5 main differences in balcony and loggia


Balcony or loggia are available in almost every apartment, some lucky possess them and others at the same time. At the same time, the loggia is often called a balcony and vice versa. For the average man, these words are synonyms, but not really everything is so simple.

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

The main difference between the balcony from the loggia - in the location

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

Balcony or loggia are available in almost every apartment

Similarities and differences

The nonspecialist is rarely thinking over what the difference between the loggia and the balcony. It seems that both are the premises made beyond the apartment, and they are used in a similar way. The main difference in the location: the balcony was delivered beyond the facade of the house, and the loggia fit into it.

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

Non-specific rarely thinks over what the difference between the loggia and the balcony

Since both of these words are of Italian origin, it is worth contacting them. Balcony - from "Balcone" - a wide protrusion near the windows from the outside of the building. At first, these were just the protrusions on which the tenants rested and enjoyed the views, then they began to affect the safety fence. In this form, they reached our time. Loggia from Italian "Loggia" - gazebo. She has walls and ceiling, and only one of the sides remains open to a greater or lesser extent.

Both of these premises are considered unheard, but when selling or buying an apartment, when accuracy in the counting of its area is important, their area is multiplied by a different coefficient. This coefficient is called lowering and amounts to 0.5 loggias, and for balconies - 0.3.

Balcony: Types and methods of use

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

Balconies are different in location, configuration and square

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Balconies are different in location, configuration and square. In addition, any balcony can be open or closed. We are not talking about insulation, just installed frames with double-glazed windows, which overlap access winds, due to which heat loss from the room is reduced. The insulation of the rendered design to the state of the residential room for year-round use is inappropriate, since it originally does not have no walls or ceiling. In addition, heavy structures cannot be installed on the balcony, because its carrying ability is not so great. In this regard, experts advise not to arrange the dawns there from unnecessary things. No one weighs them, and you can miss the moment when the mass of the accumulated trash will become critical.

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

Any balcony can be open or closed

Balcony will be aware for indoor flower lovers: in summer it can be turned into a greenhouse. Some lovers of wildlife, not having cottages, are bred there mini gardens, planting compact varieties of vegetable crops and greens in pots. Especially inventive even cast there small poultry farms for small birds, for example, quail. Most often on the balcony, there is a lot of seasonal use, when they are not needed, lingerie will dry, and in the warm day, the tenants breathe with fresh air.

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

Balcony will be aware for indoor flower lovers

There are various types of balconies that differ in the attachment method:

  • On cantilever beams. So they built before, and now you can see such balconies on old houses. The beams go inside the design, and the floor is laid on top of them and fence is put.
  • On the console stove. The construction method is similar to the previous one, except that instead of the beams, the supporting construction is the console-pinched plate. This option is inherent in many brick buildings.
  • On external supports. It is attached on brackets or reinforced concrete columns, which allows it to have any size. This method of attachment has its own minuses: first, the balcony on the columns cannot be placed above 2 floors, secondly, the columns are independent of each other and with time they can settle down at different speeds, which is why the design is deformed.
  • Pottal. The balcony is attached to the finished facade of the house through the side supports. Support its facial racks, so under the balcony requires a free platform.
  • Hinged. Hung on special attachments on the facade of the building.

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Loggia: types and ways of use

The loggia can be open, in everyday life she is called "dryer", or insulated. A qualitatively insulated loggia residents of the apartments often turn into an extra room using it either only in the warm season, or using additional heaters year-round.

Such an additional separate space will be an excellent way out for those who need a workplace in an apartment, or a corner for a child. Here you can install additional radiators, if it allows the design of the heating system at home. In other cases, electrical heaters can use. It is important to know that the redevelopment of the apartment should be carried out only after receiving permission. Otherwise, not only the hosts may have a legal sense, the integrity of the whole house will be dangerous.

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

Loggia is an extra space in the apartment

This design has stationary walls and ceiling, in its characteristics it can carry a large load than a balcony, and is generally more durable. Therefore, the area of ​​the loggia is determined by the architectural thought and, in principle, anyone.

The configuration of the loggia can also be different. Typical forms received their "folk titles", for example, the designs in the houses of the P-44 series are the names of the boat, iron and boots. The boot has a complex polygonal shape, the iron is rectangular, and the boat is triangular. Boot has the smallest area - only 2.9 square meters.

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

The loggia configuration may be different

5 main differences of the loggia from the balcony

  1. Fastening method (built-in or attached)
  2. Terms of arrangement
  3. Number of open side
  4. Reliability
  5. Medium quadrature

5 main differences in balcony and loggia

And the balcony and the loggia can be made beautiful, warm and cozy.

Additionally, it can be noted that the loggias have a large variety of forms, the balconies in the form of a boot or a boat are practically not found.

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