  • The width of the canvas for the porter is equal to the width of the cornice multiplied by the assembly coefficient plus 5-6 cm on the side beggar.
  • When calculating the length of the web necessary for the sewing curtains, it is necessary to add 8-10 cm on the lower bending and 3 cm on top.
  • The length of the curtain braid should be equal to the width of the canvas with the processed side edge plus 6 cm on the seal of the tape.

A dense braid should be taken with a margin, as it can give shrinkage after sipping. So after washing the curtains, the cloth was not too short, before sewing the porter, the cloth should be wetted in warm water, let her dry and stroke a hot iron.

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How to sew a curtain tape: step-by-step instructions

How to sew braid

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary tools and devices. We will need threads, scissors, chalk, centimeter tape, pins and, of course, sewing machine.


When sewing the curtains should be used by a sharp needle. If the tip of the needle faded, it will leave holes in the material, which will significantly worsen the appearance of the product. Threads should be thin and durable, close in color to the color of the fabric.

Everything is prepared - you can proceed to work. How to properly sew a curtain tape to the cutter, the author of the site "Hyštor" figured out.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to cut the edges on the canvas, from which the curtains will be manufactured. Usually, the factory edge tightens the material and the side of the curtain will be wrinkled on the side of the curtain, so it is better to cut the edge. To make a smooth cut, it is necessary at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the side edge to pull the thread along the entire length and cut the material strictly according to the resulting line.
  2. Next fenced side edges. To do this, the material is wrapped on the wrong side of the canvas twice, laying 2.5-3 cm. The bending is better to stick with pins or notice with large stitches, but experienced craftsmen can do without it. Side seams are striking and squeezed with a hot iron from the face and with an inside.
  3. Before seating the bracket to the curtain, the top of the web must be thoroughly stroke. To avoid shrinkage, the ribbon should also be sipped with an iron.
  4. Apply a braid to the front of the material in such a way that the top edge of the canvas is 1 cm below the top edge of the tape. The side edges of the braid bend inside.
  5. The lower edge of the braid on the porter is nourished, trying not to pull the material.
  6. Turn over the fabric inside out and bend the braid. Pinged along the entire length of the pins and are striking the edge of the tape, constantly correcting the fabric to avoid the formation of wrinkles.
  7. If there are two or more cord on the braid, you can pave seam in the middle of the strip, trying not to affect hooks for hooks and tightening harness.
  8. The tape is tightly sewn to the curtain. Now it needs to turn again and close one side cut short line. On the other hand, the side edge of the braid is left open. This is a convenient place in which you can hide the ends of the cords after the edge of the formation of the folds.
  9. Tape on one side, distributing waves of folds evenly along the entire length. Having finished drapery, the ends of the cords associate and refuel the side under the tape.


Do not cut out the elongated cords, they will be needed when it is necessary to fix the chart.

So, step-by-step instructions will allow you to independently sew a curtain braid of any, even inexperienced in the sewing business of the hostess. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of accessories, it is possible to see a small block of material how to work braid and whether the resulting drapery corresponds to a common design.

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