Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior


Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior
Often parents forget that their child's room is the center of His world to be done not only to the spacious and beautiful, but also very cozy so that in their room the child felt in complete safety. To greater extent, this concerns girls and precisely for this reason the group of designers decided to think about exactly how the room growing in which the girl grows, turning into a woman. As a result, they offered the design of a children's room for a girl who can become for your child to truly native and beloved.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

To begin with, it is necessary to take care that the design of the girl for the girl was performed in not very bright pastel colors. A child who will be in it should be resting from any unnecessary information to him. Mute, close to white or gray tones, having inappropriate color elements, are able to beneficially influence the child, soothing his consciousness, which in the conditions of the modern world is exposed to a large number of information that overwhelms the psyche.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to try to choose one-photo and brighter options, as in this case you will have the opportunity to add a variety of accessories to the room interior, among which can be mirrors, panels, pictures, photos within, and wall clocks having a coloring of some kind of children's subjects. In addition, the pictures of your child can be found on the walls of the room, which can be distinguished part of the wall or a completely whole angle.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

You need to try to make a TV and a computer in the girl's room. But the bed should take the most important place, and if it is big and double, it will be even better. It has long been noticed that boys who are adventurers and small robbers, in their room prefer to play on the floor, but girls, on the contrary, on the bed.

That is why the bed should become for the girl the place where it will chat with friends by phone, keep diary, read and play. Therefore, if the bed is big, the girl will like it very much.

Furniture for room

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

In addition to the bed, your daughter will necessarily need other furniture - various baffies, writing desk, bookshelves, chest of drawers, wardrobe.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

A little girl will need a small table where she will be able to engage in various developing games or play with dolls - give them lessons, arrange a variety of ideas and conduct tea drinking.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Girls need to start teaching order already in preschool age, so in the room the girls must be certain places where toys should be lying - it can be special baskets, shelves or a simple wardrobe. If you are creative suitable for the choice of furniture for the girl's room, you can make it very unusual, converting the interior to be unrecognizable. A wardrobe intended for toys can be painted in bright colors and give it an unusual winding shape. To give it more originality, you can decorate it with some decorative stickers that can be used in decorating furniture and in the design of the walls.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Also, in addition to the table, followed by the child to play and play, it is necessary to place in the room and a small mirror, to hang it best over the cosmetic children's table, as all girls from early childhood are interested in make-up and cosmetics. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy for the girl her personal dressing table, which will have a mirror.

How to decorate the room?

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

You can diversify the design of a children's room for a girl with your own hands, making the color elements that can contribute to the fact that the girl's room will have a festive and extraordinary look. For these purposes, you will need a fabric with some beautiful pattern that will need to drag the backs of chairs and chairs, rims of mirrors, cavity, if you hang it, plaphones lamps and even the back of the bed.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

You can also sew curtains from this fabric, pillowcases for decorative pads, bedspreads for a children's bed. All these details will help you make the interior of your child's room truly maiden and very elegant.

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Girlroom accessories

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Some of the last elements that can be used in the design of a children's room for a girl can become selected under the overall style of the room chairs, outdoor toys or even a carpet for your small princess.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

You can choose a style and coloring on your taste, but remember that if you manage to make such a room in which the girl will be fine and which she truly loves, then you do not have to change the design of her favorite room when she grows. After all, your matured daughter is unlikely to want to change something in his room, except that it will bring some details to it that will correspond to her age.

The age of the child is the most important design criterion

Choosing the style and design of the decoration of the children's room first of all, you need to pay attention to the age of babies. Then we will consider in detail examples of the design of the children's room for the child in the main age categories.

Design of a children's room for a girl 3 - 6 years

When designing a room design designed for a girl from 3 to 6 years old, you need to remember that the children grow very quickly and, if they make a room wrong, the interior can lose their relevance in a year. And if you do everything competent, you will need to make changes to the situation only three years later, when your daughter goes to school.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

At the age of three years, children are already beginning to show their personal qualities and character, and also have their own preferences. Therefore, when creating an interior, it is necessary to take into account all these nuances. Also, when creating the design of the children's room, you need to remember the feeling of measure. The interior of the children's room should not be dull and boring, but if you make it too bright, he can start annoying, and the girl in her room should be calm and comfortable.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

An example of a successful design of a children's room for a girl 3 - 6 years old may be such a room in which everything in moderation. In the design of the room used budget and fairly simple techniques, and as seen the interior turned out to be practical and harmonious.

