Repair of locks in metal doors in detail


We negone the faults of the castle devices that are often equipped with metal doors. The classification of door locks will be considered, the main reasons for their breakdown and presented the master class on the repair and replacement of locks and larvae.

Classification of locking devices: What designs are repaired, and what better replace

Any door, regardless of the material of manufacturing and hacking, may fail due to breakage of the locking device equipped in the door. So private dwelling ceases to be a fortress, and a safe place to find. Correct this kind of situation stands immediately. First, it is still worth ensuring that the violated functionality of the door design concerns exactly the breakdown of the locking device. So it may be necessary not to repair the lock, but another kind of range of services:

  • Adjustment or replacement of the door closer;
  • Boring the doorway response;
  • Small correction of the skew of the door cloth.

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

So, if, when identifying a true reason, the essence of the problem still lies in the lock, then it is worth understanding what kind of type the device is equipped with an entrance door and what to do about it. The type of locking structures is permissible to divide into the following types:

  • Cutting castle. Installed from the end side of the door box on the fastening bar.
  • The invoice is mounted on the web by overlaying it from the inside;
  • The contribution lock is mounted in the cloth exclusively by parsing the door, in a specially equipped pocket in the steel sheet.

Then it is worth dealing with what kind of lock is equipped in a particular case. Identify the device while outside the door is hard, therefore we take to study the key that does not turn out the door to the house:

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Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

  • Small and flat key with hole or perforated; all over the key are cloves (English); On the key there are magnets and holes; or mobile insertion and hole. It is so revealed that the lock key actually belongs to the cylinder castle (Eurostandard).
  • The key on a long leg, and at its end on both sides, two protrusions in the form of a butterfly or a spatula. Castle - Suwald.
  • A semicircular shape key belongs to a disk locking device.

Deciding with the type of locking device, you can move to direct operations regarding the study of breakage and troubleshooting the problem. It is worth noting that further will be talking about the repair of the cylindrical type lock, since the suvalde structures are not subject to any types of repairs in general. So, it is clear that before being taken for repair work, the type of lock device is initially determined and we draw conclusions as to whether the lock must be changed or allowed to repair it.

In most cases, modern castle structures with built-in several degrees of protective functions are practically not possible to repairs. Repair of the Castle of the Entrance Door, in this case, should be entrusted to professional craftsmen who are familiar with the novelties of products in the market of shut-off reinforcement.

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Castle devices with combined mechanisms are combined in its design of the housing two identical or different mechanisms for the opening secrecy. As an example, such two mechanisms can be combined in the case:

  • Cylinder and suvalid mechanisms;
  • Two cylinders;
  • Two suvalden;
  • Two pumps.

Of course, the discovery of such locks is made by two different keys. The mechanism of this kind of devices is complicated and a little comprehension for a person who does not have special knowledge of the castle devices, its repair is better to entrust the specialist. The main complexity of combined locks is that the dependent castle mechanisms block the second turnkey hole. A complex secrecy mechanism is quite difficult to open on its own, especially to replace your own hands. Often, they are advised to turn to professional locksmiths that are fully provided with services:

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Provided workThe average deadlineMiddle value
Change lock devices in the input door made of any materials1-2 hours$ 9.5-25.5
Replacing the larvae of the castle (secrets, cells, heartings, cylinder, inside)20-30 minutes$ 6.0-12.7
Repair locks, lubrication and prevention30-50 minutes$ 9.5-12.8
Repair of locking devices in metal doors: Superlock and Mul-T-Lock40-60 minutes$ 15.9-25.5

Causes of Castle Castle Castles inlet Metal Door

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Casting Castle on the inlet door design can occur for a number of reasons:

  • Non-accurate use;
  • Foreign bodies hit the keyhole;
  • Temporary wear of the lock design;
  • Poor-quality castle material;
  • The castle was the victim of hackers;
  • The structure gives shrinkage, which in turn throws the walls.

Indicators that the repair of locks in metal doors must be immediately reduced, reduced to the following:

  • The key to the keyhole does not fully enter either the "tongue" is hired;
  • The key cannot be done all turns;
  • The key in the device is scrolled;
  • Part of the key remained in the well - the key broke.

    Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

    1. If the house keys have lost either stole them, then the simple solution will replace the larch of the keyhole.
    2. If the apartment succumbed to the hands of hackers, then you can change the larvae to a new one, but it is better to establish a new locking system, since this option was unreliable.
    3. Of course, when moving to a new office space or an apartment, the repair of door locks should be carried out first. Changing constipation in metal doors will be able to ensure safety.

Repair of a cylindrical castle in a metal door independently: master class

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

The concept of repair of the castle has an extended value:

  • Replacement of the entire keyboard design to newer;
  • Booking locks;
  • Installing a vertical drive.

Often the repair of locks that were made in the past century are not subject to, since they are almost impossible to find new spare parts. The cylindrical design of the castle was invented in the past century, but when breakdown, you should not rush to the store for a new lock and throw out the old one. When a cylindrical device breaks, it is permissible to simply make the replacement of its larvae. This process is not complicated because the larvae is interchangeable regardless of the manufacturer.

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Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Repair the larvae is permissible to make with your own hands:

  • The end part of the device plate is removed;
  • The central screw is reversed, then the locking cylinder, which is removed by using the key. With the loss of such, it is worth using the help of drill;
  • With a larva, we go to the trading ranks, where the consultants will help to choose an identical spare part;
  • The acquired larva is inserted into the stationary lock using the key;
  • The inside of the central screw is recorded, and the end plate removed from above is superimposed. Under the lining, locking the handle, you can put a block for anti-vandal removal of fittings.

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Castles require care, as they are often humidifies, temperature drops. In order to prevent the locking of the castle, its design must be periodically lubricated by oils from dampness and rust. Sonax oil is perfectly suitable or other machinery. It is strictly prohibited for lubrication to use vegetable oil, due to the fact that it has a property to stick, which does not give harmoniously interacting the details of the castle among themselves. Lubrication is performed using a syringe, from where the oil is started in the larch.

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

Repair of locks in metal doors in detail

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Repair of locks in metal doors in detail


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