Furniture do it yourself: Tube coup


Furniture do it yourself: Tube coup

A comfortable cabinet under TV can be made of thick plywood or chipboard.

The advantages of such furniture are indisputable: trimming sheets of the desired size and coloring can be bought in construction or furniture firms at a low price suitable for interior accessories are easy to purchase in the same place, and the dimensions and appearance of the couch can choose the need for necessity and taste.

Even with a rich choice of various furniture in stores, there is always the possibility that just such a stand, which I would like to see in my home, currently there is no sale. In this case, it remains only to take tools into skillful hands and independently make it from an array of wood or sheet material.

Preparation for work and necessary things

Before the beginning of the embodiment of the plan to life, you need to make a sketch and drawing of the future product. The sketch can be drawn arbitrarily focusing on your own needs and feeling of taste. But for the development of the drawing, you need to know the dimensions of the couch in the finished form to establish it in place without unnecessary problems.

For the manufacture of parts and assemblies, knowledge knowledge is also necessary: ​​so you can not buy an excess material or a whole sheet of chipboard, then breaking my head over where to give the remnants.

Furniture do it yourself: Tube coup

Sizes of simple tums under the TV.

But when the drawing is ready, you can proceed to the preparatory part of the work: buy materials and prepare tools:

  • Plywood, LDSP or boards with a thickness of 2-2.2 cm;
  • Head for LDSP or Thin Wooden Planks;
  • Furniture and glue;
  • Furnitures (loops, furniture roller, handles, guides, etc.);
  • electrolovik;
  • Drill, screwdriver;
  • roulette.

If some details should be repeated several times, it is easiest to make a template. Arriving it, you can get any number of completely identical elements of the design.

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Simple stand under TV with shelf

Scheme 1. Tube under TV.

How to make a tumb for a TV with your own hands from a laminated chipboard, clearly explains the shown in Fig. 1 scheme:

  1. Place and cut the 3 identical parts for the lid and shelves.

    Dimensions can be arbitrary, it depends on the magnitude of the TV and the existing place in the house.

  2. Rectangles for side walls (4 pcs.) Should be such a height to form a spacious shelves for DVDs between horizontal parts or other items.

    The total height of the product can be selected as desired, and the number of shelves is increased. Then it will be necessary to cut down for each additional shelf 1 part of the horizontal and 2 - vertical side racks.

  3. Cut the shelves and short sides of the sidewalls with furniture edge or veneer strips.
  4. At a distance of 2.5 cm from the side (straight) edge in the plane of the shelves drill the recesses under the furniture duct: 3 pcs. For each side.

    The middle shelf must have holes and at the top, and below - for mounting to the sidewalls above it and below the tier. In this case, you can make through holes and use long wooden inserts for fastening. On the upper shelf, drill the deaf recesses from the bottom so that the surface of the couch was smooth.

  5. Response recesses for the scan on the sidewalls should accurately match the holes on the shelves.

    You need to drill them in the long edges of rectangular parts. End of inserts (waders) lubricate with glue and insert into the holes, connecting vertical and horizontal parts.

After the glue is completely dry, to fasten the rollers on the lower side of the couch (4 pcs.). If the bedside table is made with your own tree (boards) or plywood, then all external edges are best rounded and polished.

Large cabinet drawers

Quickly and easily assemble a tumb for a TV with your own hands from laminated facades and chipboard (Fig. 2).

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Furniture do it yourself: Tube coup

Scheme 2. Tube under TV.

All items have a rectangular shape:

  • sidewalls box 50x50 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • bottom and countertop 160x50 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • Middle shelf 50x50 cm - 1 pc.;
  • Planks 50x10 cm - 5 pcs.

The assembly is made on self-tapping screws or confirm. Under fasteners drill holes in the bottom plane and two sidewalls. At a distance of 0.8 cm from the top edge of all sidewalls to make 2 holes for fastening each plank: at a distance of 1 cm and 8-9 cm from the vertical edge. In the middle of two sidewalls add 2 holes for fastening the central plank.

On the details of the bottom to secure vertical sidewalls by self-drawing. Screw the fastener from the bottom through the harvested holes into the edge of the side elements. Connect the vertical racks on the tops at the top, screwing up the screws through the holes of the sidewall in the ends.

By the same principle, set the middle shelf and the bar between 2 sidewalls inside the box. If you wish, you can additionally attach a thin sheet of plywood or fiberboard from the back side of the cabinet of the cabinet, forming the rear wall. On the bottom surface of the bottom parallel to the short sides, fasten 3-4 brushes of a small thickness so that the cabinet is slightly lifted above the floor.

Examine and delete details of the walls of drawers. When measuring measurements, it should be borne in mind that about 1 cm should be left between the boxes and sidewalls to install the guides. Under the middle shelf you can install a hinged cover or the same box.

The inner walls of the boxes cut from plywood with a thickness of 5 mm, the bottom of the box has a square shape with a side equal to the length and width of the drawer. Connecting parts to the screws.

At the front side of each box to attach a furniture facade with a pre-glued edge.

The size of the facades should allow easily moving the boxes, not touching each other. The size of the gap between them is 2-3 mm. Mounting to perform through the holes drilled in the wall of the box with short self-draws so that their tip did not reach the front side of the facade.

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Guides to strengthen in the center of the side of the box. Response parts to fasten to sidewalls at a distance of 15 cm and 38.5 cm from their upper edge. Install boxes and adjust their height if necessary.

For the table top you can choose LDSP for greater thickness than for sidewall parts. Such an element gives the structure of the thoroughness and looks very harmonious. Fastening of table tops - on the seeds installed in the edges of the vertical side racks. This allows you to preserve the surface of the table top.

Final action - attaching the handles to furniture facades. After that, the stand is ready for operation.

If all the dimensions were produced correctly, and the work is made carefully and neatly, then the TV cabinets do it with their own hands from the wood array or LDSP will not differ from the factory neither in quality or in appearance.

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