How to sew a calorie from organza: tailoring technology


Detailed explanations, how to sew a calorie from organza, are required when choosing a curtain for darkened rooms. Organza receives fibers of polyester fibers, viscose, silk, material has rigidity, completely transparent. Decorate the canvas with perforation, laser cutting, photo printing, embroidery. Not obscure sunlight, the curtains give the natural illumination of the room silver color with a soft glitter, tint.

How to sew a calorie from organza: tailoring technology

Organza is a light, but at the same time a rigid fabric, which is complex in processing.

The transition of material producers from natural raw materials (silk, viscose) on synthetics (polyester fibers) made it possible to reduce the prices of organza. There is a new fiber processing technology, which allows to obtain a light-tight material. Thus, before you know how to sew curtains from organza, it is necessary to decide with the light-permeability of the canvas, shape, sizes of the curtain.

When using a tape tape, the upper edge is tightly adjacent to the cornese fasteners, the waves are obtained by tightening the threads inside it. If the reflectors system is used, the waves are automatically obtained. In the latter case, leaving a different distance between the chiefs, you can make waves of various sizes, which is useful when exclusive design of window, doorways, dietary beds over a large bed.

Properties, Organza Characteristics

How to sew a calorie from organza: tailoring technology

Pearl organza will be very harmonious and sophisticated, if saturated tones prevail in the bedroom.

You can even sew the calorie from the organza without a pattern, for example, when the model is selected, the window shutters is transferred to the material with a 10 cm incentrop of the perimeter. The bending sweeps on the typewriter, a wooden plank should be placed in the upper part. On the reverse side of the canvas, horizontal covers for metal slats, causing the curtains of the blinds. To increase the artistic value of the finished design, it is worth practicing in even the lines on a small piece of the same material that is used in the curtains.

Tailoring of products from this fabric allows the use of braid on adhesive composition instead of oblique bey. The curtain of organza is very difficult to iron - caution should be taken, control the heating temperature. Sewing from this material is usually a continuous process, since when disted, the seam edge is lost, the slightest contamination of the hands become the causes of the stains. Very difficult selection of threads that integrate with the selected material. To acquire them, you will have to visit a specialized store. The maximum effect of organza curtains is achieved when using them together with severe Roman curtains or massive porters.

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The lover in the upper part of the canvas completely solves the problem of uneven, unstable folds. The referee system is convenient for the following qualities:

  • Stylish plastic rings are added to the interior;
  • modern design;
  • smooth waves;
  • Easy light adjustment;
  • Careful fastening of lightweight fabric to eaves.

Manufacturers produce a wide range of special ribbons with rings that are sewn to curtains. When designing the product, the width of the opening is multiplied by half, the height of 5 cm exceeds the floor from the floor to the cornisic rod / tube. Depending on the type of curtains, experts recommend the following lower bending allowances:

  • Curtain lies on the floor - 3 cm allowance;
  • The canvas concerns the floor covering - the allowance increases to 20 cm;
  • The curtain comes to the windowsill - a 10 cm of the reserve on the bending.

With the even number of rings on the ribbon, the folds along the edges will be rotated to the wall. The length of the tape should be 10 cm shorter material curtains. This element is laid to the subdimate (two edges of the tape are collected, then a fitted twice as the upper edge). From the inside of the holes, the material is cut out, rings are inserted, which are subsequently put on the rod.

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