To the color decoration of the room is very difficult to complain. The combination of violet, white and green colors does not look too bright, but at the same time the room looks cheerful.

Bright accents, so the necessary children's room, added with textiles and this is a very correct approach, as you change the pillow or covered much cheaper and easier than to cross the wallpaper in the room.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

The room has a small area, so only the most needed baby furniture is located in it - numerous lockers, shelves, drawers, bedside table and bed. You should not force the children's room with various furniture, it is better to leave the girl a large space for games. You can still install a small children's table in the room, designed for modeling and drawing.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

All furniture installed in the nursery is painted in white, as this color has a positive effect on the emotional state of the girl. In addition, thanks to white color, the room seems more spacious and wider.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

The bed is quite large, so for several years, parents do not have to think about the acquisition of a new one.

Decor elements will be able to perfectly complement any interior. In this case, it is the garland made from purple fabric to textile color, is a good addition.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

A favorite place for games will definitely be a game area located near the window. Parents need to take care only that the child can not open the window.

Children who are still in preschool age, love to spend a lot of time on the floor, so the floor in the room is warm, but parents must ensure that it is always clean. This can help a good washing vacuum cleaner. It is also necessary to explain to the girl that in her room she is the hostess and therefore it should follow the order.

This room for the girl has a simple and economical design. When your daughter becomes more adult and goes to school, you will not need to do overhaul in the room. It will be enough to equip the child a normal workplace, as well as change the decor elements on those that will correspond to its age. All others can not touch and leave in their places.

Another photo of a children's interior for a girl 3 - 6 years old:

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of children's room for the girl 7 - 10 years

When the girl marks seven years, a very responsible period begins in her life. The girl starts almost a new stage in life, as she goes to school, a circle of communication and interests begins to change. The girl still continues to believe in a fairy tale and loves to play a lot, but at the same time, it is gradually the zone of responsibility is being formed and a new schedule appears.

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Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

That is why parents at this stage of the child's life must provide their daughter a functional, cozy and comfortable room. At the same time, if earlier parents could do everything only to their taste, now the child is already able to formulate all its preferences, and parents must necessarily take into account them. But this issue has some general recommendations.

Color solution and room decoration

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Traditionally, the girl's room is most often drawn up in pink colors. According to psychologists, Pink is the most passive color that soothes and pacifies, but at the same time gives a carefree mood. In addition, pink is quite trivial, since when the conversation comes to a room for the princess, it is he who first comes to mind. To get rid of the template, you can stop your choice on other shades that are more neutral, but at the same time no less positive. The most preferred are bright pastel tones, among which can be distinguished by pearl, pale-lilac, light green and peach.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Do not make the walls too bright, it is better to try to get such an effect with the help of design details: curtains, pillows, paintings and panels.

Selection of furniture and division into zones

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

When planning a children's room for a girl 7 - 10 years old, it is necessary to thoroughly think through all zones, among which four main maintenance can be highlighted:

  • The sofa or bed belong to the sleep zone;
  • Book shelves and a written table are in the study area;
  • Basket for toys, racks and a wardrobe are located in the storage area;
  • An empty angle with a soft rug and pouf refers to the gaming area.

Special attention in the girl's room you need to pay the bed. It has long been noticed that the boys prefer to spend a lot of time on the floor, but girls love to do their affairs on the bed, where they read books, needle up or taking dolls. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, you need to install the baby bed more, at least half a half. For a feeling of security and comfort, which at this age is still very important, the bed can be decorated with a canopy.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

It is also necessary to competently pick up a good writing desk for the young schoolgirl. At the same time, security and sanitary hygiene should be adhered to. The standard height of the written table for the first grader is 75 cm, but you need to take into account the growth of your child, so that he does not have problems with posture in the future.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

The best option will be the table that is regulated by the height, since the children grow pretty quickly. The more standing stands and the boxes, the better, since the girls love the various written accessories and small baubles that they need to store somewhere. The chair also need to pick up suitable so that it is not too soft, but there was a convenient supporting back.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to storage systems, as girls have a rather large amount of clothing to which the school form will also be added. But in the presence of a limited space, you should not install a full cabinet from the floor to the ceiling, it is better to stop your choice on a small built-in wardrobe with hangers, where you can accommodate both school uniforms and casual clothes.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Also in this area you can install a pear, a soft poucher or a small table and chairs for games, if you make it a space. In this corner, the hostess of the room will receive guests, play with them in various games, and also engage in creativity.

