English style - key decoration techniques (48 photos)


As if hearing all the features of the true British, the English style is a combination of aristocratic refinement and elegant moderation. It can be attributed to the variety of classics based on national traditions.

Creating a similar interior can be a real adventure, during which you learn how strict columns, ancient chandeliers and a motley patchwork can be found.

English style

English style - familiarity with the British character

Speaking about the idea to equip the interior of an apartment or a house in English style, it is worth mentioning that his main feature is complete. It should have a luxury and sophisticated taste, unobtrusively talking about the high status of the host.

English style

All decor elements should be harmonized, withstanding design in detail - from furniture under ancient to patchwork flaps Patchwork. Cabinet requires more restrained finish, other rooms can be designed much brighter and bolder.

Interior design in English style can be described as follows:

  • Antique columns for decorating walls and openings;
  • The abundance of the elements from the noble tree: the born oak, the red tree and nut;
  • classic wallpaper with stripes, curls or small floral pattern;
  • Good furniture in the upholstery of fabric and leather (sofa Chesterfield);
  • Large library cabinets with old books;
  • beams as a ceiling decoration;
  • lambrequins, heavy curtains or English curtains with floral pattern;
  • oil paintings, abundance of figurines and family photos;
  • Floors with fringe, vintage chandeliers, pillows and plaids in Patchwork style.

English style

When entering the house, guests should get into the atmosphere of old England. Cabinet in the British manner immediately causes a sense of respect. This can be achieved by observing the design in all the rules, as stated in one famous movie "Torg here is inappropriate." If you are the owner of the country house, then this idea can be embodied also in architecture.

English style

The English style, made by the hand of a modern wizard, the better, the more old it looks like. There are techniques that gives all the space of the old nature: these are paintings, aged furniture, fringe, velvet, skins, patchwork (patchwork) and a lot more. It creates the atmosphere of comfort, transferring horsebacks in time, tubes with tobacco and family gatherings.

English style

How to equip a house in English style

Apartment or house, equipped in a British manner, a very attractive option is a real homeie. This style can be decorated and the office. To create a bedroom interior, a kitchen, a living room choose brighter paints, but the Cabinet in the original British style is usually darker. It is absolutely not necessary to start a capital alteration, simply make several key positions and your home is transformed. You can plunge into all these details and fold the perfect "British", but it is quite acceptable to use only individual motifs.

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English style


The fireplace is the central figure of the interior, inspired by the traditions of foggy albion. Having arranged a fireplace in your home, you will never lose, even if you change your mind, make up an English style. The fireplace is actively returning to many homes and even apartments, bringing with them comfort.

To decorate it, use a finish from natural or artificial stone, tiles and wood.

English style

All furniture should be directed to the fireplace - there are relevant braided rocking chairs, wool blankets in a cell or motley technique Patchwork, skins and bookcases. The living room with a fireplace will become a favorite place of the whole family, going to read the book for a cup of coffee, listen to crackling of firewood and just chat. There is nothing more traditionally English than such gatherings.

English style

Moreover, it can be a real acting fireplace or an electrical imitation for the decoration that even the owner of the apartment can afford.

The design of space over the fireplace is most often drawn up with the help of a huge picture or, in favor of modern technologies, plasma TV.

English style

Tree in decoration

Deep saturated wood colors are a classic room decoration, especially if you need to equip the office. This finish adds the entire composition of rigor, so it is not suitable for the bedroom. The juicy debris thickness, burgundy chocolate shades of the moraine oak spikes in the office, office and the same living room with a fireplace. Very spectacular wall panels and finishing ceiling beams, consoles, where the clear symmetry of rectangular milling is observed.

Doors must be fulfilled in the same style. Wooden panels are used to decorate walls. Cabinet, weathered in this spirit contributes to mental work.

English style

Design kitchens can be design easily wooden elements as perimeter decoration. If we talk about the interior of the bedroom, then instead of dark tones of the tree you can choose the exact opposite direction - white color. Iron rules for design no, English style needs to feel. Antique columns will be wonderful to decorate the bedroom door openings, which also uses the classic interior in England's manner. The style in white shades is perfectly complemented by wallpaper of pastel tones, blond floral curtains and furniture with fabric trim.

