Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips


A balcony or loggia is unheated premises in the apartment. Consequently, they are a source of heat loss from an apartment or at home. Even a good glazed balcony misses a significant amount of heat.

To avoid this, the insulation of a balcony or loggia from the inside is performed. It should be noted that there are various approaches to the insulation of this type of room.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

The view and method of insulation of the balcony and the loggia depends on:

  • Target:
  • The balcony is not intended for storage, insulate in order to reduce heat loss from the room. In this case, work is carried out according to the scheme of similar with external heating. Those., Only one side is insulated, adjacent to the wall of the room;
  • Balcony is designed for storage. It is insulated around the perimeter of all surfaces. Since there should be no high temperature here, the requirements for thermal insulation materials are not highlighted;
  • Balcony, which is a continuation of the living room or performing the function of the office, library, a gym, and the like. In this case, remove heat loss through the windows and all surfaces. And as used materials, heat insulators with high density and significant thickness are used. Special attention is paid to the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material and the rules for its installation.
  • Budget for insulation. Determines the appearance of the insulation, and the insulation area, and the further finish. And also determines whether to entrust work to professionals or perform the insulation of the balcony with their own hands;
  • year of year. Low temperatures can withstand any kind of insulation. But solutions, adhesives and foam need to be used, taking into account the ambient temperature. As a rule, "winter varieties" is more expensive. Yes, and the duration of work in winter is more significant;
  • Increased insulation safety requirements. Many are afraid to be used as a insulation mineral wool or polystyrene foam, referring to the fire hazard (see photo) or pointing to the content of carcinogenic substances.

    Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Consider ways of insulation of the balcony using various insulation and give several important practical advice as making the loggia warming more efficient. We will proceed from what is needed to warm the balcony in all surfaces inside - walls, ceiling and floor.

Requirement to insulation:

  1. Low weight. So as not to lose a balcony, which is much lower than the loggia;
  2. Small volume. In order not to occupy the useful living area of ​​the balcony or loggia;
  3. low cost;
  4. safety. Fire and environmental;
  5. The ability to perform work with your own hands.

Insulation for balcony and loggia - types and properties

If you have not yet decided, the better to insulate the balcony or loggia from the inside, we suggest familiar with the popular thermal insulating materials. Each of them has the advantages and disadvantages that are in characteristics, cost and installation methods.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Polystyrene foam for insulation balcony and loggia

Polystyrene foam

Durable, tight material, which poorly supports burning. Resistant to moisture, has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Polyfoam for the insulation of balcony and loggia


Dense insulation. It has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, low weight, high strength and low cost.

Properties of foam

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Basalt and mineral wool for balcony and loggia insulation

Basalt and mineral wool

Soft insulation. Works at the expense of its structure. Fibers located in chaotic order contain air, which does not allow heat to penetrate the wool. Working with cotton need to create an additional framework.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Polyurethane foam for insulation balcony and loggia

Polyurethan (PPU)

Spray insulation. The material is good because it does not miss moisture, makes it possible to adjust the insulation thickness and allows you to get a coating without seams. And this, in turn, eliminates the appearance of cold bridges.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Penophol for balcony and loggia insulation


Multilayer material. The polystyrene substrate holds the heat, and the aluminum screen, which is similar to the heat mirror, allows you to reflect heat inside the house. It can be used by itself or in combination with other insulation.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Ceramizite for balcony and loggia insulation


Bulk insulation. It has a porous structure, due to which it retains heat well. Talking for insulation of the floor.

Using these materials for the insulation of the balcony and the loggia, you can additionally provide good sound insulation (subject to glazing by plastic windows).

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

The superdiffusion membrane for the insulation of the balcony and the loggium-bindane concomitant attribute with insulation from the inside by most of the names of the pair-and gibeer or superdiffusion membrane. She is designed to protect the insulation, especially soft from the wetting and appearance of condensate.

Material prepared for site

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands - step by step instructions

  • Liberation of the room. It is impossible to qualitatively perform work if you have to constantly move things from place to place.
  • Sealing gaps. We proceed from the fact that high-quality glass windows are installed on the windows. In any case, the slots between the balcony and the wall, in the place of the ceiling and floor adjustment, have a place to be. Here they need to be seen with the use of foam, sealants or solutions. The slots of significant sizes are close to foam slices.
  • Waterproofing balcony / loggia. It is necessary in order to do not fall into the water. And it can fall through micropores in concrete. To this end, you can use deep penetrating primer.
  • In the case of using watts, it is necessary to establish a waterproofing film. It is attached to the brass and fastened with scotch.
  • Installing insulation. Here you can select two methods:
  • Frame method. In this case, you must first set the frame from the wooden boards treated with an antiseptic or galvanized profiles. The boards are more popular because they are cheaper and make it possible to adjust the thickness of the frame. Most often used bar 50x50. In the resulting cells are filled with insulation.
  • Frameless method. More preferable, however, only suitable for hard insulation. This is due to the fact that the framework material during the frame method remains not closed with insulation. Those., Wood or metal serve as cold bridges and spend warmly warm. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, rigid insulation are mounted without the design of the frame.
  • Styling of foam, vapor barrier or superdiffusion membrane.
  • Floor insulation is performed.
  • The final stage is a decorative trim of a balcony with wooden clapboard or plasterboard.