The girl seven years has quite a lot of toys, so she will need a basket or a special box to be placed in the game area.

A large mirror is a mandatory attribute in the bedroom of the girl. It also needs to be remembered about the sports complex, since the girls at this age are pretty energetic and can be glad to climb on the Swedish forest or hang on the rings.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

If your fantasy is limited to a small room area, which is quite often found in modern apartments, then you can combine two zones - for example, a zone of study and sleep using a bed-attic, with a written table installed under it. No need to forget about wall shelves, superstructures and racks. In addition, you can save space using optimized storage systems to which retractable boxes located under the bed can be attributed.

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Design of a room for a girl of seven years

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

A very important point in the design of the room is lighting, since it depends on its competent location, not only how the space, but also the health of the child will be perceived. The workplace should be as high as possible, so it is better to place a desk as close as possible to the window, as well as install a bright table lamp on it.

But in the recreation area, on the contrary, it is better to make muffled lighting, but you can still hang brake over the bed, the light of which can be adjusted, as the children love to read before bedtime. The greatest comfort will create not one big chandelier, which will hang in the middle, and several lamps located on the ceiling around the perimeter of the room.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Parents must thoroughly think through the functionality, furnishings and lighting of the room, but if it is design, it is possible to use the individuality and design abilities of its hostess.

In the girl's room, you can place the following details:

  • photos in the framework that can be installed on the shelves or hang on the walls;
  • collages and children's drawings;
  • diplomas, rewards, postcards and children's crafts;
  • Various colored stickers.

What should not be in the bedroom?

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

It will not be superfluous to mention that there are some things that should not be in the girl's room. First of all it applies to TV and computer. At this age, children have no possibility of complete control and self-regulation, so they must somehow limit. A computer that may be needed for school tasks can be installed in the living room or in the bedroom from the parents.

Also, unwanted guests in the child's room are live flowers and poisonous plants that are poorly combined with the activity and mobility of the seven-year-old girl.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Carpets with a long pile, massive curtains and heavy dwellers also need to be excluded, as they collect dust and steal in the room. For the same reason, you should avoid soft toys in large quantities.

If you comply with all these recommendations, then you can easily create a truly cozy nest, where your daughter will be able to relax from rich events of a long day, and also to play and possibly hide from everything and gain new forces.

Children's room design for teenage girl 11-16 years

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Perhaps the most difficult task will perform the design of a children's room for a teenage girl 11-16 years old. Here you will need to fulfill all the whims of your princess, and requests at this age are no longer small and it is not surprising. After all, adolescent age is the period when girls are forgiven with carefree childhood and enter into adulthood, moral and physical maturation occur.

Girls are already less played by dolls. They are interested in books about the first love and glitter of glossy magazines. They pay more attention to their appearance, experimenting with hairstyles and fashionable clothing. Many girls in adolescence are engaged in needlework, such as sewing, embroidery, knitting, and so on. Some learn to play musical instruments such as piano, guitar. Many are engaged in dancing or other sports. Of course, every girl at this age follows the novelties of music and movies.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Based on the hobbies of a teenage girl and its home furnishings should be formed, and in particular the design of the children's room.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

The basic rules for the design of the children's room for a teenage girl 11-16 years old:

  1. All decisions on the arrangement of the Teenager's room must be taken together with the child.
  2. Do not use in the interior wallpaper and textiles with cats and peels, a large number of soft toys, tales books and other attributes of small girls.
  3. The design of the room must be performed in bright restrained strict colors and colors.
  4. In the room besides the bed must be present a large wardrobe, a dressing table, a mirror.
  5. For study, you need a table that it is desirable to locate near the window, a computer and a comfortable chair.
  6. If the place allows, then you can provide a zone to communicate with your girlfriends that you can install a small sofa or chair with a table.

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Design of a children's room for a girl. Photo interior

Teenager children's room design style can be different, it is a modern high-tech and simple and comfortable Provence. It all depends on your preference and wishes of the child.

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