English style


Wallpaper in English style is one of the most spectacular and at the same time simple ways to decorate space. The choice of colors and patterns is very diverse and sometimes, oddly enough, not in British excessive.

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Wallpaper in the style of the English house:

  • Traditional uniform vertical strip;
  • The sophisticated floral pattern, sometimes even with fauna elements;
  • A classic repeating pattern in the form of curls of different quantities and branching.

English style

Colors can be both dark and light, depending on the place of their use. Pastel tones are recommended for bedrooms: soft blue, light ash, beige or light pink.

English style

Classic English Style uses not only floral drawings, but also birds, pictures with the image of people as decorating wallpaper. Colors can be selected from cream to black. Such a brave design, of course, is not for the bedroom, but for a large living room.

Classic Style Cabinet is strips with alternating brick-red and gold or blue wallpaper with a repeated pattern.

English style

Choosing spectacular wallpapers need to be understood that they should be diluted with strict elements, otherwise it will be a classic, and the stylistic "caitorium". It certainly will not harmonize colorful wallpapers with curls, the same motley curtains, huge vintage chandeliers and furniture upholstered by the fabric imitating technique Patchwork. But the restraint of the tree in combination with such wallpaper make up a magnificent design.

English style


As if wishing to get more sun, flowers and colors, the style of the foggy peninsula is not rich in the light, rich in color.

Textiles in the British interior is used in two directions:

  • English curtains;
  • Upholstery furniture and furniture accessories.

English style

If you want to perform an apartment or house design in a British manner, then English curtains are an ideal tool. Long, lying on the floor, with a floral pattern or a repeating pattern, they are conquered at first sight. Despite the variety of curtains in the English style offered in the stores, it is worth thinking well. If you focus on the wallpaper with a motley pattern, then the curtains are better to choose monophonic curtains in English style, and vice versa. In the office it is better to choose a little quiet tone.

In the convenient option for the bedroom and the living room can be lifting English curtains.

English style

Furniture finish can be both bright, motley and frightened and conservative. There are also all the same elements as in the wallpaper. The original drawing for the upholstery can be a cell in a variety of color solutions. One of the most bold options is the pillow and covered in the patchwork style.

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English style

By the way, patchwork - This is an invalid English art to sew an infinite set of bright flap, which appeared as a result of the deficit of Indian tissues. Some designers offer even the upholstery using the Patchwork Technique, however, consider it can quickly get bored.

English style


English style in the design of the interior of apartments and houses requires dear furniture. It can be a leather sofa Chesterfield, a tedious carved chairs and sofas, furniture both coupling and strict lines, a bed with a bent headboard for a bedroom. The main thing in the furniture for such an idea is not even design, but the quality of materials. Sometimes English style is even deliberate excessiveness in the number of furniture per square meter, but it is not at all necessary.

All you need to create English design is a classic furniture or more refined baroque

English style

Accessories and fittings

Let's start with the fact that the accessories described by us are played by one of the main roles. Be sure to have vintage candlesticks, chandeliers with imitation of candles, many small or outdoor figurines.

English style

Speaking about traditions, the England is a style that does not tolerate bright light, so you should choose gently luminous lamps and chandeliers. For the bedroom there are indispensable lamps and night lights with fringe, gentle chandeliers from crystal. Luminaires and chandeliers with forging will decorate both the kitchen and the living room. Globe, pen pen, cards on the walls perfectly fit into the British Cabinet.

In addition to all listed decor elements, you can pick up accessories:

  • exquisite cornices for decorating a bedroom and a living room;
  • Furniture fittings in classic style;
  • Door handles for bronze, etc.

English style

Despite the way, the English style has a classic rod, there are pretty bold combinations in it. In architecture, English style is much more strict, home interior design, or apartments, as if for contrast. When entering the building with a restrained exterior decoration, you immediately get into captivity of the colorful diversity of textiles, plaid into the cage and patchwork pillows.

Attention attracts figurines, vintage chandeliers and paintings.

English style

In addition to English classics, the style of the same success is used - Alpine Chalet. In some way, these styles intersect, but the Alpine Chalet requires huge panoramic windows.

English style

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

English style

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

English style

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

English style

English style

6 keys to the interior in English style (+48 photos)

English style

English style

English style

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