Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?


Planning repairs, people often wonder why one tile is more expensive, and the other is cheaper. At first glance, they may seem similar, but if you analyze a number of factors affecting the price, you can understand why the cost is so much different. The price is affected by the following factors.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Figure and coating

The first sign, according to which a potential buyer chooses a tile - its drawing. On budget versions, the drawing is applied to conventional printing, so it is quickly erased and the tile loses its original appearance. . Especially this often happens with flooring.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Note! Today, tiles with imitation of wood uses popularity. It looks beautiful, luxurious and natural. In many ways, this is the merit of a special coloring method. The paint is applied randomly, which is quite expensive, and there is a lot of time. This entails raising the value of the material.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

A special protective layer of glaze is applied on top of the picture. Creating budget tiles, the manufacturer saves on the quality of the glaze and delivers it into one layer. More expensive models are created with the application of several layers. The glaze protects the tile from scratches, abrasion and appearance of chips.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Brand and design

By issuing the interior of the room, many prefer to use original finishing materials that differ from all. It can be a mosaic of small fragments, an unusual shape or drawing.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Important! Many world manufacturers annually produce a limited series of such goods, so it will be more expensive. Payment is mainly for the uniqueness and people are ready to pay for it. The manufacturer uses this and produces such lines.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Raw base

For the production of tiles use clay. Cheap models are made of red clay. It is difficult to paint into some colors, and the drawing can be distorted. Dear models are made of white clay. It can be painted in any color and apply the desired drawing. The price of it grows every year, since the material reserves are not replenished by nature and gradually they decrease. For the rarity and quality of the drawing, colors have to pay more.

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Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?


For the manufacture of colored tiles, special equipment and better materials should be purchased. Additionally, the cost of buying a damp substance. The whole manufacturing process is more complicated and needs closely controlling, with a clear implementation of all rules and norms. . Even the most harmless deviation from the norm can lead to a spoilement of the entire party of the tile. All this affects the value of the material.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

The form

The size and shape of the tile is directly affected by its cost. Large plates are harder than standard models. The slightest error and tile is deformed and will become not suitable for sale. It happens during the thermal burning of the tile in the furnaces.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

With small tiles, it is also difficult to work. They need special control.


In production, special furnaces are used, which are produced mainly in Italy. Their cost plus the cost of transportation and maintenance will fly into a penny. Therefore, all savings occurs due to materials and forms.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Manufacturing firm

In the market, the tile is presented in a wide range. These are well-known firms and little-known. Often the name of the company speaks of quality, therefore people wishing to purchase a durable and practical finishing material are stopped on more well-known manufacturers.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

The tile has always treated expensive materials, long service life and high practicality. If there is an opportunity, it is better to purchase a better material, although the budget is not inferior to the dear, if it takes care and regularly care for it.

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Dear and cheap tile (1 video)

Dear and cheap tiles in the interior (13 photos)

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

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Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

Cheap and expensive tile - what is the difference?

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