Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls


Teenage age is complicated by its uncertainty. Your child is no longer a child, but also to the adult is still far away. Wallpaper for a boy or girl teenager should display his interests and be environmentally friendly. With their help, a multifunction room is zoned and a mood is created. In a properly decorated, the teenager will be without constraught to invite friends, and not strive to go outside.

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Wallpaper for a teenage room

Wallpapers for multifunctional teenage room

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Interior and wallpaper in a teenager room

Children have grown. Before us, we had the question of the right decoration of the teenage room for our girls and boys. Since I am a builder, to select wallpaper entrusted to me.

Teenager spends a lot of time in his room. He rests in it and is engaged, meets with friends. He is no longer a kid, has his tastes and certain hobbies. Wall finishing with wallpaper must comply with a number of requirements.

  1. Materials should be environmentally friendly, not to highlight harmful substances.
  2. Wallpaper is better to stick cheap to change them soon.
  3. The theme of the walls of the walls should correspond to the passions of the teenager. It is advisable to use photo wallpapers and posters.
  4. With the help of a steller, it is convenient to smash the room on the functional zones.
  5. Colors should not be screaming and annoying. Shades in the room in the girl about the boy are different.
  6. The interior should be stylish. Retro and classic use in extreme cases when the teen is fond of this.

The main thing in the teenage room is to create a unique setting that will not get bored in a few months. Background wallpapers are desirable to select light tones, monophonic or striped. Decor serve posters and photos. On this background, they will look good, like vinyl stickers, including fashionable Littering now.

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Zoning room with wallpaper

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Wall mural in the room in a teenager

The teenage room is desirable to accumulate combined wallpaper. Near the desk, a zone of calm tones is created. Usually it is located next to the window. For boys, it is gray, blue. Girls will give preference to lilac and olive. Beige and dairy neutral, fit all.

Wall mural occupy a free wall, not closed cabinets or located above the bed. In these zones, striped trellis can be punished and decorated them with posters and photos. You can stick various letters and words of contrasting bright color. It is desirable that the elements of littering are not classic black.

The wallpaper pattern is selected according to the size and shape of the room. In a small preferably wide light stripes located horizontally. Bright red, green and blue is focused on a certain area and emphasizes style.

Wallpaper with a flower pattern and geometric ornament is suitable as an addition to the main topic. You can hang only small pictures and small photos in bright framework.

Thematic wallpaper for a boy

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Choose wallpapers for the interior of the teenage room

Teens are no longer kids, but almost adult people with their tastes and hobbies. This should reflect wallpaper. The pace room of the boy includes images:

  • favorite groups;
  • cars and motorcycles;
  • diving;
  • sea ​​travel;
  • Sports idols and moments of the game.

These can be photos and simply schematic drawings. Since testes in transition may change, the main elements reflecting the subject of the interior should be dismantled and replaced by new ones without much effort and costs.

Wallpaper in the boy's room is mostly monophonic, striped and with a geometric pattern. Additional decoration can be boxing gloves, stick, guitar on the wall.

The background should be soft, light. Very motley images, especially with the predominance of contrasting combinations of black, green, purple and red, quickly bored and adversely affect the nervous system.

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Girls are different romanticism

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Wallpaper for teenage room boy

Girls are different romanticism and dreametime. They want to see their musical idols and heroes of their favorite films and cartoons on the posters. They love flowers and colors close to pink and nature.

In the room in the girl predominate soft pure tones:

  • lilac;
  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • Fuchsia;
  • Rosa's rose.

On the wallpaper in the girl's room can be stripes. Preference is given to floral motifs and floral ornaments. Images on the walls reflect fantastic situations, sea, nature, flowers. Stickers with inscriptions and letters will decorate the wallpaper.

Girl room wall decor can perform crafts, paintings, embroidery. On the wall can hang ballet slippers and curly skates, old toy. When sticking wallpapers in the girl's room for them, it is necessary to provide a place and the corresponding background is monophonic or in a small drawing.

Wall mural solve many questions

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Stylish Wallpaper for Teenage Room Boy

We have already come across that our mature children quickly bored some hobbies and others came to replace them. They changed sports clubs, musical idols and attitudes towards movies. Therefore, it was necessary to solve the issue of fast and budget changes themes of the teenager's room.

Practice has shown that such a solution is photographic. Now you can order the manufacture of any picture on the specified wall size. Paper base and flieslinic decorative layer with a coated make it possible to easily stick the photo wallpaper and quickly remove them. The original and stylish view of the image appears on the wall.

Wall mural at the same time and decent posture replacement. Teens could not limit themselves with a pair of posters, especially boys. As a result, the room was created by the impression of a kavarda from the set of chaoticly located in accordance with the taste of a child, pictures.

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Advise with a teenager, making the choice of wallpaper

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Interior Design in Teenage Boy Room

The main thing for parents, to understand that their children are no longer small children and have their own opinion. Therefore, it is impossible to buy wallpaper, and make repairs without their participation. I have repeatedly had to redo the children's rooms in a few weeks. Parents believed that they knew better how to arrange the abode of the teenager. As a result, the child began to be nervous, shy to invite friends to his room. Then they called me and already with a boy or a girl chose wallpaper on the walls.

I downloaded at home computers and a friend's main wallpaper stores, workshops, manufacturing images and custom-made stickers. After that, we offered each of our children to choose the design for your room.

Why this or that one or another entrusted to me how the most experienced and able to explain it.

Stylish and functional wallpapers for teenage room Boy and Girls

Wallpaper in the room in teenage boys

We chose a duplex paper wallpaper. They are double, with a decorative layer and dense. At the same time, the air is well passed and easily flipped. A large selection of textures, shades and drawings allowed us to choose each of its own option. We did not take cleaning. After all, children are already big and draw on the walls will not.

Wall-paper ordered on open walls. They were a little covered with sports corners in children's rooms. But the charge they did next to the favorite image. The working area was decorated with shelves. Over the beds hung T-shirts of idols, sports equipment and other items belonging to the hobbies of a particular teenager.

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