Insulation balcony and loggia mineral wool

Watts are stacked so that it fits tightly to the frame elements, but not "trambet", i.e. No need to additionally seal it. From this structure of Minvati will change and part of the air will disappear. This will reduce the thermal insulation properties of the wool. In order for Vata reliably on the wall, and especially on the ceiling, it is necessary to additionally fix it with the use of wire or umbrellas (dowels with a wide hat).

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Mineral wool fixed wire on the ceiling

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Mineral wool fixed wire on the wall

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Mineral wool is fixed by "umbrellas"

Sometimes cotton boat at the framework, as shown in the figure. Then the frame elements are held by cotton. However, professionals do not recommend using this approach for cotton density (less than 50 kg / sq. Cuba), since the wool, held only in several places in time, will fall, opening part of the wall for the movement of cold air.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Balcony insulation - Mineral wool in the frame

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Balcony insulation - Mineral wool fixed by frame

Wat closes a wrap of vapor barrier. Then the counterclaim is stuffed. It allows you to protect your cotton from touching the finishing material and avoid the appearance of the dew point in this place.

In more detail, the stages of the installation of wool are presented in the diagram.

  1. Floor base
  2. Pole lagows
  3. Frame
  4. Basalt Wat.
  5. Parosolation film
  6. Controlling
  7. Finishing material

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Scheme of the insulation of balcony and loggia mineral wool

Hearth balcony with foam and expanded polystyrene

The hard insulation is also laid in the frame section and fix on the foam or special glue. The insulation is not fitted close to the frame, but with a gap of 5-10 mm. The gap is subsequently blown by foam, and the foam sheet is attached further by a plastic dowel - umbrella (fungus).

Fastening foam

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Fastening foam with balcony insulation

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Installing polyfoam for balcony insulation

Fastening polystyrene fastener

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Fastening polystyrene foam for balcony insulation

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Installing expanded polystyrene when insulation balcony

Foam installation by frameless way

Foam sheets are tightly pressed against each other, and the joints of the junctions are foam.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Foam installation by frameless way

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Fastening foamflast frameless way

Installation of polystyrene foam in a frameless way

Sheets of polystyrene foams are joined on the principle of "groove-crest".

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Installation of polystyrene foam in a frameless way

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Fastening polystyrene fiber frameless way

Hearth balcony and loggia Poeopoliurethane

A mansion in this group is a deposition method. Such thermal insulation material as polyurethane foam is applied to the wall by spraying. Relatively new material in the market quickly conquers its fans among a professional and lovers. Because it allows you to perform insulation without additional preparation of the base. In favor of PPU, there is a high speed of work - less than one day. Among the disadvantages - the high cost and the inability to perform the work independently without special equipment.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Preparation of the balcony to the insulation of PPU

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Spraying polyuretrene on the balcony

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Ceiling insulation polyurethane foam on the balcony

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Hearth balcony and loggia Poeopoliurethane

Insulation balcony by foam

Professionals are recommended to use foamphole balcony and loggia insulation. It is fixed with aluminum foil inside the room. Thus, the effect of three in one is achieved.

  • First, the reliable protection of the insulation from moisture;
  • Secondly, additional internal insulation;
  • Thirdly, the foil reflects 90% of heat back. What is very important for a balcony or loggia, which, according to the law, cannot have its own heating sources.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Insulation balcony by foam

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Compound of foam sheets - sealing seams Scotch tape

A feature of fastening of foam is the absence of overlap. The mount is carried out only to join, and the connection locations are sampled by scotch.

Floor insulation on balcony or loggia

How to warm the floor on the balcony:
  • Prepared the base of the floor. For this, the floor is equalized, bleak and treated with lubricating waterproofing.
  • Install the lags and between them are laid or covered with insulation.

Examples of using various floor insulation materials - in the photo:


Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on the balcony of foam

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on foam loggia

Polystyrene foam

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on foam loggia

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on the balcony expanded polystyrene


Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on the balcony of Minvata

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on Loggia Minvata


Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on loggia clay

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Floor insulation on the balcony by clay

Many make sure that the elements of the frame or pubs serve as cold bridges. But, their absence will lead to the load on the insulation and, as a result, to its deformation. And thermal insulation with a disturbed structure cannot effectively carry out obligations assigned to it.

The insulation is closed with vapor barrier film or foam.

If the balcony will be used as a residential premises, it is advisable to install the "Warm floor" system.

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Electric warm floor on the balcony

Insulation of balcony and loggia - materials, technologies and tips

Water warm floor on the balcony


In conclusion, we note that the process of insulation of a balcony or loggia is absolutely not complicated. The main thing to adhere to the sequence of work and do not save on the quality of thermal insulation material.

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