French style in the interior - Classic and Country (40 photos)


France as an image is associated with romance and sophistication - such and French style in the interior of houses, as well as cafes. This is chic no complaints - all design elements are selected in harmony and without coupling, keeping space easy to perceive. Guests such an interior will talk about the owner of the house or apartment as a person with a romantic, balanced and possessing a subtle light. The main directions of the French style

When creating a French interior of the apartment, your own task is to embody the relaxed grace in its walls. This is a fascinating trip to the country, where you know in a comfortable organization of your space.

French style in the interior

Loving sophistication, strange items with history, the French are not at all seeking to bring everything to a sleek perfection. This is a very successful option for a cafe or, as is customary in France - Coffee Shops. As a direction, this style is quite multifaceted and sometimes implies several design options.

You can choose one of them:

  • Classic french style;
  • Provence or, as the French country called him;

French style in the interior

And that and the other have their own special chic to understand which one to choose, you need to explore each of the styles. Colors French style prefers slightly bleached.

French style in the interior

Classic french style

Note that this style is one of the most successful options for designing a kitchen, bedrooms and a small private house. As well as olive country, classic French style in the interior do not strive to look like with a needle. On the contrary, he naturally tells the story of the design of the room design - ancient chairs, a baboskino necklace on the stand, a fresh negligent bouquet in an elegant vase.

The colors of the French interior loves nonsense, on their background, the decor looks especially advantageous.

French style in the interior

Rules of creation

Although chic is traced in such design, it does not have to be expensive. The main thing is that all items are chosen in one spirit.

Fundamental style rules:

  • The color of the French classic interior: white, beige, pistachio, light blue and light pink and other pastel shades;
  • no contrast - smooth transitions;
  • all surfaces of furniture and finishing matte;
  • on the walls - matte paint, plaster, wallpaper with textile pattern;
  • Items of modeling or imitation in the decoration of walls and ceilings.

French style in the interior

If we talk about the walls, then the wallpaper with a small floral pattern and curls with a small concentration are suitable for the apartment. Sometimes the colors of walls and upholstered furniture are played in one drawing.

Article on the topic: Interior in Italian style: simplicity and bohemity (+36 photos)

Main stylistic elements:

  • painted in light tones furniture with traces of antiquity;
  • wrought-iron furniture parts;
  • a variety of coffee tables;
  • Wardrobes for dishes with glazing;
  • Textiles - curtains, furniture upholstery and accessories from low-neural natural fabrics;
  • Using French windows.

Special charm creates furniture of light tones using various methods of composition. It may be the effect of scuffs, jackets, irradiated paint and patina. Such furniture can be taken from the grandmother, bought ready or done with your own hands.

French style in the interior

French curtains in the interior create a special atmosphere. If previously such curtains such as monochrome natural fabrics and tulle were used exclusively in a cafe, now they are increasingly appearing in homes. This is unusually cozy - a thin romantic chic of France.

Accessories in the design of a French style:

  • Porcelain dishes and figurines;
  • Glass figures;
  • Small bouquets in miniature vases or baskets on tables and shelves;
  • old utensils;
  • lace napkins and tablecloths with lace elements;
  • Pictures, tapestries, embroidery and souvenirs.

In the creation of the style of A la France, do not do without handmade products. You may like to do decoupage - this technique will fit perfectly in the design.

French style in the interior


For the kitchen, a round table with bent legs or smooth and the same set of chairs is perfect. Countertop from marble and imitation, as well as furniture with partially open shelves. The best colors of walls for the kitchen are mint, pale pistachio in combination with white furniture.

French style in the interior


A bed with a wrought head and a canopy is an interesting idea for the French bedroom. Colors for this room are tender shades of pink and blue, as well as sand tones. A special chic can make long pastel color curtains made of natural fabrics - a very cozy bedroom solution.

French style in the interior

Living room

In the design of the living room will help forged tables and benches, in combination with textile survival chairs. Upholstered furniture should be interspersed with clarified forging and wooden carvings. The French living room is a bright room with large windows. Beautiful color game creates thin black elements (forging, windows, patterns on furniture) against the background of white space.

French style in the interior

Other rooms

In the bathroom of French design plumbing can be made luxuriously bathtub in Baroque style, gold mixers, sink on a table with bent legs. However, it can be played on minimalization of parts - this is a kind of puritan chic.

For an entrance hall, a wrought hanger and an oval mold mirror in an ancient frame is suitable.

French style in the interior

Excellent if an elegant console with bent legs be placed under the mirror - this is a classic hallway in the spirit of France. In such a hallway, guests are left all the gloomy thoughts fascinated by the romance of the apartment.

