How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: useful tips


Is it difficult to sew a set of curtains with your own hands? Yes and no. Sewing rectangular porter or curtains - the task is an uncomplicated: here is the most responsible - correctly measure the height from the eaves to the floor and decide on the width of the future products. It is much more difficult to sew lambrequins. Lambreken is the part of the kit that is located above the window or door opening. Soft lambrequins are usually decorated with folds, fakes and curly cuts, and to learn how to do it beautifully, it is important to master the secrets of the professional sewing curtains. So, we will open them for you.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: useful tips

Preparation for work

  • The first is the choice of the model of the curtain and correlating it with the shape and the proportions of the window.
  • The second is the creation of the pattern and transfer it to the paper in full size.
  • The third is the choice of fabric and the calculation of its consumption.
  • Fourth - preparation of instruments and materials for sewing and finishing: drapery braid, oblique beyk, fringe, thread, lining fabric, etc.

It is advisable to use the finished patterns for lambrequins, which can be found in magazines, freely available on the Internet or to order from specialists. If you want to build patterns with your own hands, it is better to start with simple models. After all, after the end of the sewing, it will not be possible to fix anything.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: useful tips

Determination of the flow rate

The most common detail of Lambrekenov is a Swag - a hanging semicircle with folds. She is the most difficult for sewing. In the Swag, there are 2 parts - a smooth middle and shoulders (folded parts).

To determine the consumption of matter, which will tailor the curtains, grouper paper patterns by colors and spread the suitable size on a piece of fabrics (for example, at sheet). Do not forget to leave points on the seams (1.5-3 cm). Proceed from the fact that the standard width of the curtain and curtains is 1.5, 2.8 or 3 m.


To lay beautiful folds on the lambreques, it is necessary to cut a match in obligations, that is, at an angle of 45-50to to the equity thread.

Measure the length of the material of the material that closes the patterns, and add another 20% for it. This will be the optimal consumption of the fabric for the tailoring of the curtains with their own hands.

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How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: useful tips

Cutting and processing of lambrequin details

Technology Crowing a symmetric wagon from the finished pattern involves the sequential execution of the following steps.

  1. We fold the tissue diagonally (shelter) so that the purr side is at the top.
  2. We impose a svag pattern from above, comparing the fold line.
  3. We supply the pattern by the tailor chalk or the knead, leaving the allowance for the seams about 2 cm.
  4. We note the place of formation of folds (usually listed on the pattern).
  5. Cut the part from the fabric and we enhance the cuts of oblique baking, fringe or ribbon.
  6. We make folds: connect the specified pattern points with your hands and temper the bends with pins from the same side.
  7. We repeat the operation until all the folds are laid.
  8. After that, the wague shoulders need to be sewn - secure a single or double line.

Asymmetrical swags are cut out and processed as well, except that the fabric when staging does not need to be folded in half.

Technology Crowing elements with vertical folds - Kokil (symmetric parts with folds converging to the center), de Zabo (lateral sides of the lambrequins, usually with a slant cut), bells (elements with a single fold of the conical shape) - meets the usual sewing rules: Direction of equity Thread - the length of the detail.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: useful tips

Combining details of Lambreken

After you handle the swarps and other elements with your own hands, they must be sewn together. It is more convenient to start from the middle. If only the switch is made up, stick to the side edge of the top of them to the bottom with the overlap of 15-20 cm. The wague overlay on Kokille usually reaches the middle of the latter. Later, the side details are attached - de Zabo. Swag, as a rule, covers de-jabo.


The maximum waging overlay should not exceed the width of their shoulder - the lambrequins, where it is not complied with this rule, ugly look.

Before sewing together the parts themselves, measure the length of the combined part of the lambrene and, if necessary, correct it. It is important that a small amount remains relative to the length of the eaves - approximately 3-5 cm, otherwise the product will be narrow. These extra centimeters "Eat" sewing the plank - another detail of the pattern of lambrequins, which is attached to the eaves.

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Connecting elements into one, sew bar. The length of the bar must be at least 5 cm more of the main part.

  • First of all, it is necessary to combine the middle of the plank and the main part of the future lambrequin, having completed them by the front parties to each other.
  • The following task is to sew these details with one straight line and rebound seam.
  • Next, sew the drapery tape - bend the raw seam up, apply the ribbon from the wrong side of the bar and sew. The side edges of the tape and the planks are pre-tied inward - in a clove with the main part of the product. The top edge of the plank remains yet free.
  • Hands are tailored to the top edge of the plank so that it turns the drapery braid, and irrigate the fold. Part of the bar, which enters the lower edge of the braid, cut.
  • Then you need to expand the bar under the bracket and sew their upper edges.


In order for the bar better to hold the shape, especially when it is from a transparent material before starting sewing, proof by fliseline.

On this, the sewing of the lambrequin is completed. The edges of the porter and the curtains are also processed by the same: free - oblique baking, decorative ribbon or fringe, the drapeting braid is sewn to the top. Next, you need to smooth or disappear the finished product - and you can hang on the window.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins do it yourself: useful tips


As you can see, sew the curtains with lambrequins are not so difficult. The technology of sewing different curtain models has a lot in common, so, having learned on simple, you will soon be able to sew curtains themselves on any sketches, as well as engage in their design and modeling.

Nothing decorates the house as elegant, never overlooking the curtains. And especially those who are stitched with their own hands. Also, self-sewing helps to save: it costs 20-30% cheaper purchases of finished products. And, of course, this is an opportunity to realize creative fantasies into reality. Dare, and everything will fail.

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