How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in the "highlight" of the interior?


In families with young children, you need to be prepared for any life situation - broken items, cut things, constant mess and of course painted wallpapers. You can certainly try to prevent it, but sometimes even under the closer control, the child has time to be found.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

Some families make a decision to postpone repairs until the child grows. In this case, the house will not be cozy. Another way to shove not expensive wallpaper to calmly replace them with new ones.

The same parents who want to live in a cozy home, with beautiful repairs, should be familiar with the main ways to correct drawings on wallpaper without plywood. Such "arts" can become a "highlight" of the interior, if they correctly teach them.


Molding is represented as a decorative overhead, used to underline a certain wall or fragment on it. Molding completes the image, makes it more neat and concise. It is suitable for the transformation of the interior and eliminating imperfections in it.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

If the child pursued the walls, the images can be taken into the edging as if the picture in the frame. In this case, the drawing will become an accent fragment in the room and fill its liveliness.

Note! Molding is perfectly combined with all the styles, the main thing is to correctly choose the material, shape and size of the edging.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

Depending on the image applied by the child, you will need to additionally edit the pattern.

Accent Wall

If the interior allows you to give the whole wall to sketching the child. This option is suitable for older children when they are already able to draw pictures clear to all. Fell pencils, markers or paints.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

Note! You can make a brighter picture with finger children's paints. The kid will study its capabilities and apply a layer behind the layer. Such an occupation will help take a child, and parents at this time will fulfill a certain home work.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

If you wish, decay all the walls, all family members can participate. It gets closer to households and will give an unforgettable feeling that long stay in memory.

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How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

In this case, we must try to explain to the child that you can draw on a highlighted area, otherwise the kid will turn the house to the exhibition premises of the young artist.

Complete stickers

Often, vinyl stickers use to decorate the interior. They are easily attached to the wall and are presented in a wide range. If the drawing is made in the form of a strip, it is drawn and complemented by relevant stickers.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

You can depict a tree trunk, painted with paint, handles or woven, and bright multicolored fruits or flowers are branched on its branches. Such decor will not be exactly not seen.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

Prints Ladoshek

In childhood, a person grows very quickly, so parents try to capture this process in every way to leave him forever in memory and show the child when he grows. Sometimes parents use clay to leave the palm castle or the feet of the child, but to do it regularly problematic, the size of the blinders is large and they occupy a lot of space. Exit from the situation - Apply traces of palms and stop on the wall, where there are already a "drawings" of the child . Palm dip in the paint and leave an imprint on the wall. The same is carried out with a foot. Of them form flowers with multicolored petals, birds.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

The lack of such a transformation - over time it will be necessary to produce and will have to remove old wallpaper with children's images.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

Do not despair if the child pursued the walls, you can always find a way to correct the situation. The main thing is that the child is committed to creativity. It is not necessary to scold him for such tricks, you just need to explain what it is impossible to do that, and if the picture is already there, it is already done to decorate it with any of the above methods.

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

Defects on the wallpaper. Eliminating! (1 video)

Children's drawings on the wallpaper (11 photos)

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

How to turn children's drawings on the wallpaper in

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