How to bring the oil stain from clothes


How to bring the oil stain from clothes

Fat stains that appeared on clothes for various reasons are removed hard enough. This article will offer methods that will help to cope with this problem. Useful information for yourself will be people who use modern methods, as well as those who are supporters of folk remedies.

What are oil spots?

Oil trails appear much easier and faster than derived from it. And it does not depend on their origin. Consider the most common cases of this phenomenon.

  1. Cooking food. It is not even here not to burn meat, pies or potatoes in deep fryer, when it is very easy to get dirty. Banal cooking sandwiches, refueling of salad or a simple layout of cakes on a plate can lead to the appearance of unwanted pollution on the beloved outcome of the wardrobe.
  2. Food consumption. Most often - these are snacks on the run. Any food from fast food (multi-layer sandwich, cheburek, fried patty, ice cream and so on) is potentially dangerous in this sense. But the seat at the table does not guarantee that a piece of food will not fall on the blouse, skirt or trousers, leaving behind the fatty bliss.
  3. Feasty and parties. Here the trace of fat may appear thanks to a neighbor who accidentally might drop on you, for example, a tomato from salad, abundantly refilled by vegetable oil or mayonnaise.
  4. Eating in public areas, When fat drops can be on chairs, tables, bar racks, and so on.
  5. Feeding kid. Here comments are superfluous.
  6. The appearance of pollution from machine oil - This is a special story. For this, it is not necessary to repair the car, sometimes enough just to drive into a taxi, bus or trolleybus.

Also, sparklers contribute to inaccurately blurred locks or door loops, accidentally inverted jars with creams or lotions, massages with oil use and so on.

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There are effective means that help cope with such damage to things and tested not by one generation of hostesses.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean it with a dry brush from dirt and dust and spread on a clean smooth surface, undermining a white cotton fabric under the processed zone or a napkin. Then it is necessary to test the remedy used on the spare piece of the tissue. If she did not polish and kept its integrity, then you can start working.

Processing the fat trail is necessary from the inside, ranging from the periphery and gradually moving towards the center. Then it will not break up, and capture the large area of ​​the product.

How to bring the oil stain from clothes

Vegetable oil

Below are popular methods:

  1. Shopping soap of brown color. You should thoroughly strain the processed area and leave the product for the night. In the morning you need to wash off soap and wash the thing.
  2. Liquid designed for washing dishes. Apply to the evaporation zone and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then mix a little and gently shake it with your fingers. Take an old toothbrush and circular movements from the edges to the center to begin to rub the foam before the contamination traces will disappear. Halong the cloth with hot water and wash separately from other things.
  3. Dental powder or baby powder. This method is good for woolen and knitted products. It is necessary to pour one of the proposed funds to the trail from the oil, cover it with paper that is capable of absorbing fat, and not try not too hot iron. Then you need to put a heavy item from above and leave for 7-8 hours, after which it shake the powder and wash the product in warm water.
  4. Ground chalk. You need to sprinkle a bold place with this powder, and after two or three hours carefully collect it, wipe this place with a damp cloth and wash the thing in warm water.
  5. Salt. This is probably the most popular and well-known method. With it, it is also possible to eliminate traces of blood, wine and food products. To do this, it is easy to richly sprinkle the evaporated place of salt and start rubbing it with your fingers until it is soaked with fat. Remove such a salt, pour a layer of new and repeat the procedure.
  6. Mustard. This method is applicable only for color things. The remedy should be poured with warm water and bring it to the consistency of the dough on pancakes. Apply a mixture on a dirty plot and leave for thirty minutes. Thoroughly wash the mustard and wash the thing.
  7. Blotting paper. It is a safe and effective means of solving the issue. You must first take two pieces of paper and cover the stain on both sides. Throw the iron, and when bold traces commend - throw them away and put new ones.
  8. Ammonia. Most often, this method is used for artificial fabrics. First you need to dissolve the means by making a 5% solution. To do this, take one teaspoon of alcohol (5 grams) and poured into 100 milliliters of water. Wetted in a solution cotton swab and carefully handle damaged areas. Then cover their cloth and stroke the warm iron. The thing is erased.
  9. Potato starch. This tool can be used for delicate tissues, as well as for upholstery of upholstered furniture. It is worth pouring into contamination of dry powder and leave for 10 minutes. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

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How to bring the oil stain from clothes

All of the above methods are suitable for oil divorces that have not had time to be soldered. Below are ways to get rid of such contaminants if they have been applied for a long time.

  1. SOLITY SOLIT. It is necessary to dilute the salts of the salt in the required amount of hot water, put there the evaporated thing and leave until the water is completely cooled. Then it will be necessary to wash the product in warm water.
  2. Solution of glycerin and ammonia alcohol. Mix in equal proportions water, ammonia alcohol and glycerin. Apply to the next, leave for 30-50 minutes and washed off with warm water. Wash the product with powder and dry.

Important! You can not dry the stuffed things after processing in the dryer, on a hot battery or with an iron. If the residues of fat are preserved on them, then after thermal processing it will be very difficult to remove.

How to bring the oil stain from clothes

Machine oil

Before performing cleaning, it is necessary to clearly decide on the choice of a suitable means. It depends on the type of fabric and the limitations of the pollution itself.

For delicate fabrics and fresh traces from petroleum products, the following means are suitable:

  1. Potato starch. It is necessary to dissolve powder in hot water and apply it on a blurred fabric. Leave for the time you need to completely absorb fat, and then carefully remove with a dry napkin.
  2. Sprays. This is quite expensive method, but with accurate observance of instructions - effective. Therefore, the decision on the feasibility of its application every hostess accepts independently.
  3. Shampoo for a car. It is worth divorcing it in a little more concentration than what is written in the instructions, and it is abundantly moistened to them the same way from oil. Leave to the full removal.

Before you wash the oil trails, which have been applied for a long time, should be treated with a means of washing dishes, as already described above. Stainstresses manufactured by industrial enterprises are well suited well.

Important! Previously, the problem could be solved with the help of magnesia and ethyl ether. Now the application of this method limits the law on precursors, that is, substances that are forbidden to use without much permission.

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How to bring the oil stain from clothes

What is categorically impossible to do?

Among the owners there is an opinion, it is possible to clean the things from the oil using gasoline, turpentine, kerosene and strong solvents. Despite their effectiveness, they should not be applied for several reasons.

Firstly, such a strong smell remains from the presented substances, it is more difficult to extract than to remove the stain itself.

Secondly, it is necessary to apply them in a well-ventilated room to avoid poisoning. And in the winter time of the year it is hard enough.

Thirdly, some solvents can spoil the fabric so much that it will be impossible to use this thing.

How to bring the oil stain from clothes


The video will clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of some described methods.

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