How to paint the bathroom with your own hands: 5 secrets (40 photos)


Starting the repair of the bathroom, it is necessary to take into account the costs of materials that will go to all the necessary materials from the family budget. Many beautiful plates and panels offer manufacturers.

Only a cheaper decorative coating than the paint will not be able to find, whatever dear it is.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

The question arises how to paint the bathroom with your own hands to achieve maximum savings. Knowing how many masters service cost, it is better to decide to repair themselves. They say, newbies always get better.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

Purchase of the necessary materials and tools

On each material there are instructions, how to use it. This allows a person who has never been repaired to quickly navigate in the peculiarities of one or another paint, plaster, putty. For the bathroom, as relating to rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to choose materials with the mark "moisture-proof". In second place in the choice of paint will be its color, on the first - the features of the material.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

"Waterproof" - Seeing such a mark, this material is better to leave on the store shelf. It is more suitable for external work, and in the bathroom it will create a greenhouse effect - condensate will accumulate on the surface of the walls. Immediately it is possible to make a reservation that the type of finishing materials includes oil paints. Despite the builders still often use them to design the walls of the bathrooms in new buildings, it is better to choose latex, acrylic or water-emulsion.

The color of modern paints is brighter, and the shades are much larger. Bathroom design from it will win. Choosing oil paint in most cases is based on lower cost in front of latex and acrylic.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

There is no unambiguous answer to the question of which paint use in the bathroom, the main thing is that the coating is smooth and served for a long time. All materials have strengths and weaknesses. Thinking design with subsequent drawing, it is better to choose acrylic. Latex will suit more to get a thin bright coating. When repairing, we produce your own hands both types of paints are good.

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how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

How many paints take to repair the bathroom can be determined by the bank. Knowing the place of the room, and multiplying it to the height of staining, the result will turn out - how many meters need to paint. Comparing with the data on the package, it will be possible to decide, enough one container is enough or a few will be required. It remains only to choose the color of the paint.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

Features of waterproof paints

Acrylic waterproof is presented in a large assortment, which will create a completely original design using a clean saturated color. True, it is possible to work with this type of paint only on the perfectly aligned canvas of the walls. It is not very expensive, and if compared with ceramic tiles, so its price is generally ridiculous.

If the bathroom battery is replaced with a brilliant heated towel rail, then one problem disappears by itself.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

If there is still a metal battery in the bathroom, then you need to choose a contrast or coinciding on a shade with the one that is used for walls, otherwise the design may suffer. Acrylic paint paint batteries can not be like other metal surfaces.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

For the walls, this material is ideal, especially when creating a texture pattern or color transitions created by almost dry brush. It is possible as a background to use white wall color, which will be used when using decorative primer. And you can combine two contrasting or hauling shada of acrylic paint with the same labeling. The first layer is applied with a roller, creating a smooth surface, along the dried surface, with the help of a brush, on which the paints are very small, apply arbitrary strokes.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

When working with acrylic paint, you can give the will of fantasy. Textural tubercles can be obtained when applying material on the wall with a roller with a long soft pile. This is very easy to make with your own hands, you only need to control the paint to be on the roller in sufficient quantity, but did not flow when the roller with the wall is contacted. The consumption of the material will be large, but the result is worth it.

Acryl will dry quickly, which allows for one day not only to put the paint layer on the wall, but also decorate it with a screen pattern.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

Not everyone can make stencils, but with the help of a rubber roller, apply a drawing on the wall to everyone. Roller with a suitable pattern can be bought in the same department as the usual greasy.

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how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

Latex coatings

Latex paint perfectly creates a protective wall covering, preventing the formation of fungus, as well as any moisture resistant paint. Unlike its moistureproof, it has an advantage - she misses couples, which reduces the formation of drops. With a small difference in water and air temperatures, with a small formation of steam, the condensate does not at all form that the walls of the walls make it more rare due to the lack of heights of water.

With direct interaction with water, the latex coating does not lose its appearance and does not destroy. Small cracks in the wall will not be an obstacle to staining, without a preliminary plaque, thanks to thickness and paint crackers.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands


Water-emulsion paint - Beautiful moisture resistant material. Most often, on the shelves of stores, you can find a water-free water system, which has a purely white color or with a tint of ivory. To cover the walls in the bathroom, it can be used with the exception of those sites that are directly behind the sink, shower, bathroom. Foaming foam, toothpaste and other not dangerous detergents can harm colorful coating.

Soap divorces from the surface of the walls with abrasive agents, and can not be speeches. It is worth this paint cheaper than the rest, but the difficulty in leaving makes it use is not convenient.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

Bathroom Design Features

White ceiling is most suitable for painted walls. This is not a tribute to fashion or traditions, correctly selected hygroscopic materials allow you to reduce air humidity in the bathroom. Chalk perfectly absorbs excess moisture, preventing excessive formation of condensate.

The chalk ceiling coating is better than the water-emulsion. The larger the area covered with chalk, the smaller the water on the floor and the wall. This explains the tradition of painting the walls of the bathroom with paint only to half, and to beat the top of the walls.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

At this stage, the name "whitewash" is not entirely relevant, because how to paint the ceiling, each decides, choosing not only design, but the color gamut. Create tone or shade will help Klece. There is a kel of cheap, add to chalk and paint easily. It refers to the type of water-soluble, which significantly expands the range of its use.

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

Practically, they can be given the desired shade of any paint, the main thing is not to be mistaken in the amount of the koller on the tank of the coloring agent. If there is only white paint in the house, you can create the necessary color with your own hands, adding a kel into her. The design of the walls will only benefit from this, and add the kolator more or less - it will have to solve the home master.

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5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

5 secrets of self-painting of the bathroom (+40 photos)

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

how to paint the bathroom with your own hands

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