How to remove spots from the grenade


How to remove spots from the grenade

Pomegranate is a delicious, useful and unique fruit. Some love him, others - no, the third is indifferent. But all the negative emotions appear when clothing is spoiled by its juice. There is always a way out. It is necessary to get rid of stains. Make it enough just at home. The main thing is to get to delete immediately as soon as they saw it. There are many ways, you should only choose the most effective for this tissue, depending on the limitation of the contamination.

Development methods

Here is a list of funds that will help to return the initial state of spoiled fabric:
  • boiling water;
  • alcohol and citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • gasoline soap;
  • soda;
  • egg yolk.

Important tips:

  1. Fresh spot blot dry cloth, gauze tampon or well absorbing moisture material to remove excess.
  2. If possible, wet the napkin in clean water and gently apply it in directions from the edge to the center. Do not rub, otherwise you can disrupt the structure of the fabric or increase the dirty place.

    If the speech is not fresh, then it's still beyond the removal abundantly watery. Leave for 5-15 minutes, rinse lightly without using detergents, remove the extra moisture, starting to work.

  3. Try to check: what will happen with the material when applying a mixture to remove. Will he give shrinkage? Will the color lose? Try to apply in such a place where changes will be noticeable. If everything is fine - use the selected method for removing the dirt.
  4. Purified product erase only in warm water, hot water can make it difficult to remove.

How to remove spots from the grenade

Boiling water

The method is ideal for removing fresh juice from clothing from a material resistant to the exposure to the Strategic Temperature. As a rule, these are natural vegetable or mixed fibers with durable color. The damaged product is tensioned above the empty capacity (bucket, basin, large bowl) and watering boiling water. Very quickly, in a few minutes, you return the original appearance of your thing.

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Alcohol and lemon acid

Dissolve in heated to 45 degrees an ethyl alcohol with an acid in a ratio of 20: 2 (on 20 ml of alcohol - 2 g of acid), apply it to a napkin, getting blocked the contaminated area. For old long-time places, the procedure is repeated again. So do several times in a row until you cleanse it. Seeing the result - erase in warm water with the addition of detergent.


Thin natural fabrics, silk should be treated with a 9% acetic acid solution. A little wait. If necessary, apply some more funds received. Soak in a solution of any SMS and post manually.

How to remove spots from the grenade

Laundry soap

This soap will create an alkaline medium dissolving tanning and coloring substances. Do not forget to soak slightly in water, hold a few minutes to dissolve excessors, not absorbed into the fabric. Than they are less, the easier it is to bring the spot. Then apply soap, leave for an hour and a half. Fold the cleaned product. The method is suitable for all materials, but not always effective.

How to remove spots from the grenade

Ammonia or hydrogen peroxide

Many ways are suitable for removing contaminants from all types of tissues of a variety of color. The most visible flaws remain on unpainted tissues. How to wash tracks from a pomegranate on white clothes you can learn from the next simple way that does not require special tricks. Using it on non-ferrous or monophonic tissues, you risk getting peeled from juice, but a lighter place on the material. The discoloration of the dye may occur.

For bleached fibers, the method is almost perfect. In addition, the solar pomegranate juice is quite difficult to remove. But dissolved in hot water (about 50-60 degrees), a mixture of a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with the same variety of ammonia will help. Apply and wait a few minutes. If the miracle did not happen from the first time - repeat the procedure. Send thing to washing.

How to remove spots from the grenade

How to cook gasoline soap

To remove the solar spots from the pomegranate juice (also all sorts of nature: oil, asphalt, from wine and others), homemade soaps used to be widely used. There are several recipes, it is necessary to try the easiest and most effective. Half a piece of colorless toilet soap rolls on a grater, dissolves in 100 g of ethyl alcohol in a water bath. Capacity with a mixture is lowered into a water saucepan and stirred before dissolution. It is impossible to put on fire immediately, can ignite! In the cold solution, 250 g of aviation gasoline is added, as possible, a teaspoon of polyethylene glycol alkylarylic ester is added, a better known as the OP-7 means.

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Important! Prepared Prepare Store in dishes from dark glass with a tightly screwed lid, plastic containers from solvents are also suitable.

The tool must be applied to the place of pollution and wait 15-20 minutes. If necessary, repeat. This is a very strong remedy for cleaning problem pollution, usually one time. Next, you need to send the victim to the washing machine.

How to remove spots from the grenade


First, it is required to carefully remove the excess pomegranate juice, tightly applying the napkin to the stain. Sprinkle with soda abundantly and try to get into it again. It should be done so while the soda does not make up most of the pollution. The remains of soda can shake and wash the thing.

Such method helps well: a small spoonful of soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water, a solution is applied to a contaminated area, impregnating it with a napkin. Expect 10-15 minutes. Repeat the operation until complete cleaning. After that, washed in a warm soap solution.

Important! If the product can not be washed, then sprinkle the contaminated surface with soda, along with a 3% vinegar solution. Leave for several hours. Remove the residues of the mixture with a brush. Do not forget to check in an invisible place, how fabric behaves.

Egg yolk and glycerin

If you accidentally stained with a grenade, it can be fixed in the following way suitable for color things. Mix the egg yolk and a tablespoon of glycerol. Apply a product site for cleaning and leave for several hours. There will be a soft adsorption, the thing will be cleaned. Rinse in warm water and post.

How to remove spots from the grenade

Than to wash the stains from the grenade if the folk remedies did not help

In the overwhelming majority of cases, you will achieve a good result, especially if you act quickly, correctly define the type of fabric and the way of elimination. Sometimes you need to repeat the procedure several times.

Sometimes it is useful to use dishwashing detergents. It splits and fats, and protein compounds, and food dyes. The disadvantage is that it often contains substances that give the color of the fluid. This can lead to the appearance of a shade on the fabric.

If you tried everything that could, but no result, then in this case, refer to chemical stains for berries and juices. These include:

  • Vanish Oxi Action;
  • Frosch "Flecken";
  • Sodium hydrosulfit and others.

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Important! Carefully read the instructions. It should be specified that the tool removes wine, juice, berries from clothes. Note that what types of tissue are applied.

In any case, you should not be upset. You will definitely come up with how to save your favorite thing.

How to remove spots from the grenade


It's time to summarize. Faster all the time did not have time to dry the spots. Soased are outlined a little longer, it all depends on the statute of limitations, fabrics, choosing a suitable method. Get rid of pollution at home without damaging the material, possibly quite simple. Optionally, you can use synthetic bleachers.

Recommendation! Remove the stain right away as soon as it appears the opportunity for this. Use workflow, natural tools.

Vividly see how to wash the stains from the grenade, you can click on the link.

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