Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?


Great popularity in the construction is gained at home from aerated concrete. This material is quite reliable and affordable. Such concrete is easier than usual, and it has a small number of shortcomings. The uniqueness of the built houses from aerated concrete is that due to the light of the material there is no need for the presence of a very solid foundation. But what is this - another trend or ordinary hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Pluses of using aerated concrete in construction

Houses from such a material are distinguished against the background of the rest of the following important advantages:

  • Cost. Build a house of aerated concrete is significantly cheaper than from other building materials.
    Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?
  • Environmental factor. Aerated concrete has a low radiation background, because It consists of natural substances, so the house of aerated concrete does not bother either ecology, nor living in people.
  • No need for insulation. Many know that the best insulation is air. Aerated concrete insulation is not necessary, because It is located in the pores. It provides enough heat in the house.

IMPORTANT! The house is perfect for people who wish to save considerable money on insulation at home.

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

  • Saving money on heating. An important factor is low spending on the heating of the house. In a house with such material, a sufficient level of heat, and it is not necessary to fuck it.
  • Creating a necessary form. Material comprehension in processing. This allows you to create at home almost any form. It also reduces the complexity in the work of the master.

Tip! If you plan to build a house of an unusual form, aerated concrete is perfectly suitable, because It is easy to handle it.

  • Lightness material. It follows several advantages at once: due to the small weight of the material there is no need for a very strong foundation, the speed of work also increases, and the need disappears in attracting heavy equipment.

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Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Cons built from aerated concrete houses

It is necessary to take into account all the shortcomings of the houses from this material to give the final assessment to the issue,

  • Low thermal inertia. This means that the material is badly accumulating heat. Houses from the aerated concrete very quickly warm, but with no less speed they cool. The level of thermal inertia directly depends on the amount of pores in aerated concrete. What they are more, the less heat keeps the house.
    Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?
  • The need for accurate calculations. If during the construction of the house there were errors or a small deformation of the material, then because of this, the aerated concrete will begin to gradually crack. During construction, you need to carefully calculate and check each stage. Also, the more floors in the house, the harder the calculations.
  • Difficulty in finishing at home. Even if the house is not completed, it is necessary to carry out his finish before the onset of the cold season, because Aerated concrete is able to absorb moisture. And you need to start work from the inside, and not outside.

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

IMPORTANT! On a smooth wall, the mixture is not well kept well, it creates additional difficulties for the wizard. It will take 2nd priming and processing using sandpaper.

  • Walls are poorly withstanding the load. Hang on the wall heavy items will only work using fasteners.

Trend or hopelessness?

Everyone decides how to answer this question. On the one hand, the material: cheap, environmentally friendly, convenient in construction and economical in operation . On the other hand, there are a number of significant minuses in the form: difficulties in decoration, low thermal inertia and other things. N. About most minuses can be excluded during construction.

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

We recommend to the construction of the house from this material, these are quite acquitted spending.

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?


Houses from aerated concrete look stylish, and their construction costs people significantly lower than the construction of housing from other materials in. If you are planning to build a house from this material, use advice and recommendations from the article and consider all the features of the material.

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Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

How much does the house stand to build ??? a house made of aerated concrete! (1 video)

Houses from aerated concrete (9 photos)

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

Houses from aerated concrete - trend or hopelessness?

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