Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house


Among the many characters and talismans used in Feng Shui to attract love, wealth and success, birds occupy a special place. It is believed that it was they who can convey the request of a person to the sky, as they can fly. Also, birds are worshiped for tender votes, giving harmony, and feathers, thanks to which they can be considered remote relatives of the powerful dragon.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Fenix ​​on Feng Shui

Like the dragon, Phoenix is ​​a mythical bird, the image of which was born in folk tales and filled with strong meanings. A bright bird with a fiery plumage is the best symbol of fire element, living in the south. It is believed that any image of the Phoenix in the southern part of the apartment will attract the owner of the dwelling glory and success in the affairs associated with society.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Talismans for these purposes are made of natural stones of bright coloring (jasper, agate) or painted glass. It is believed that the talisman requires a lot of space for this, after all, the swollen wings of the Phoenix will suppress other talismans located nearby.

Favorite couple - Phoenix and dragon, reflecting the essence of the harmony of male and female began. In this case, this symbol is appropriate in the house where a young girl or woman lives, recently becoming a spouse. Any mascot depicting Dance Dragon and Phoenix will be considered ideal in order to fill the house with a healthy yin-yang relationship.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Sometimes Phoenix is ​​associated with a rooster, as it also has a bright oral color. Therefore, if a person born in the year of the rooster lives in the house, he can use his symbol of the Chinese horoscope instead of a traditional phoenix.

Eagle on Feng Shui

Traditionally, Feng Shui considers an eagle with a male start carrier, so any mascot will help him to find the owner to gain a strong patron and mentor. For a young girl, such a talisman will be a faithful assistant in finding the groom.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

For a family living in the house, an eagle, spreading wings, will be a symbol of protection. Place such a character is better closer to the front door. Eagle sitting with open wings above a handful of coins will help keep wealth existing in the house . Any image of an eagle embodied in a crystal will become an indispensable symbol of dorms and attentive attitude to life, will help to make the right choice when making important decisions.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Feng Shui crane

Traditionally, this symbol is considered one of the strongest in love, and is also used to protect the children living in the house. Love couple make up the branches of the flavored branches. Such a talisman will retain marital affection, will give tenderness, it will help to preserve loyalty in marriage. It is best to arrange such a symbol in the bedroom.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

In the sector of children, the mascot will be very necessary with a single caravrix standing on one leg. Such a talisman is considered to be protective for those families where small children live in the house. To strengthen this talisman, you can arrange a number of owl figurine, because this wise bird according to Feng Shui is responsible for the mind of a small family member and will help the craving.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Forty on Feng Shui

Forty worshiped in Feng Shui and Chinese mythology due to the similarity of the sound of the hieroglyph, describing this bird, and the hieroglyph "Happiness".

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

That is why a couple of forty sitting on the branches brings a double luck in any affairs. It is useful to use this symbol in the living room, in the central sector, which is responsible for the total harmony in the dwelling.

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Any mascot depicting the bird, especially soaring in the air, will bring harmony and ease to the house.

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Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

Symbols Feng Shui: Birds in the house

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