How to glue the ceiling plinth and plastic corner to wallpaper


At the final stage of repair, many prefer to protect the external corners of the room with decorative plastic corners. A variety of colors allows you to choose a suitable shade for any trellis, and today we will look at the main questions that are interested in all who fulfill finishing work with their own hands. Before you bleach corners yourself, I will tell you whether it is allowed to glue the wallpaper on the whitewash, it is possible to shove without the use of glue, how to glue on an OSB and how to fix the ceiling plinth.

How to glue the ceiling plinth and plastic corner to wallpaper

We glue plastic corners to wallpaper

Glue on osb

As a rather common material, OSB continues to conquer the construction market and as many other materials requires a special approach. Therefore, let's remember right away that it is impossible to glue the tarters on the OSB without preparation. Having moisture properties, the material will simply begin to swell after applying glue.

How to glue the ceiling plinth and plastic corner to wallpaper

Glue plastic corners with their own hands

Many are advised to apply paper for high-quality salary. In this case, after eliminating all the joints and irregularities on the OSB, the entire surface is pasted with paper. In the future, it is already placed by wallpaper. I'm used to using all familiar putty and with it to align the walls for further finish. The technique of applying the choler on the wall is no different from the usual process of pasting other surfaces, so even a beginner can cope here.

Pay special attention to the grinding of the OSB after putty. It is from this that will depend on how perfectly your trellis will be. It is more convenient to work with a grinding machine, but if there is no one, then use the grater on which the stacker is fixed.

All familiar whitewash

How to glue the ceiling plinth and plastic corner to wallpaper

Independently glue corners on the ceiling over wallpaper

When it is necessary to improve the old apartment, the question often arises, and how to glue the wallpaper on the old woman? I have repeatedly read that it is necessary to completely remove the old coating for high-quality performance. However, how to do if the hunt save time and strength?

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Here is the sequence of actions:

  • If we glue on the whitewash, choose only high-quality primers
  • When the first layer is applied to the whitewash, leave it to dry and only after applied the second
  • Water-repellent properties of primer can protect the surface from the appearance of mold fungi
  • Secure this process with a weak glue solution. Divide it with water in equal shares and apply it to the walls. After that, you can safely glue to whitewash
  • To stick to the plates on the whitewash, choose the glue taking into account the selection of the finishing material itself

Important! It is forbidden to glue the canvas on the blotch, which falls off slices. In this case, we clean all the walls from the coating and make a thorough preparation of the base.

Glue plastic profile and plinths on the ceiling

How to glue the ceiling plinth and plastic corner to wallpaper

Glue corners over wallpaper

Ceiling plinth plays not only a decorative role in the life of the room's interior. He also hides the shelves of wallpaper walls and the ceiling and over time hides their flaws.

Most often, the wizard glue the ceiling plinth directly to wallpaper and with glue. This is the easiest way that is performed when the wallpaper is already glued and bang on the wall.

The second option lies in the fact that the ceiling plinth must be glued before the wallpaper cannons are glued. After that, the sleeper is made, under the ceiling plinth. The selection of glue depends on your preferences, there are such options:

  1. Polymer-based
  2. Moment-installation glue
  3. Spike with plow

A huge amount of adhesive mixtures does not mean that you can use anyone and glue the ceiling plinth. It is better to choose those that advise manufacturers of material. And to trim the ceiling plinth at the right angle, use the stubble.

If after the repair is completed and the wallpaper needs protection, or rather not only with wallpaper, but also a protruding corner, then you can use a plastic corner. The choice of glue here also plays an important role, and therefore choose from such materials:

  • You can glue using liquid nails
  • Polyurethane
  • Silicone sealant
  • Liquid plastic

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How to glue a plastic corner on the wallpaper you select yourself, perhaps you have a suitable mixture from last repairs. But I will tell you the entire sequence of mounting the corner on the wall:

To begin with, the plastic corner needs to be chopped on the necessary stripes. The fact is that in construction stores they are sold by stripes around 3 meters. For cutting apply the stationery knife, hacksaw or scissors for metal.

To glue the plastic corner on the wall, apply a glue solution on it and press it to the surface. With the help of longitudinal movements, the mixture is distributed throughout the material. Suitable for use dry rag or roller. After gluing on the wallpaper, the plastic corner is fixed with the help of a tape, and after a day it can be carefully removed.

Important! Stuslo will help to cut the corners of the required length and below the desired angle. Thanks to him, the location of the cut will be neat and perfectly smooth.

How to glue the ceiling plinth and plastic corner to wallpaper

How to glue a plastic corner to wallpaper?

Today, for mounting the corners on the wall and wallpaper it is possible to use liquid nails. They quickly capture and possess excellent adhesion with the place of use. There are even mixtures that grab instantly - thanks to this, there is no need to apply tape for better fixation of the material. Use such nails where you need to stick plastic corner on the delicate surface of the wallpaper.

In principle, no difficulties with installation you will have, the main thing is to be extremely accurate, so as not to get ready to finish and use only high-quality adhesive solutions. If you wish, a newcomer can cope with such work, which has no experience in construction work.

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