Article on the topic: How to arrange a kitchen in the style of Provence: Tips and recommendations

French style in the interior

French windows

The interior of the apartment and a French-style house cannot be imagined without the same windows. This is usually made on the floor to the ceiling window with a multitude of refill. Their use makes it possible to significantly expand the space by destroying the barrier between the room and the view from the window. It can also be about creating the windows of the portals that are both the door at the same time. Such an execution will be appropriate for the living room of a private house. The only nuance of such windows is their high cost.

French style in the interior

Provence - French Country

The French interior in the style of country or Provence is especially attractive as an idea for a country house. In something intersecting with classic, and in something distinctive, the style of Provence is from southern places. It is perfect for a cafe, where visitors will be postponed from the usual city in a measured Provence.

This is the style of comfort and comfort, which is alien to chic and gloss, he has his own special charm.

French style in the interior

Rules of creation

The interior in the style of the French country house of sunny regions create easy. Drawing inspiration from this style, you can transform one of the rooms in my personal France.

Basic rules of the French country:

  • The color of the French country: white, sand and cream, lavender and pistachio, terracotta and other muffled shades;
  • Application of "losing paint" reception on furniture, doors, walls and for window decor;
  • The abundance of ceramic tiles - on the floor and walls;
  • Brick masonry (or imitation), bright plaster with ancient effect;

French style in the interior

Provence rarely uses wallpaper, although it is possible to choose the design of the drawings that resemble brickwork, stone, wood or a kind of textile drawing to arrange an apartment. Perhaps, for someone, the coarse tree and brick in the decoration will seem inappropriate - it can not be used, but to bind all the walls with a monophonic plaster.

French style in the interior

Key elements of style:

  • Furniture simple forms with long legs;
  • Decor of walls of wood and fabric, fabric capes on the chairs;
  • The abundance of ancient accessories like glass vases with cracks and in a captive case, aluminum mugs, wooden pads and other things;
  • lavender, rosemary, reed in vases;
  • ceramic painted souvenirs;
  • beams on the ceiling, chandeliers with wooden parts;
  • For windows - simple curtains, wooden blinds, lace and tulle.

French style in the interior

Special charm and space for fantasy give French curtains. In the edge of Country style it can be simple linen options, with lace or tulle. The windows must be wooden, the old approach is perfect - shutters for windows. If you make a cafe, be sure to use this technique.

Olive Country crosses with Italian styles due to neighborhood.

French style in the interior

For an apartment, this style is not chosen as often as classic. So his design by default assumes a view of the garden from the windows of a kitchen or living room, overview from the hallway on the porch with clay vases on the steps.

Article on the topic: Design of bedrooms in the style of Provence: Tips for the choice of color gamut, furniture and decoration

French style in the interior


Perhaps, for the design of the living room and bedroom, such a style may be a bit unusual. However, for the kitchen and hallway it is suitable. Plaster, tile, aged furniture and an abundance of souvenirs - all this is quite familiar to the kitchen. Olive cuisines are places of accumulation of rare-type items: Durzlags, galvanized buckets, clay jugs and other elements of rural life.

French style in the interior


If there is a solution to the design of the bedroom in the style of Provence, then this is an abundance of natural colors, wood, textiles with non-lard drawings. Bedroom colors - beige, very light blue, pink and lavender, combined with wood trim. Among the interesting decisions of the bedroom furniture are a bed with carved hearts in the headboard, chairs and a chest of drawers with the same decor.

French style in the interior

Living room

For olive living room there is nothing better than fireplace and wicker furniture. Excellent, if in the design of the living room will be used separating partitions made of wood, coarse beams, a floor of wide boards (or similar laminate). Such an easy living room must be complemented by interesting paintings.

French style in the interior

Other rooms

For the hallway, Provence style is a real expathere, where it is not scary to introduce the most bold ideas. This is an outdoor tile, the original closet for clothes with the effect of chatels and cutting paints. Here it can accommodate a mirror in a wrought-iron frame, a picture in the frame of the dilapidated species, a high clay tank for umbrellas. What is pretty boldly for the bedroom, then it is quite acceptable for the hallway.

French style in the interior

Romance of France in your home

The French style in the interior is, first of all, romantic comfort and exquisite chic. For this reason, it is often elected for restaurants and cafes. Try this style to arrange an apartment, at home or even one of the rooms, such as a kitchen or hallway.

It is gratifying that the idea to fulfill the interior with French charm does not require full renewal of the room and furniture. Something you can repaint and formation, giving old subjects a new beginning.

French style in the interior

By the way, such unusual decor elements can often be seen in a cafe. Go to a beautifully designed cafe or restaurant in a similar style and "See" ideas for your home.

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

French style in the interior

French style in the interior

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

Two embodiments of the French style

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