Interior of the hall 18 sq. M: Doors, ceiling, lighting (42 photos)


How to make a small room in the apartment? The interior of the 18 sq m hall depends on the stylistic and color preferences of the owner, the configuration of the room and how it is supposed to be used.

We offer several recommendations on the interior design hall that will help you understand how you want to see this central room in your apartment.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Proposed circumstances

18 sq.m - this is not the most spacious room of all possible, but a lot of enough to create an interesting interior. You can place upholstered furniture, bookshelves, chairs, if necessary, the desktop.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

The ideal form of the hall - Square, with two windows and one door. Extremely any interior solutions are appropriate. You can not particularly think about where to put a sofa so that it does not interfere with free to move around the room. The issue with the location of the TV is solved easily.

No matter what configuration apartment hall: square, elongated rectangular, g-shaped or with several doors. Experienced designers know - disadvantages of the planning of premises simply do not exist.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Any feature of the room location can be turned into a plus, inventing a very interesting and unusual design. In the "uncomfortable" living rooms, you can meet such original design ideas that the owners of the right shape rooms will envy.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Indisient advantages

Niche two per hour and a half can be turned into a cozy to read. Armchair, table, plus beautiful flooring - zone for relaxation is ready. You can place in a large niche ottoo or put flowers - if it is near the window: it turns out a little winter garden.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

The more familiar solution of the design of a variety of niches of different depths is the built-in wardrobes or open shelves. The latter can become an excellent bright accent in the room. Standing books on them with colored bindings, vases, decor items will turn the technological ideas of builders into part of the harmonious interior.

Article on the topic: Selection and combination of colors in the living room

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Doors, doors ...

Sometimes in the apartment hall of 18 sq. M. It comes out several doors at once - two, three and even four. It seems that almost the whole room consists of interstitial intervals. Also plus in the piggy bank of an interesting design!

Between the doors, it will be perfectly located well, for example, a narrow fireplace. You can hang the TV. Or arrange hinged shelves. Put a stylish shelf - so it will definitely be in the spotlight. Or decorate this place with a beautiful topamp. Ideas set: the main thing is to look at the situation at a new angle.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Colored glare

What color gamut preferred in the design of the hall with an area of ​​18 sq. M. It can be any: bright, dark, contrast or monophonic, rich in different shades.

There are several rules about which it is worth knowing, creating an interior:

  • If you want a space, the optimal option will be light tones; White, light beige, light gray visually expand the space; When there are many such shades in the room, it seems more and lighter; Even the curtains should choose the most bright or completely transparent - it will make the composition even easier;
  • Dark tones visually compress the room - your hall will seem smaller; However, if you use dark colors, it is thoughtfully and harmoniously combined with light tones, it will be a beautiful interior per 18 sq. M. - I am a solid, but not "heavy";
  • The abundance of bright shades of different colors "works" to reduce space; But if you like when there is a lot of color in the room and the abundance of different cute hearts of baubles, this option is also appreciated; It is only worth considering the choice of parts and items carefully, so as not to overdo it - not to turn the interior into a color cavikophony that annoys.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Combine shades

Modern apartments often have a hall where bright accents are present on the main background. Such a design looks harmonious: it does not tire with its monotony, but does not confuse the color "rainbow".

Different combinations of colors look pleasant: white or beige with salad, with blue, with pink, with light orange. More contrast combinations are red with white, beige with bright green, white with black, white with dark wenge is also appropriate.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

By 18 sq. M. There may be several colored "spots" of different shades. It is only important that they are combined not only with the main background, but also with each other. Then the interior of the apartment will look harmonious, and there will be nice to be.

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Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

View top

The ceiling of the main room at home can be any, for example, simple smooth white color. If there is a desire to play with forms, you can order a multi-level stretch ceiling. It can be built in the lamps. And if you make a ceiling with a mirroring (made of glossy film), then the room will seem much higher. Such a decide of design by 18 sq. M. It is worth using carefully. If the room is narrow, then the mirror film can turn it into a high "gorge".

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

The ceiling configuration of several levels should also be optimal - approach to the height of the room. Where it is small, the question of choosing a form is especially relevant. It is important not to make a ceiling of vigorously even lower than it is.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

May there be light

Lighting in a room with an area of ​​18 sq.m plays a big role. Luminaires can become "separators" of different zones. And also create a visual sensation of a large space if you arrange them at different levels.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Furniture question

Many furniture design living room at eighteen "squares" does not imply. It is enough to choose several maximum functional items.

Close space of many comedamics, chairs, large cabinets and walls today is not accepted.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Usually in the living room put one sofa, maximum two chairs and a coffee table. Still a couple of suspended narrow shelves. It's enough. A good solution is the mild corner. It is a sofa, and chairs at the same time, and space saves essentially. Simple shapes in the style of minimalism will help leave more free space. Transparent designs made of glass, for example, a coffee table or shelves - add spaces.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

When the shared room of the apartment is combined with the kitchen, the glass tables in these zones will become uniting elements. And add freedoms, air. To divide the space in this case it is possible using a stylish compact bar counter, which will distinguish the living room and the kitchen. But you can do without it. Another option is to lift the floor in the kitchen area, hang a bright lamp there.

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Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Window design

Heavy curtains with Vitivati ​​lambrequins in a typical apartment are rarely relevant. They look usually as something foreign.

Light curtains from translucent fabrics are quite harmonious fit into the interior.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

If you need to create an impenetrable veil of the veil, it is worth using dense smooth monophonic matter - they will help to visually increase the space and will not rush into the eyes, turning other details.

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Interior of the hall 18 m sq m

Creation of harmony in the hall of 18 sq. M: Design and arrangement

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